Running and Triathlon Coach

With the mindset of wellbeing, inside and outside. Health, nutrition and awareness are the pillars of this blog.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Miami 2011, YOUR CALL


The Truth is that Running to beat your personal best Hurts, PAIN. You start out trying to ignore him. Can't do it. You attempt to reason with him. No way. You try to strike a bargain. Hah. You plead. You say "Please stop, please go away. I promise never ever to do this again if you just leave me alone." But he won't. Pain only climbs off if you do. Then you're beaten. No one gets faster without meeting their personal pain barrier straight on. NO FEAR.

In each of us are places where we have never gone. Only by pressing the limits do you ever find them.

Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.

You only ever grow as a human being if you're outside your comfort zone, remember that with one mile to finish your tomorrow.


Wishing you a great race tomorrow,


Friday, January 28, 2011

Confirmed: USDA is in the business of death

USDA deregulates GE alfalfa; opens door to new era of widespread genetic pollution of crops

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor 

(NaturalNews) After months of pretending to review public feedback on the issue of GE alfalfa, the USDA has announced a surprise lifting of all restrictions on the genetically engineered crop, effectively allowing anyone to plant GE alfalfa anywhere, without any restriction. This is the USDA's surrender to Monsanto, and it signifies the beginning of a new era of widespread genetic pollution of North America's crops and ranch animals (which eat those crops).

Even though the USDA recently admitted in its 
Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) that GE alfalfa may pose a risk to both organic farmers and conventional farmers (, the agency suddenly and without scientific justification decided to remove all restrictions and allow Monsanto to regulate itself!

This is the work of USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, Monsanto lobbyists and certain members of Congress who have been influenced to write extremely dishonest letters to the USDA which characters GE restrictions as "unscientific." NaturalNews previously exposed the twisted logic and manipulative linguistic games used by biotech supporters in an article called,
"Unscientific" is secret code for anyone who opposes GMOs or pesticides (

The dishonest tactics used by the biotech industry have apparently been successful, and it is widely believed that this precedent will now be used to lift all regulation of other GE crops, unleashing what can only be called 
the era of genetic pollution across North America, courtesy of the USDA.

Confirmed: USDA is in the business of death

It was only a few days ago that NaturalNews shockingly revealed how the USDA is engaged in the deliberate murder of tens of millions of birds, cougars, beavers, foxes, ducksand other animals as part of its taxpayer-funded "Bye Bye Blackbird" program ( and (

Under these programs, the USDA uses 
chemical poisons to murder literally millions of birds each year, including an occasional endangered species animal by accident. This is all part of the USDA's insane program of death to protect the financial interests of conventional agriculture giants.

Today's USDA decision to unleash genetically engineered alfalfa on the nation seems entirely consistent with the agency's reliance on mass animal murder to achieve its goals of
reducing biodiversity and suppressing whatever forms of life it does not want to succeed. (I hope humans are not on the USDA's list of species to "manage," but after today's decision, I'm starting to think we might be...)

The USDA, as a rule, supports primarily 
corporate monoculture efforts such as genetically engineered crops, corn-fed cattle, and conventional crops being heavily sprayed with pesticides. With this decision on GE alfalfa, the USDA has squarely positioned itself as the enemy of organic food production, biodynamic farming methods and the use of heirloom seeds by farmers.

In fact, today's decision to unleash GE alfalfa on America now means 
the DNA pollution of non-GMO alfalfa is a certainty. Farmers trying to grow honest, non-GMO alfalfa, in other words, are about to suffer what can only be called an environmental catastrophe caused by GE alfalfa cross-contamination.

Alfalfa is fed to the cows used to produce meat

The chain of toxicity goes way beyond mere GE alfalfa, of course. Alfalfa is largely used to feed cows who tend to collect and concentrate toxins in their fat tissues, raising them to much higher concentrations than what was originally found in the plants.

Additionally, there is evidence (but not yet conclusive proof) to suggest that GE alfalfa may release pesticide chemicals into the bodies of cows during digestion. Cows eat a tremendous amount of alfalfa each day, further concentrating potential toxins that may be present in their feed. When those cows are then slaughtered and turned into hamburgers in fast food restaurants, they may theoretically be delivering extremely high concentrations of pesticide toxins that were originally found in their feed grasses (or corn, for that matter).

In other words, GE alfalfa may turn out to be a mechanism by which 
consumers are ultimately poisoned with herbicides because those herbicides were concentrated in the bodies of cows first.

Again, NaturalNews does not yet have conclusive proof that this is the case. But neither does the USDA have conclusive proof that GE alfalfa is safe, and this is precisely the point: Rather than relying on 
the Precautionary Principle, the USDA is haphazardly unleashing GE alfalfa into the wild and crossing their fingers (behind their backs, probably) in the hope that nothing will go wrong.

GE alfalfa is a grand genetic experiment with an unknown outcome. Importantly, this is an experiment which can never be put back in the box! Once you've unleashed GE alfalfa into the wild, you have engaged in an irreversible chain of events impacting the one of the most sacred things on our planet: The DNA of crop seeds.

If the USDA has miscalculated, and if we've been lied to by Monsanto (and gee, why would a corporation ever lie to us just to make a profit?), then we may, in time, find ourselves the victims of an unthinkable genetic pollution catastrophe combined with a possible 
food wipeout scenario that can all be traced back to genetic pollution caused by GMOs.

Again, I cannot say for certain that this outcome will occur, but neither can the USDA (nor Monsanto) say with any honesty that they know such an outcome won't happen. And given what's at stake -- the very future of sustainable life on our planet -- only a fool would choose to roll the dice and risk everything just for the sake of quarterly profits for a few more bucks on the corporate bottom line.

The USDA, it seems, is now doing to humans what it has been doing to the birds: Poisoning us all and hoping no one will notice.

But people are noticing... and this action has ignited 
a grassroots firestorm of protest across the internet (see below).

Here come the superweeds

We don't yet know whether GMOs will lead our world into a DNA catastrophe ending in global starvation and widespread death, but we do know something else that's similarly frightening: GE crops result in the creation of "superweeds" that are highly resistant to even today's strongest herbicides.

This is natural selection at work: When GE crops are sprayed with Roundup and other chemical pesticides -- and that's how GE crops are "managed" in the field -- they inevitably give rise to weeds that, through natural genetic variation, develop a genetic resistance to those herbicide chemicals. Those weeds survive and go to seed, reproducing and spreading their own "superweed DNA" across not just the GMO fields, but through conventional farming fields, too. This forces even conventional farmers (and organic farmers) to now deal with 
mutant superweeds that were created by GMO farming methods! (

This is a mirror image of the situation with MRSA and antibiotics in humans: When physicians overprescribe antibiotics (which is happening in virtually every hospital in the western world today), this practice gives rise to antibiotic-resistant bacteria -- so-called "superbugs." These superbugs are 
immune to antibiotics and become the real killers that are claiming the lives of innocent victims in hospitals across America right now.

In some hospitals, entire floors of patients become infected with these superbugs, and many simply die. According to a study published in the 
Archives of Internal Medicine, these superbugs kill 48,000 patients a year in America alone ( In case you're keeping track, that's roughly 16 times the number of Americans killed on 9/11, and it's happening every year!

This is one of the greatest epidemics of infectious disease in America today, and it's being caused entirely by the abusive practice of using chemicals to eliminate undesirable forms of life in the bodies of human patients. Now the USDA wants to adopt this same disastrously failed method on a much larger scale, allowing chemicals to be used in combination with GE alfalfa in a way that is 
absolutely guaranteed to create superweeds which are resistant to standard herbicides.

Do you see where this is heading? Fast forward 25 years and we may see our fertile croplands overrun by 
aggressive, invasive superweeds that are resistant to everything -- weeds which are "Monsanto's Mutants" because they are the causal offshoots of insanely poor foresight and atrociously huge risk-taking by USDA officials who blatantly betray the American people at every opportunity. In making this decision, the USDA has squarely positioned itself as an enemy of sustainable life on our planet. It has made a deal with the Devil, and the price may ultimately be borne by the innocent victims who perish under a future crop failure or superweed explosion that extremely diminishes crop production potential across America.

America's great Bread Basket, in other words, may soon become a Dead Basket.

Center for Food Safety to file lawsuit

The Center for Food Safety ( has announced its intention to immediately file a lawsuit challenging the USDA's lack of scientific integrity in lifting GE alfalfa regulations:

"We're disappointed with USDA's decision and we will be back in court representing the interest of farmers, preservation of the environment, and consumer choice" said Andrew Kimbrell, Executive Director for the Center for Food Safety. "USDA has become a rogue agency in its regulation of biotech crops and its decision to appease the few companies who seek to benefit from this technology comes despite increasing evidence that GE alfalfa will threaten the rights of farmers and consumers, as well as damage the environment."

Read the full announcement from the Center for Food Safety at:

Organic Consumers Association continues its fight against GMOs

The Organic Consumers Association (, led by grassroots organizer Ronnie Cummins, is also at the forefront of this fight with its Millions Against Monsantocampaign (

I strongly urge you to get involved in the OCA, join their email list, read their website and stay informed about this issue. Watch for some very important announcements from the OCA in the coming weeks.

Jeffrey Smith and the IRT

Of course, Jeffrey Smith and the Institute for Responsible Technology ( are working tirelessly to oppose GE crops and protect the interests of consumers. NaturalNews is a cooperative supporter of the IRT and their mission, and I personally urge you to help contribute financially to the IRT at your earliest opportunity, as they are working on what promises to be a breakthrough documentary exposing GMOs. This project requires additional funding (and you can bet the large corporations won't be funding this, huh?)

About today's decision by the USDA, Jeffrey Smith told NaturalNews:

"The USDA's approval of Roundup Ready alfalfa is a travesty. It will simultaneously harm the health of humans, animals, plants, and soil life, and threaten the livelihood and purity of organic agriculture. I understand our friends at the Center for Food Safety are going ahead with immediate legal action. And others of us are considering how else we might prevent this catastrophe from going ahead."

Alliance for Natural Health

Please also stay in touch with the Alliance for Natural Health (, which has launched an effort to halt the use of GMOs in school lunches.

They have launched a petition that I urge you to sign:

The ANH is a tremendously effective non-profit group fighting to protect the rights of natural health consumers. They deserve your support, and they're part of an ever-expanding
coalition of health freedom groups who are all working to protect consumers interests. The Natural Solutions Foundation (, similarly, was hugely effective in the fight to halt the S.510 Food Safety Bill. That fight was not successful, of course, but the massive public protests organized by groups like the NSF, ANH, NaturalNews and others was effective in forcing amendments to the Food Safety Bill, such as the Tester Amendment.

I'm not saying it was a victory or anything, but it could have been a whole lot worse. Grassroots action prevented it from being worse.

Urgent action needed to fight back against GMOs and genetic pollution

Please take action today in whatever way suits you best.

Join our Facebook group to get hourly updates (

SHARE our anti-GMO music video:

SUPPORT the OCA, the IRT, the CFS and other non-profit groups that are working their tails off (I know, because I know these people, and they work long hours like I do) to protect your interests.

Get involved now and we have a chance to beat back food tyranny, GMO pollution and the corporate takeover of the entire food supply. If we all stand back and do nothing, we will be enslaved by the corporations who will very, very quickly seize control over the world's seeds and crops, putting us all in the position of being mere sharecroppers who have to buy our food from the company store.

We are dangerously close to full-on food enslavement right now. Help us fight back and you help save our collective future. And don't mistakenly think that we can do all this for you while you sit back and just watch what happens. The OCA, the IRT, NaturalNews and other groups are powerless without your direct participation in this battle. Your financial support, your petition signings, your campaigning and everything else you can do makes all the difference. We are here to serve you, but we are nothing without your participation and grassroots action. We are a team, and we need your teamwork to be effective.

Help us put an end to GMOs and protect the future of life on our planet.

Read more:

Does Whole Foods support GE alfalfa?

The Organic Elite Surrender to Monsanto:

Goldman Sachs Got Billions From Taxpayers Thru AIG For Its OWN Account, Crisis Panel Finds; Contradicting SWORN Testimony From Execs

Goldman Got Billions From AIG For It's Own Account

Goldman Sachs collected $2.9 billion from the American International Group as payout on a speculative trade it placed for the benefit of its own account, receiving the bulk of those funds after AIG received an enormous taxpayer rescue, according to the final report of an investigative panel appointed by Congress.

"If these allegations are correct, it appears to have been a direct transfer of wealth from the Treasury to Goldman's shareholders," said Joshua Rosner, a bond analyst and managing director at independent research consultancy Graham Fisher & Co., after he was read the relevant section of the report. "The AIG counterparty bailout, which was spun as necessary to protect the public, seems to have protected the institution at the expense of the public."

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A message from Jack Lalanne

California Residents Hit With Government Ban On Paying By Cash

MUST SEE: Immunization Graphs: Natural Infectious Disease Declines; Immunization Effectiveness; and Immunization Dangers

Documents emerge proving Dr Andrew Wakefield innocent; British Medical Journal and Brian Deer caught misrepresenting the facts

Documents emerge proving Dr Andrew Wakefield innocent; BMJ and Brian Deer caught misrepresenting the facts

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor 

New documents have emerged that clear Dr Andrew Wakefield of the allegations of fraud recently made by the British Medical Journal and its reporter Brian Deer. This new evidence "completely negates the allegations that I committed scientific
fraud. Brian Deer and Dr. Godlee of the British Medical Journal (BMJ) knew or should
have known about the facts set out below before publishing their false allegations," says Dr Andrew Wakefield (see sources, below).

Newly-revealed documents show that on December 20th, 1996, a meeting of 
The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study Group based at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School featured a presentation by Professor Walker-Smith on seven of the children who would later become part of the group of patients Dr Wakefield wrote about in his 1998 The Lancet paper (which was later retracted by The Lancet).

Remember, Dr Wakefield has been accused of completely fabricating his findings about these same children in his 1998 paper, but these documents reveal that 
fourteen months before Dr Wakefield's paper was published, two other researchers -- Professor Walker-Smith and Dr Amar Dhillon -- independently documented the same problems in these children, including symptoms of autism.

Thus, Dr Wakefield could not have "fabricated" these findings as alleged by the British Medical Journal, which now finds itself in the position of needing to issue a retraction, or it must now expand its accusations of fraud to include Professor Walker-Smith and Dr Dhillon... essentially, the BMJ must now insist that a "conspiracy of fraud" existed among at least these three researchers, and possibly more, in order to back up its allegation that Dr Wakefield's study results were fabricated.

The smoking-gun evidence

Professor Walker-Smith's 1996 presentation at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School was entitled, "Entero-colitis and Disintegrative Disorder Following MMR - A Review of the First Seven Cases."

His presentation notes began with the following text: ""I wish today, to present some preliminary details concerning seven children, all boys, who appear to have entero-colitis and disintegrative disorder, probably autism, following MMR. I shall now briefly present
their case history [sic]."

He then went on to detail the clinical history of these seven children as derived from his medical team as well as senior pathologist Dr Amar Dhillon. Importantly, Dr Andrew Wakefield was not part of this investigation. This means that Dr Wakefield's findings were 
independently replicated by another medical research team.

The British Medical Journal's accusations against Dr Wakefield -- that he fabricated his findings -- are therefore false. The mainstream media accusation that Dr Wakefield's findings have "never been replicated" is also blatantly false.

Here are the notes on the seven children, as presented in 1996, 
14 months BEFORE Dr Wakefield published his landmark paper in The Lancet:

Child 1. Immediate reaction to MMR with fever at 1 [corrected, illegible]
Rapid deterioration in behaviour - autism
Histology active chronic inflammation in caecum
Treated Asacol

Child 2. MMR at 15 months - head banging 2 weeks later.
Hyperactive from 18 months.
Endoscopy - aphthoid ulcer at hepatic flexure
Caecum: lymphoid nodular hyperplasia with erythematous rim and pale swollen
Histology, Ileum mild inflammation, colon moderate inflammation
Acute and chronic inflammation.
Treated CT3211 [a dietary treatment]

Child 3. ? dysmorphism - chromosomes and normal development
MMR at 5 months [sic]
Measles at 2.5 years* - 1 month later change in behavior
Hyperactive with food
Colonoscopy - granular rectum, normal colon and lymphoid nodular
Histopathology: lymphoid nodular hyperplasia.
Increased eosinophils 5/5 mild increase in inflammatory cells (Dhillon)
Routine normal
[* correction: he received measles vaccine first at approximately 15 months of
age and MMR at 2.5. years]

Child 4 (2). Reacted to triple vaccine 4 months - screaming and near cot death
MMR at 15 months - behaviour changed after 1 week.
"measles rash" week before
Endoscopy - minor abnormalities of vascular pattern
Histology - non-specific proctocolitis**

Child 5 (3). MMR at 14 months.
Second day after, fever and rash, bangs head and behaviour abnormal
Endoscopy - Lymphoid nodular hyperplasia
Histopathology: Marked increase in IEL's [intraepithelial lymphocytes] in ileum
with chronic inflammatory cells in reactive follicles. Increase in inflammatory cells in colon and IELs increased.

Child 6 (7). MMR - 16 months - no obvious reaction
2 years behavioral change - 2.5 years
Screaming attacks - / food related
Endoscopy - Lymphoid nodular hyperplasia terminal ileum
Histology - Prominent lymphoid follicles
Dhillon: moderate to marked increase in IEL's, increase in chronic inflammatory
cells throughout the colon - superficial macrophages not quite granuloma
Child 78. MMR 14 months
16 months "growling voice"
18 months - behavioural changes - autism diagnosed at 3 years
Barium [follow through X ray] 5 cm tight stricture [proximal] to insertion of
terminal ileum
Endoscopy- prominent lymphoid follicle in ileum
Mild proctitis with granular mucosa
Ileum - reactive follicles
Colon - bifid forms, increased IEL's
Slight increase in inflammatory cells

(1) Inflammation that is not diagnostic of either Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis
(2) Child 6 in The Lancet paper. The chronological order was corrected for the final Lancet paper.
(3) Child 3 in The Lancet paper

BMJ caught in its own fraud

These documents reveal that the British Medical Journal has been caught in its own fraud for willfully ignoring this evidence, which was presented to it long before its recent publication of Brian Deer's article calling Dr Wakefield a fraud.

The BMJ willfully ignored this evidence and simply decided to destroy Dr Wakefield's professional reputation by any means necessary. As Dr Wakefield explains:

"In allowing itself to become the vehicle for Brian Deer's particular brand of journalism; in circumventing the process of due diligence in its enthusiasm to "kill the beast", the BMJ has taken a huge risk. As the document presented above shows, this was a mistake. Medicine, presented with the possibility of an iatrogenic catastrophe, has boarded a dissonant bandwagon and has gone after those who have concerns - genuine concerns - that childhood vaccines may be responsible, at least in part, for the autism epidemic. The relevant science has been grossly misrepresented, crushed beneath the wheels of a Public Relations 16-wheeler that is out of control. In the meantime a relentless tsunami of damaged children claims this land."

Brian Deer caught as a liar

It has also been revealed that journalist Brian Deer, the author of the BMJ article condemning Dr Wakefield as a fraud, is himself a liar. In attempting to gather evidence for his article in the BMJ, he lied about his identity and entered the home of one of the parents of the autism children. Specifically, he claimed he was working for The Sunday Times even though he was never a Sunday Times employee.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of the outright deception that has been used by the BMJ and Brian Deer in their attempt to silence a doctor whose only "crime" was publicly expressing concern about the safety of MMR vaccines.

That the BMJ and its writer Brian Deer have now been caught ignoring evidence and engaging in their own fraud gives credence to the idea that MMR vaccines may, indeed, not only be dangerous; but that 
they may be so dangerous that the top medical journals have to lie about the facts in order to protect them.

What's clear here is that the BMJ has strayed so far from the realm of evidence-based scientific thinking that it can no longer be called a reputable medical journal at all. Its 
callous disregard for the truth -- and its politically-motivated witch hunt against a researcher who only sought to protect the health of children -- exposes it as a danger to the scientific community and the world of conventional medicine.

As this truth unfolds, 
these revelations will rock the medical world and expose these science journals as the frauds they truly are. Think about this: While these medical journals are taking money from vaccine manufacturers (who pay their ads), they are ignoring any scientific evidence they don't like in order to vilify anyone who threatens the profits of these very same vaccine companies! And yet, these medical journals never admit that their very existence depends on the financial flow of money from these vaccine manufacturers who are strongly impacted by their editorial decisions!

There is fraud taking place in the vaccine industry today, of course, and the medical journals are the point men who push their distorted disinformation into the minds of doctors, journalists and anyone they can reach with their scientific distortions. At stake is the future of the vaccine industry, which is of course a multi-billion-dollar industry that thrives on misinformation and the ongoing 
scientific censorship of the facts surrounding the health risks posed by vaccines.

Read the book Callous Disregard

Dr Andrew Wakefield is the author of Callous Disregard, the book that exposes the truth behind conventional medicine's political witch hunt. The book is sold everywhere, including

Sources for this story include:

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor 

(NaturalNews) New documents have emerged that clear Dr Andrew Wakefield of the allegations of fraud recently made by the British Medical Journal and its reporter Brian Deer. This new evidence "completely negates the allegations that I committed scientific
fraud. Brian Deer and Dr. Godlee of the British Medical Journal (BMJ) knew or should
have known about the facts set out below before publishing their false allegations," says Dr Andrew Wakefield (see sources, below).

Newly-revealed documents show that on December 20th, 1996, a meeting of 
The Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study Group based at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School featured a presentation by Professor Walker-Smith on seven of the children who would later become part of the group of patients Dr Wakefield wrote about in his 1998 The Lancet paper (which was later retracted by The Lancet).

Remember, Dr Wakefield has been accused of completely fabricating his findings about these same children in his 1998 paper, but these documents reveal that 
fourteen months before Dr Wakefield's paper was published, two other researchers -- Professor Walker-Smith and Dr Amar Dhillon -- independently documented the same problems in these children, including symptoms of autism.

Thus, Dr Wakefield could not have "fabricated" these findings as alleged by the British Medical Journal, which now finds itself in the position of needing to issue a retraction, or it must now expand its accusations of fraud to include Professor Walker-Smith and Dr Dhillon... essentially, the BMJ must now insist that a "conspiracy of fraud" existed among at least these three researchers, and possibly more, in order to back up its allegation that Dr Wakefield's study results were fabricated.

The smoking-gun evidence

Professor Walker-Smith's 1996 presentation at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School was entitled, "Entero-colitis and Disintegrative Disorder Following MMR - A Review of the First Seven Cases."

His presentation notes began with the following text: ""I wish today, to present some preliminary details concerning seven children, all boys, who appear to have entero-colitis and disintegrative disorder, probably autism, following MMR. I shall now briefly present
their case history [sic]."

He then went on to detail the clinical history of these seven children as derived from his medical team as well as senior pathologist Dr Amar Dhillon. Importantly, Dr Andrew Wakefield was not part of this investigation. This means that Dr Wakefield's findings were 
independently replicated by another medical research team.

The British Medical Journal's accusations against Dr Wakefield -- that he fabricated his findings -- are therefore false. The mainstream media accusation that Dr Wakefield's findings have "never been replicated" is also blatantly false.

Here are the notes on the seven children, as presented in 1996, 
14 months BEFORE Dr Wakefield published his landmark paper in The Lancet:

Child 1. Immediate reaction to MMR with fever at 1 [corrected, illegible]
Rapid deterioration in behaviour - autism
Histology active chronic inflammation in caecum
Treated Asacol

Child 2. MMR at 15 months - head banging 2 weeks later.
Hyperactive from 18 months.
Endoscopy - aphthoid ulcer at hepatic flexure
Caecum: lymphoid nodular hyperplasia with erythematous rim and pale swollen
Histology, Ileum mild inflammation, colon moderate inflammation
Acute and chronic inflammation.
Treated CT3211 [a dietary treatment]

Child 3. ? dysmorphism - chromosomes and normal development
MMR at 5 months [sic]
Measles at 2.5 years* - 1 month later change in behavior
Hyperactive with food
Colonoscopy - granular rectum, normal colon and lymphoid nodular
Histopathology: lymphoid nodular hyperplasia.
Increased eosinophils 5/5 mild increase in inflammatory cells (Dhillon)
Routine normal
[* correction: he received measles vaccine first at approximately 15 months of
age and MMR at 2.5. years]

Child 4 (2). Reacted to triple vaccine 4 months - screaming and near cot death
MMR at 15 months - behaviour changed after 1 week.
"measles rash" week before
Endoscopy - minor abnormalities of vascular pattern
Histology - non-specific proctocolitis**

Child 5 (3). MMR at 14 months.
Second day after, fever and rash, bangs head and behaviour abnormal
Endoscopy - Lymphoid nodular hyperplasia
Histopathology: Marked increase in IEL's [intraepithelial lymphocytes] in ileum
with chronic inflammatory cells in reactive follicles. Increase in inflammatory cells in colon and IELs increased.

Child 6 (7). MMR - 16 months - no obvious reaction
2 years behavioral change - 2.5 years
Screaming attacks - / food related
Endoscopy - Lymphoid nodular hyperplasia terminal ileum
Histology - Prominent lymphoid follicles
Dhillon: moderate to marked increase in IEL's, increase in chronic inflammatory
cells throughout the colon - superficial macrophages not quite granuloma
Child 78. MMR 14 months
16 months "growling voice"
18 months - behavioural changes - autism diagnosed at 3 years
Barium [follow through X ray] 5 cm tight stricture [proximal] to insertion of
terminal ileum
Endoscopy- prominent lymphoid follicle in ileum
Mild proctitis with granular mucosa
Ileum - reactive follicles
Colon - bifid forms, increased IEL's
Slight increase in inflammatory cells

(1) Inflammation that is not diagnostic of either Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis
(2) Child 6 in The Lancet paper. The chronological order was corrected for the final Lancet paper.
(3) Child 3 in The Lancet paper

BMJ caught in its own fraud

These documents reveal that the British Medical Journal has been caught in its own fraud for willfully ignoring this evidence, which was presented to it long before its recent publication of Brian Deer's article calling Dr Wakefield a fraud.

The BMJ willfully ignored this evidence and simply decided to destroy Dr Wakefield's professional reputation by any means necessary. As Dr Wakefield explains:

"In allowing itself to become the vehicle for Brian Deer's particular brand of journalism; in circumventing the process of due diligence in its enthusiasm to "kill the beast", the BMJ has taken a huge risk. As the document presented above shows, this was a mistake. Medicine, presented with the possibility of an iatrogenic catastrophe, has boarded a dissonant bandwagon and has gone after those who have concerns - genuine concerns - that childhood vaccines may be responsible, at least in part, for the autism epidemic. The relevant science has been grossly misrepresented, crushed beneath the wheels of a Public Relations 16-wheeler that is out of control. In the meantime a relentless tsunami of damaged children claims this land."

Brian Deer caught as a liar

It has also been revealed that journalist Brian Deer, the author of the BMJ article condemning Dr Wakefield as a fraud, is himself a liar. In attempting to gather evidence for his article in the BMJ, he lied about his identity and entered the home of one of the parents of the autism children. Specifically, he claimed he was working for The Sunday Times even though he was never a Sunday Times employee.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of the outright deception that has been used by the BMJ and Brian Deer in their attempt to silence a doctor whose only "crime" was publicly expressing concern about the safety of MMR vaccines.

That the BMJ and its writer Brian Deer have now been caught ignoring evidence and engaging in their own fraud gives credence to the idea that MMR vaccines may, indeed, not only be dangerous; but that 
they may be so dangerous that the top medical journals have to lie about the facts in order to protect them.

What's clear here is that the BMJ has strayed so far from the realm of evidence-based scientific thinking that it can no longer be called a reputable medical journal at all. Its 
callous disregard for the truth -- and its politically-motivated witch hunt against a researcher who only sought to protect the health of children -- exposes it as a danger to the scientific community and the world of conventional medicine.

As this truth unfolds, 
these revelations will rock the medical world and expose these science journals as the frauds they truly are. Think about this: While these medical journals are taking money from vaccine manufacturers (who pay their ads), they are ignoring any scientific evidence they don't like in order to vilify anyone who threatens the profits of these very same vaccine companies! And yet, these medical journals never admit that their very existence depends on the financial flow of money from these vaccine manufacturers who are strongly impacted by their editorial decisions!

There is fraud taking place in the vaccine industry today, of course, and the medical journals are the point men who push their distorted disinformation into the minds of doctors, journalists and anyone they can reach with their scientific distortions. At stake is the future of the vaccine industry, which is of course a multi-billion-dollar industry that thrives on misinformation and the ongoing 
scientific censorship of the facts surrounding the health risks posed by vaccines.

Read the book Callous Disregard

Dr Andrew Wakefield is the author of Callous Disregard, the book that exposes the truth behind conventional medicine's political witch hunt. The book is sold everywhere, including

Sources for this story include:

Grocery prices skyrocket faster than official inflation

Grocery prices skyrocket faster than official inflation

by David Gutierrez, staff writer 

(NaturalNews) Grocery prices increased at more than 50 percent the rate of inflation in 2010, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Food prices increased an average of 1.7 percent between November 2009 and November 2010, in comparison with a general inflation rate of only 1.1 percent. The greatest price increases were seen among meat, poultry, fish and eggs, which went up in cost by 5.8 percent. The price of sugar and sweets increased 1.2 percent, the price of fats and oils increased 3 percent and the price of dairy-based 
products increased 3.8 percent.

The only commodities to go up in price more than 
food were medical care and transportation.

"I noticed just this month that my grocery bill for the same old stuff -- cereal, eggs, milk, orange juice, peanut butter, bread -- spiked $25," said Sue Perry, deputy editor of "ShopSmart" magazine. "It was a bit of sticker shock."

The rises in price were caused in part by climate-related crop failures in several major food exporting countries. In addition, rising demand for corn from the biofuels industry has pushed up 
prices for animal feed, leading to higher meat, dairy and egg costs. Finally, rising fuel prices have increased food production and transportation costs as well.

Prices are only likely to keep rising. The Department of Agriculture has forecast a further 3 percent rise in 
food prices in 2011, but openly admits that the estimate is conservative.

"The USDA always plays it safe," said Wells Fargo agricultural economist Michael Swanson. Swanson predicted price increases of 4 percent, the highest since the 5.5 percent increases that led to riots worldwide in 2008.

Major food producers including Kraft and General Mills have already announced plans to increase the prices of their products. Just how much of that increase will be passed along to consumers is uncertain, as retailers may try to force prices lower to keep shopper volume high.

"Food is a high-frequency driver," Swanson said. "So if stores like Walmart and Kmart want to get shoppers in the door, it's to their benefit to keep prices low."

Sources for this story include:

Medical research proven to be mostly flawed

Medical research proven to be mostly flawed

by Alexander Frantzis, citizen journalist 

(NaturalNews) Internationally recognized as the foremost expert in assessing the credibility of medical research, Dr. John Ioannidis made a most disturbing discovery. Up to 90 percent of published medical information directly relied on by doctors to determine treatment is misleading, exaggerated, or quite often flat out wrong. Even more unsettling, the medical community agrees with his assessment.

Starting his medical career at the beginning of the evidence based medicine movement, Ioannidis gravitated away from undertaking new 
research towards assessing the validity of previous research. Systemic inaccuracy emerged consistently at every level, and began to paint the picture that most studies were biased. Uniquely positioned as an expert statistician, Ioannidis carefully assembled a team, which spent a decade exploring the problem before publishing a landmark paper. It concluded:

natural levels of researcher bias, generally imperfect research techniques, and a common tendency to focus on novel rather than plausible theories, wrong findings will be the norm. At the same time the scientific journals are strongly biased towards publishing the most novel claims and lack effective safeguards for filtering out inaccurate studies. 

paper showed both theoretically and empirically that 80 percent of non-randomized studies (the most common type), 25 percent of the "gold-standard" randomized trials, and nearly 10 percent of the "platinum-standard" large randomized trials were incorrectly executed.

To highlight the inability to weed out bad research, they focused on the 49 most highly regarded and cited research papers published in the past 13 years. Of those, 41% had later been disproved when tested, while 24% hadn't even been retested. Upon further examination, 3 of these studies, which were later firmly disproved, they found 
scientists were more likely to cite the original inaccurate study, in one case for at least 12 years after it was discredited.

Economics appears to be an underlying cause of the research inaccuracies. A successful scientific career depends upon your research being funded and published. This intellectual
conflict of interest motivates scientists to pursue and produce results that will be funded. Scientific journals are naturally biased towards publishing new, exciting research; they rely upon a vetted peer review process that is frequently commandeered by scientists in pursuit of career advancement. Worst of all are drug studies, funded by pharmaceutical companies and commonly corrupted by a much stronger financial conflict of interest.

It thus should come as no surprise that many medications originally shown to be both safe and effective in numerous large randomized control trials were later found to be dangerous. Vioxx, Zelnorm, and Baycol all were taken off the market for safety concerns, while the anti-depressants Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil are now known to be no more effective than placebos.

Science, by definition, relies upon continual retesting of previous results by other scientists to protect against erroneous conclusions. Yet, this does not occur. In Ioannidis' own words, the 
"odds that anything useful will survive from any of these studies are poor."


Millions of Americans at risk from dental mercury, report says

Millions of Americans at risk from dental mercury, report says

by Aaron Turpen, citizen journalist
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(NaturalNews) A new risk assessment, prepared for the Parker-Hannifin Foundation by SNC-Lavalin Environment, warns that mercury from dental fillings (called amalgams or "silver" fillings) is exposing 67.2 million Americans to toxic levels exceeding EPA standards.1 The report was submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) as part of testimony for the hearings regarding amalgam fillings.2

The assessment shows that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (
EPA) rules for mercury exposure (called the Reference Exposure Level, or REL), established in 1995, are far exceeded by a huge population of Americans due to mercury fillings. Amalgam fillings are 50% mercury and are a danger to both dental care providers3 and their patients. They are also a danger, it has been shown, to patients with the fillings, even long after they've been installed in the mouth.4

The December hearings by the FDA (
December 14-15) considered the science related to mercury exposure health risks from dental amalgam fillings. Mercury-based dental fillings have already been banned in Norway and Sweden. The assessment from Parker-Hannifin states that mercury exposures from dental fillings are the primary means of non-occupational exposures in the public - more so than through seafood.

Currently, in the U.S., 181.1 million Americans of all ages carry 1.46 billion restored teeth. Using past data and available information on dental practice, the report concludes that the vast majority of these are mercury-based 
amalgams. Because exact data is unavailable, the assessment used four scenarios to calculate total risks.

The first scenario is for all restored tooth surfaces and assumed no materials other than 50% mercury amalgams were used. This acted as the base measurement for the other three scenarios. The second scenario took the totals from Scenario 1 and subtracted five surfaces as being non-amalgam. The third assumed only 50% of restorations were with amalgams, and the fourth assumed 30% of people from Scenario 1 had no amalgams and that five of each of the remaining people's tooth surfaces were non-amalgam and that 50% of the remaining restored tooth surfaces were amalgams. The scenarios thus create a worst-case to best-case series of assumptions.

The best-case option, Scenario 4, still shows 67.2 million Americans are over-exposed to mercury by EPA standards (REL of 0.3ug/m
3). This would also mean that 122.3 million Americans would exceed the California Environmental Protection Agency's standard (REL of 0.03ug/m3). The RELs for the U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and the Canadian Federal Department of Health fall in between the EPA and CEPA standards.

The breakdown of data from the Parker-Hannifin report shows that, again in Scenario 4, toddlers in the U.S. have 379,004 fillings, 45.2% of which exceed EPA standards for mercury exposure. Children and teens make up another 19 million (roughly) with about 30% of them exceeding exposure standards. Children are less likely to have cavities and more likely to have non-mercury fillings. In adults and seniors, the total number of mercury-based fillings are in about 103 million people with roughly 60% of them exceeding mercury 

After the hearings in December, 
the FDA has promised a final ruling on mercury fillings sometime in 2011.

1 - Amalgam Risk Assessments 2010, IAOMT website with links to both assessments by G. Mark Richarson, PhD, et al, SNC-Lavalin Environment.

2 - FDA to Review Safety of Mercury Fillings, The Weston Price Foundation, The Epoch Times (Sept. 28, 2010)

3 - Mercury: The Silent Epidemic is Killing American Dental ProfessionalsPart IPart IIPart III by Aaron Turpen, NaturalNews (Aug., 2010)

4 - Mercury Dental Fillings: What the FDA and the ADA are not Telling You by Aaron Turpen, Natural News (June 16, 2010)

Special thanks to Dr. Richardson for forwarding his assessments to the author.