Running and Triathlon Coach

With the mindset of wellbeing, inside and outside. Health, nutrition and awareness are the pillars of this blog.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

WAKE UP CALL-Why Are Prescriptions Up 70 % in the UK?

Why Are Prescriptions Up 70 Percent in the UK?

Posted By Dr. Mercola | July 29 2011 | 119 views
In Britain, more prescription drugs than ever are being given out; the number being dispensed has increased almost 70 percent over the past ten years.

According to figures from the NHS Information Centre, the highest number of drugs dispensed last year was for heart conditions, followed by painkillers and anti-cholesterol drugs such as statins.  Diabetes drugs, however, may be accounting for the greatest part of the expense.  In four years, the UK has seen type 2 diabetes, which is caused by obesity and lack of exercise, increase 75 percent.

The Daily Mail reports:

"More than 7 million in Britain currently rely on statins, a 350 per cent increase on the 2 million users a mere four years ago. It means one in three over-45s take the cholesterol-lowering drugs.  Antidepressants are also on the rise, despite efforts to prescribe talking therapies rather than drugs."


New Ways Drug Companies are Manipulating Your Doctor

New Ways Drug Companies are Manipulating Your Doctor

Posted By Dr. Mercola | July 29 2011 | 158 views

Free smartphone apps from Epocrates are used by nearly half of the U.S. doctors to look up information on drug dosing, interactions and insurance coverage.  But calling them "free" may be a bit misleading --  to use the apps, doctors must first see marketing messages for prescription drugs.

The apps select messages based on a doctor's search and prescription histories. And the company has further plans -- they are discussing the possibility is a virtual sales rep that would help drug makers get access to physicians who normally refuse such meetings.

The New York Times reports:

"The marketing messages are difficult to ignore. For example, a psychiatrist in Massachusetts who recently opened Epocrates ... had to click past 'DocAlert' messages on hypertension, bipolar disorder, and migraines. Two of the three showed they had been paid for by pharmaceutical companies promoting their products."


Why is the Price of Gold Exploding While Your Paycheck is Crashing?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Powerful Beyond Measure Pump UP the VOLUME and MAKE YOUR MOVE

A new record for Miami-Dade unemployment set and broken on same day

Good Read: The U.S. debt ceiling fiasco and the total abandonment of leadership in Washington

Playing chicken with the nation: The U.S. debt ceiling fiasco and the total abandonment of leadership in Washington

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor 

For the last few decades, it all seemed so simple for the USA: We'll spend other people's money, and when we run out, we'll just borrow from yet more people. It worked for a while... until all those "other people" (foreign central banks) got sick of buying U.S. debt. So lately, Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner and other arsonists at the Federal Reserve have simply been counterfeiting new money instead: A whopping $16 trillion of it in just the last couple of years.

How much money is $16 trillion? Here's a great visualization of a similar mount ($15 trillion) that really drives the point home:

Now, every time the U.S. government needs more money to prevent itself from going into a total financial collapse, it turns to the Federal Reserve which simply 
print more money and hands it over to the government in exchange for IOUs (debt), meaning that the Fed creates money for FREE, and then the taxpayers owe it the same amount of money it just created. Huh? Yeah, it's like that.

But that's not even the real theft issue here. By printing all this money and injecting it into the circulating money supply, 
the Fed devalues all the current dollars in circulation while eroding the value of the dollar-denominated paycheck you're receiving, too. So all the money you worked for and saved is being stolen by the Fed through dollar devaluation coupled with the fact that you the taxpayer now OWE the Fed trillions more! (A double theft scam. They steal your money twice!)

Why Washington loves to steal your money

In Washington, our so-called "leaders" are not even negotiating a way to end this system. They love the fiat currency / Federal Reserve / counterfeit money machine system! It's what keeps all politicians popular: Simply print more money, then spend it on their favorite pork projects while claiming to be bringing "jobs" to their local states and districts. Every corrupt government needs an unlimited stream of money (created out of nothing) in order to stay in power through perpetual spending. This is why corrupt governments always -- ALWAYS -- abandon the gold standard (which limits the creation of new money).

That's why Boehner, Reid, Obama and others aren't even talking about the commonsense idea of, "Hey, how do we STOP being financially burdened by this whole system?"

The answer, of course, is actually quite simple. Ron Paul already suggested it when he said, "We simply write off all the debt to the Fed." Cancel those IOUs and let the Fed eat the loss for a change. The Fed created all that money out of nothing anyway... why should we "pay it back?" Doesn't even make sense.

Better yet, as Ron Paul has suggested, what we really need to do is 
end the Fed and put control of the money supply back into the hands of Congress as it was before 1913 (the year the Fed was created, which started a century of looting of the U.S. economy by global banksters).

The Federal Reserve, you see, is 
a criminal gang of international money thieves who are now engineering a total economic collapse of the USA. This has been their plan from the very start, of course. Read "The Creature From Jeckyll Island" by Ed Griffin ( to learn some rather shocking details about the origins of the Fed and why it always intended to suck the money out of this nation.

Or watch this amazing animation film, 
The American Dream at:

The parasites who are destroying our financial future

Globalist bankers are parasites on society, and if you give them control over your money supply, they will always find a way to loot your economy and drain the value of your currency. They've done it dozens of times throughout world history, and now their plot to destroy America's currency is nearly complete.

As Ron Paul has accurately stated, 
we are already in default. The only question now is HOW we're going to experience the total financial blowout of the nation. There are essentially two options:

Option #1) Stop sending government checks. The government goes into total default and simply collapses because it stops paying all government salaries, too. This option is not likely because option #2 is so much more devious and satisfying for control freak bureaucrats.

Option #2) Keep sending out all the checks, but devalue them by printing more money under the table. This option will keep the government in business for a while longer, thereby protecting the cushy jobs of all the corrupt bureaucrats running the system. The ultimate effect of this option, however, is unavoidable: Total hyperinflation of the currency.

We are almost certainly going to be dealing with option #2.
The crooks in Washington will find a way to keep raising the debt ceiling, keep printing more money, and keep eroding the savings and benefits of all the taxpayers while they oversee 
the greatest financial collapse in the history of human civilization.

What will happen when the collapse comes?

This outcome is now all but certain. It is only a matter of timing: For how long can they keep printing fiat currency? For how long can they keep eroding the value of the dollar without the people rioting in anger? To extend this time and try to keep things under control, the U.S. government will put troops on the streets, increase the police state surveillance, and do everything in its power to try to stop riots from breaking out.

As I stated on the Alex Jones Show last night (
www.PrisonPlanet.TV), if the American people fully realized what was really happening with the Federal Reserve and the money supply, they would be rioting right now! It is only ignorance of the truth that keeps the nation's wage slaves working away in their dimly-lit offices, oblivious to the reality of what is unfolding around them (and how they're being royally ripped off).

From an historical perspective, by the way, we are watching 
the financial collapse of a great empire. It is happening before our very eyes, in slow motion. We are learning, yet again, what happens when you put a bunch of corrupt socialists in charge of a nation and allow them to confiscate the wages of the workers (social security) and tax the businesses out of existence. The corporate elite, of course, pay virtually no tax (GE, Google, etc.) while the real tax burden is thrust upon all the medium and small businesses where business owners are just barely scraping.

The whole point of this engineered financial collapse (and yes, it is engineered) is to 
confiscate all the wealth of the working class and concentrate it in the hands of the ultra wealthy elite. It is to leave the working class people destitute, starving, jobless and totally enslaved while the global elite have all the money, all the power and all the control -- even control over the food supply.

Five years ago, such talk would have been considered loony conspiracy fear mongering, but today, virtually everyone can now see it unfolding just as we warned. In Washington right now, the crooks are trying to figure out 
how to avoid an imminent financial collapse of the government, which could be just a handful of days away.

They will resolve this short-term crisis, by the way. The government won't collapse on August 2nd. But the eventual financial collapse will only be made worse by a higher debt ceiling and the continued out-of-control spending by a government that has long abandoned any real sense of serving the People. This government will not stop its debt addiction 
until it is forced to stop either through a popular revolt or a total financial collapse (or a military coup, for that matter).

I can only hope that NaturalNews readers have the wisdom and the foresight to recognize what's coming and plan accordingly. If you don't yet have my audio course, 
Be Prepared, Not Scared - Financial Preparedness, then you may want to consider it now more than ever before. For less than the price of a full tank of gas, you can learn some extremely valuable insider knowledge of what's coming and how to insulate yourself against the collapse of the dollar (which will leave most Americans penniless).

I don't give out that course for free because twenty years of business experience has taught me that 
most people don't value something they get for free. So we charge a nominal fee, and we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee so that you know it's worth every penny. In the coming collapse, the information you learn in this course can save your assets and keep you financially alive. Get details at:

Once you get the course, you can download the MP3 files, listen to them, and (YES!) share them with family members so they're informed, too. A financial crisis is upon us. Most people are asleep at the wheel and don't realize what's coming. The August 2nd deadline is just a warning sign, but not the big collapse. While the USA may still be able to run on financial fumes for several more years, there is now absolutely no question that those fumes will eventually fade out, and the total financial implosion of the American empire will soon follow.

Good Read: The U.S. debt ceiling fiasco and the total abandonment of leadership in Washington

Playing chicken with the nation: The U.S. debt ceiling fiasco and the total abandonment of leadership in Washington

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor 

For the last few decades, it all seemed so simple for the USA: We'll spend other people's money, and when we run out, we'll just borrow from yet more people. It worked for a while... until all those "other people" (foreign central banks) got sick of buying U.S. debt. So lately, Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner and other arsonists at the Federal Reserve have simply been counterfeiting new money instead: A whopping $16 trillion of it in just the last couple of years.

How much money is $16 trillion? Here's a great visualization of a similar mount ($15 trillion) that really drives the point home:

Now, every time the U.S. government needs more money to prevent itself from going into a total financial collapse, it turns to the Federal Reserve which simply 
print more money and hands it over to the government in exchange for IOUs (debt), meaning that the Fed creates money for FREE, and then the taxpayers owe it the same amount of money it just created. Huh? Yeah, it's like that.

But that's not even the real theft issue here. By printing all this money and injecting it into the circulating money supply, 
the Fed devalues all the current dollars in circulation while eroding the value of the dollar-denominated paycheck you're receiving, too. So all the money you worked for and saved is being stolen by the Fed through dollar devaluation coupled with the fact that you the taxpayer now OWE the Fed trillions more! (A double theft scam. They steal your money twice!)

Why Washington loves to steal your money

In Washington, our so-called "leaders" are not even negotiating a way to end this system. They love the fiat currency / Federal Reserve / counterfeit money machine system! It's what keeps all politicians popular: Simply print more money, then spend it on their favorite pork projects while claiming to be bringing "jobs" to their local states and districts. Every corrupt government needs an unlimited stream of money (created out of nothing) in order to stay in power through perpetual spending. This is why corrupt governments always -- ALWAYS -- abandon the gold standard (which limits the creation of new money).

That's why Boehner, Reid, Obama and others aren't even talking about the commonsense idea of, "Hey, how do we STOP being financially burdened by this whole system?"

The answer, of course, is actually quite simple. Ron Paul already suggested it when he said, "We simply write off all the debt to the Fed." Cancel those IOUs and let the Fed eat the loss for a change. The Fed created all that money out of nothing anyway... why should we "pay it back?" Doesn't even make sense.

Better yet, as Ron Paul has suggested, what we really need to do is 
end the Fed and put control of the money supply back into the hands of Congress as it was before 1913 (the year the Fed was created, which started a century of looting of the U.S. economy by global banksters).

The Federal Reserve, you see, is 
a criminal gang of international money thieves who are now engineering a total economic collapse of the USA. This has been their plan from the very start, of course. Read "The Creature From Jeckyll Island" by Ed Griffin ( to learn some rather shocking details about the origins of the Fed and why it always intended to suck the money out of this nation.

Or watch this amazing animation film, 
The American Dream at:

The parasites who are destroying our financial future

Globalist bankers are parasites on society, and if you give them control over your money supply, they will always find a way to loot your economy and drain the value of your currency. They've done it dozens of times throughout world history, and now their plot to destroy America's currency is nearly complete.

As Ron Paul has accurately stated, 
we are already in default. The only question now is HOW we're going to experience the total financial blowout of the nation. There are essentially two options:

Option #1) Stop sending government checks. The government goes into total default and simply collapses because it stops paying all government salaries, too. This option is not likely because option #2 is so much more devious and satisfying for control freak bureaucrats.

Option #2) Keep sending out all the checks, but devalue them by printing more money under the table. This option will keep the government in business for a while longer, thereby protecting the cushy jobs of all the corrupt bureaucrats running the system. The ultimate effect of this option, however, is unavoidable: Total hyperinflation of the currency.

We are almost certainly going to be dealing with option #2.
The crooks in Washington will find a way to keep raising the debt ceiling, keep printing more money, and keep eroding the savings and benefits of all the taxpayers while they oversee 
the greatest financial collapse in the history of human civilization.

What will happen when the collapse comes?

This outcome is now all but certain. It is only a matter of timing: For how long can they keep printing fiat currency? For how long can they keep eroding the value of the dollar without the people rioting in anger? To extend this time and try to keep things under control, the U.S. government will put troops on the streets, increase the police state surveillance, and do everything in its power to try to stop riots from breaking out.

As I stated on the Alex Jones Show last night (
www.PrisonPlanet.TV), if the American people fully realized what was really happening with the Federal Reserve and the money supply, they would be rioting right now! It is only ignorance of the truth that keeps the nation's wage slaves working away in their dimly-lit offices, oblivious to the reality of what is unfolding around them (and how they're being royally ripped off).

From an historical perspective, by the way, we are watching 
the financial collapse of a great empire. It is happening before our very eyes, in slow motion. We are learning, yet again, what happens when you put a bunch of corrupt socialists in charge of a nation and allow them to confiscate the wages of the workers (social security) and tax the businesses out of existence. The corporate elite, of course, pay virtually no tax (GE, Google, etc.) while the real tax burden is thrust upon all the medium and small businesses where business owners are just barely scraping.

The whole point of this engineered financial collapse (and yes, it is engineered) is to 
confiscate all the wealth of the working class and concentrate it in the hands of the ultra wealthy elite. It is to leave the working class people destitute, starving, jobless and totally enslaved while the global elite have all the money, all the power and all the control -- even control over the food supply.

Five years ago, such talk would have been considered loony conspiracy fear mongering, but today, virtually everyone can now see it unfolding just as we warned. In Washington right now, the crooks are trying to figure out 
how to avoid an imminent financial collapse of the government, which could be just a handful of days away.

They will resolve this short-term crisis, by the way. The government won't collapse on August 2nd. But the eventual financial collapse will only be made worse by a higher debt ceiling and the continued out-of-control spending by a government that has long abandoned any real sense of serving the People. This government will not stop its debt addiction 
until it is forced to stop either through a popular revolt or a total financial collapse (or a military coup, for that matter).

I can only hope that NaturalNews readers have the wisdom and the foresight to recognize what's coming and plan accordingly. If you don't yet have my audio course, 
Be Prepared, Not Scared - Financial Preparedness, then you may want to consider it now more than ever before. For less than the price of a full tank of gas, you can learn some extremely valuable insider knowledge of what's coming and how to insulate yourself against the collapse of the dollar (which will leave most Americans penniless).

I don't give out that course for free because twenty years of business experience has taught me that 
most people don't value something they get for free. So we charge a nominal fee, and we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee so that you know it's worth every penny. In the coming collapse, the information you learn in this course can save your assets and keep you financially alive. Get details at:

Once you get the course, you can download the MP3 files, listen to them, and (YES!) share them with family members so they're informed, too. A financial crisis is upon us. Most people are asleep at the wheel and don't realize what's coming. The August 2nd deadline is just a warning sign, but not the big collapse. While the USA may still be able to run on financial fumes for several more years, there is now absolutely no question that those fumes will eventually fade out, and the total financial implosion of the American empire will soon follow.

FDA says walnuts are drugs and must be regulated as such if sellers tell customers they may reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer

Start to connect the dots - Nigerians face prosecution over polio vaccines

Nigerians face prosecution over polio vaccines

The power of music to move the soul

GOOD READ: GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, The Head Of Obama’s Jobs Council, Is Moving Jobs And Economic Infrastructure To China At A Blistering Pace

GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, The Head Of Obama's Jobs Council, Is Moving Jobs And Economic Infrastructure To China At A Blistering Pace

Posted By admin On July 29, 2011 @ 3:15 am In Commentary | 2 Comments

The Economic Collapse [1]
July 29, 2011

Jeffrey Immelt, the head of Barack Obama's highly touted "Jobs Council", is moving even more GE infrastructure to China.  GE makes more medical-imaging machines than anyone else in the world, and now GE has announced that it "is moving the headquarters of its 115-year-old X-ray business to Beijing [2]".  Apparently, this is all part of a "plan to invest about $2 billion across China" over the next few years.  But moving core pieces of its business overseas is nothing new for GE.  Under Immelt, GE has shipped tens of thousands [3] of good jobs out of the United States.  Perhaps GE should change its slogan to "Imagination At Work (In China)".  If the very people that have been entrusted with solving the unemployment crisis are shipping jobs out of the country, what hope is there that things are going to turn around any time soon?

Earlier this month, Immelt made the following statement [4] to a jobs summit at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce….

"There's no excuse today for lack of leadership. The truth is we all need to be part of the solution."

Apparently Immelt's idea of being part of the solution is to ship as many jobs overseas as he possibly can.

A recent article on the Huffington Post [3] documented how GE has been sending tens of thousands of good jobs out of the country….

As the administration struggles to prod businesses to create jobs at home, GE has been busy sending them abroad. Since Immelt took over in 2001, GE has shed 34,000 jobs in the U.S., according to its most recent annual filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. But it's added 25,000 jobs overseas.

At the end of 2009, GE employed 36,000 more people abroad than it did in the U.S. In 2000, it was nearly the opposite.

GE is supposed to be creating the "jobs of tomorrow", but it seems that most of the "jobs of tomorrow" will not be located inside the United States.

The last GE factory in the U.S. that made light bulbs closed last September.  The transition to the new CFL light bulbs was supposed to create a whole bunch of those "green jobs" that Barack Obama keeps talking about, but as an article in the Washington Post noted [5], that simply is not happening….

Rather than setting off a boom in the U.S. manufacture of replacement lights, the leading replacement lights are compact fluorescents, or CFLs, which are made almost entirely overseas, mostly in China.

But GE is far from alone in shipping jobs and economic infrastructure out of the United States.  For example, big automakers such as Ford are being very aggressive in China [6].  Ford is currently "building three factories in Chongqing as part of $1.6 billion investment that also includes another plant in Nanchang".

Today, China accounts for approximately one out of every four vehicles sold worldwide.  The big automakers consider the future to be in China.

Just a few decades ago, China was an economic joke and the U.S. economy was absolutely unparalleled.

But disastrous trade policies have opened up the door for a mammoth transfer of jobs, factories and wealth from the United States to China.

China has become an absolute powerhouse and America is rapidly declining.

Beautiful new infrastructure is going up all over China even as U.S. infrastructure rots and decays right in front of our eyes [7].

You can see some amazing pictures of the stunning economic development that has been going on in China here [8]here [9]here [10] and here [11].

America is being deindustrialized [12] at lightning speed and very few of our politicians seem to care.

Back in 1979, there were 19.5 million manufacturing jobs in the United States.

Today, there are 11.6 million.

That represents a decline of 40 percent [13] during a time period when our overall population experienced tremendous growth.

We used to have the greatest manufacturing cities on the entire globe.  The rest of the world was in awe of us.

Today, most of those formerly great manufacturing cities are decaying, rotting hellholes [14].

The following is what one reporter from the UK saw during his visit to Detroit [15]….

As you pass the city limits a blanket of gloom, neglect and cheapness descends. The buildings are shabbier, the paint is faded. The businesses, where they exist, are thrift shops and pawn shops or wretched groceries where the goods are old and tired. Finding somewhere to have breakfast, normally easy in any American city, involves a long hunt. 'God bless Detroit', says one billboard, just beside another offering the alternative solution: liquor.

You can see some really shocking images of the decline of Detroit right here [16].

Our politicians insisted that globalism [18] would not result in a "giant sucking sound" as millions of jobs left America.

But that is exactly what has happened.

Sadly, most American families still don't understand what has happened.  Most of them are still waiting for things to get back to "normal".

Millions of unemployed Americans are dealing with incredible amounts of stress [19] right now as they wait for jobs to start opening up again.  But the jobs that have been shipped overseas are not coming back.  In a globalized economy, it doesn't make sense to hire American workers when you can legally pay workers slave labor wages on the other side of the globe.

Millions of good middle class jobs have been replaced by low paying service jobs.  Today there are huge numbers of Americans that are cutting hair or flipping burgers because that is all they can get right now.

Many others are only able to survive because of the safety net.  One reader named David recently left a comment in which he shared his story.  David did everything that the system asked him to do, but the promised rewards never materialized.  Now David is broke, unemployed and he feels deeply frustrated….

A year ago I had a job, we were struggling, but bills were getting paid, and somehow we were getting by. Then I made the mistake of getting sick, one day before my company insurance kicked in. An auto-immune illness almost killed me, if it weren't for the amazing efforts of my physicians and an emergency spleenectomy, I would not be here.

My wife would have been a single mother,raising two young sons, one of which is autistic. Instead, I pulled through. The disease damaged my liver, leaving me with a chronic condition, and even after a year, it is hard to get up and go some days. My "employer" dumped me as soon as I left the hospital, and I haven't worked since. It isn't for lack of looking. There just isn't anything.

Oh, I get my government cheese money. Here I am college educated, unable to find something that can pay the bills better than the money that we get from the government. It sickens me to be this dependent on the system like this. But the system de-incentivizes work, and makes living on the dole make a perverse economic sense.

I used to have dreams, but I have given up on them. My wife and I have no savings, we have no life raft and if it weren't for the generosity of her parents and mine, things would have ground to a halt a long time ago.

I believed every thing adults told me. Work hard, I did. Get an education, I did. Find a nice girl and settle down, I did. Two cars, a dog, a cat and couple of kids, a nice townhouse…the american dream. Yep.

I love my country. My heart is broken, broken because I have been betrayed. I did what you asked, I played by the rules. I did what you said to do; I submitted, I conformed, I stopped dreaming. Now what?

I am willing to pay for my faults and transgressions; my failures are my own, I get that. My children should not have to suffer for my failures, they did not do anything wrong. My youngest boy is autistic, we hope he will be able to integrate into society, but the fact is we may have to take care of him for the rest of his life. How do I do this with nothing, and no opportunity in the foreseeable future?

Depression, stress…yep, I've got all that. I used to be hopeful and optimistic about the future. Now all I am is afraid.

As the United States continues to bleed good jobs, stories like the one you just read are going to become much more common.

So what are our politicians doing about all of this?

They tell us that we need even more "free trade"!

Barack Obama says that we need more free trade.

The Republicans say that we need more free trade.

In Washington D.C. our politicians do not agree on much, but one thing they do agree on is that we need to keep shipping jobs out of the country.

Until the American people wake up and start demanding an end to the globalization of the U.S. economy, the job losses are just going to continue to get worse.

The United States has lost a staggering 32 percent [20] of its manufacturing jobs since the year 2000.  If this trend continues, millions more Americans will soon be surviving on food stamps or living in tent cities [21].

The American people are deeply concerned about the economy, but they still have not connected the dots on these issues.  The mainstream media and most of our politicians keep telling them that the globalization of the economy is a wonderful thing.

It is so sad that people just do not understand what is going on right in front of their eyes.

Whether you are a conservative or a liberal or a libertarian, you should be against the deindustrialization of America.

Allowing our industrial base to be raped is not a good thing.

Allowing big corporations and foreign governments to pay slave labor wages to workers on the other side of the globe making things that will be sold inside the United States is not a good thing.

Allowing the destruction of our industrial capacity to threaten our national security is not a good thing.

Allowing millions of precious jobs to leave the country is not a good thing.

The biggest corporations are making some extra profits by exploiting cheap labor on the other side of the globe.  Corporate executives love to shower themselves with larger and larger bonuses.

But our current trade policies are not working for American workers.

We need "fair trade", not "free trade".

The United States is being taken advantage of, and the Democrats and the Republicans are both laying down like doormats and letting it happen.

If you want to know where all the good jobs went, it is not a big mystery.

They have been shipped out of the country and they are not coming back.

Unless fundamental changes are made, things are going to get worse and worse and worse for American workers.

So what is going to happen next?

It is up to you America.


Apple the world’s largest tech company has more cash than the world’s largest sovereign government

Apple Now Has More Cash Than The U.S. Government

Posted By admin On July 29, 2011 @ 3:41 am In Money Watch | 3 Comments

Matt Rosoff
Business Insider [1]
July 29, 2011

Here's something to keep in mind as you follow this evening's congressional debate over the debt ceiling [2].

According to the latest daily statement from the U.S. Treasury [3], the government had an operating cash balance of $73.8 billion at the end of the day yesterday.

Apple's last earnings report (PDF here [4]) showed that the company had $76.2 billion in cash and marketable securities at the end of June.

In other words, the world's largest tech company has more cash than the world's largest sovereign government.

That's because Apple [5] collects more money than it spends, while the U.S. government does not.

(The Atlantic [6] and CNBC [7] both pointed this out earlier.)

Article printed from Prison

URL to article:

URLs in this post:

[1] Business Insider:

[2] his evening's congressional debate over the debt ceiling:

[3] daily statement from the U.S. Treasury:

[4] PDF here:

[5] Apple:

[6] Atlantic:

[7] NBC:

[8] Image:

Leaked Audit: Boeing Overcharged Army Up to 177,000 % on Helicopter Spare Parts

$644.75 for a small gear smaller than a dime that sells for $12.51: more than a 5,100 percent increase in price. $1,678.61 for another tiny part, also smaller than a dime, that could have been bought within DoD for $7.71: a 21,000 percent increase. $71.01 for a straight, thin metal pin that DoD had on hand, unused by the tens of thousands, for 4 cents: an increase of over 177,000 percent.

Taxpayers were massively overcharged in dozens of transactions between the Army and Boeing for helicopter spare parts, according to a full, unredacted Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (DoD OIG) audit that POGO is making public for the first time. The overcharges range from 33.3 percent to 177,475 percent for mundane parts, resulting in millions of dollars in overspending.

Guide to Pesticides in Produce - EWG releases new edition

Guide to Pesticides in Produce - EWG releases new edition

by Dave Gabriele
See all articles by this author
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(NaturalNews) Environmental Working Group (EWG), a nonprofit research organization based in Washington, DC, has released its latest edition of its Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce. The guide helps supermarket shoppers make healthier choices by offering a quick reference to the "Dirty Dozen" list (the produce most contaminated by pesticides) and the "Clean 15" (the produce least contaminated).

For the complete list:

According to the 
2011 guide, it would be wise to buy apples that are organically grown as they have the highest concentrations of pesticides, followed by celery and strawberries. Produce such as onions, sweet corn and pineapples have the lowest residues of pesticides and so are relatively safe to buy conventionally grown.

It is accepted that pesticides are extremely toxic to both the 
environment and human health. Many research institutions and government agencies, such as Environmental Working Group or the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, have linked pesticides to nervous system toxicity, cancer, hormone disruption, IQ deficits among children, and other health problems.

"Though buying 
organic is always the best choice, we know that sometimes people do not have access to that produce or cannot afford it," said EWG President Ken Cook. "Our guide helps consumers concerned about pesticides to make better choices among conventional produce, and lets them know which fruits and vegetables they may want to buy organic."

According to EWG, people can consume 92% less pesticides if they eat conventionally grown fruits and 
vegetables from the "Clean 15" list rather than the "Dirty Dozen" list. Not only will the amount of chemicals be massively decreased, but it was also found that fewer types of pesticides would be consumed. Eating five servings of fruit or vegetables from the Dirty Dozen would average the ingestion of 14 different pesticides per day. Eating the same amount from the Clean 15 would average about two pesticides per day. This is significant since little is known about the interactions and synergistic toxicity of pesticide chemical compounds.

In order to get this 
information, Analysts at EWG collected and processed data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from 2000 to 2009. Researchers then tested each food using six factors as markers to reflect the level and types of pesticides found. Foods were washed and peeled before being tested in order to reproduce the amounts of the chemicals likely present on the food when is it eaten.