Running and Triathlon Coach
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
POSITIVE: Homeless Long Island Teenager Is Intel Competition Semifinalist (CBS News)
Crucial Information Every Woman Needs to Know About Mammograms
Crucial Information Every Woman Needs to Know About Mammograms
Posted By Dr. Mercola | January 24 2012
The Nordic Cochrane Center has put out a leaflet that every woman should read, explaining the potential benefits and potential harms of mammography. They point out that recent studies suggest that mammography screening is not effective in reducing your risk of dying from breast cancer.
And in fact, screening creates breast cancer patients from among the population of healthy women who would never have developed symptoms. Treatment of these healthy women increases their risk of dying from heart disease and, yes, cancer itself.
According to the Nordic Cochrane Center:
"It therefore no longer seems reasonable to attend for breast cancer screening. In fact, by avoiding going to screening, a woman will lower her risk of getting a breast cancer diagnosis."
The see their information in full, you can click on the link below.
213 Women Who Took GARDASIL VACCINE Suffered Permanent Disability
- A class-action lawsuit has been filed in Australia against drug maker Merck by a young woman who suffered autoimmune and neurological health problems following injections with the HPV vaccine, Gardasil
- Multiple-sclerosis-like symptoms and neurological complications, including seizures, paralysis and speech problems, are being reported by increasing numbers of girls and women following Gardasil vaccination
- Between May 2009 and September 2010, 16 deaths occurred after Gardasil vaccination, along with 789 reports of "serious" adverse reactions; 213 cases of permanent disability; and 25 cases of Guillain Barre Syndrome. Between September 1, 2010 and September 15, 2011, yet another 26 deaths were reported
- There are more than 100 types of human papillomaviruses (HPVs) and Gardasil protects against only 4 types but 90 percent of women naturally clear HPV from their bodies within two years, at which point cervical cells return to normal
- The cervical cancer death rate is very low in the United States (3 per 100,000), as this cancer is usually entirely curable when detected early enough through PAP screenings, which have reduced cervical cancer rates by 70 percent in the U.S. since PAP screens have become a routine part of women's health care
Repeat business? FDA approves new cancer drug to treat toxicity caused by another cancer drug
Repeat business? FDA approves new cancer drug to treat toxicity caused by another cancer drug
by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer(NaturalNews) The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new cancer drug that allegedly treats the deadly side effects caused by another popular cancer drug. The new drug, Voraxaze (glucarpidase), is said to expel methotrexate, a commonly prescribed and highly toxic chemotherapy drug, from the body. But Voraxaze comes with its own set of harmful side effects, which shows that approving drugs to treat the side effects of other drugs is an endless, but highly profitable, cycle of toxicity.
Methotrexate's known side effects include kidney and liver destruction, skin rashes, mouth sores, damaged intestines, and death. The drug often lingers in the body following cancer treatments, as weakened organs become increasingly incapable of expelling it from the body. So to "fix" this problem, the FDA has decided to approve another drug that it says breaks down methotrexate and eliminates it from the system.
But Voraxaze, which is made from genetically-modified (GM) enzymes, carries with it harmful side effects of its own, including hypertension, arrhythmia, allergic dermatitis, nausea, and vomiting. And these are just the short-term side effects observed among a small clinical trial group of just 290 patients, which is the only trial that has been conducted evaluating the safety of Voraxaze.
Worse, Voraxaze received "fast-track" approval from the FDA based on a single clinical study of just 22 patients, which allegedly evaluated the drug's effectiveness. By all reasonable scientific standards, a single study with this ridiculously small amount of participants can hardly be considered a valid indicator of a drug's efficacy (
Contrast this with mainstream medicine's rejection of at least 24 separate studies, all with much larger sample sizes, that have identified a clear and definitive link between fluoride consumption and disease in recent days. "Further research" is always necessary when the issue involves proving fluoride's toxicity, or proving the benefits of an herbal or dietary supplement. But when a new drug is up for approval, one small, industry-funded study is enough for regulators.
So thousands of cancer patients who become poisoned by methotrexate, which is also used to treat psoriasis and arthritis patients, will also now receive an intravenous dose of GM enzymes that have never been definitively proven either safe or effective. Leave it to the FDA to once again pander to Big Pharma at the expense of public health.
Sources for this article include:
Why more thyroid cancer? Fluoridated water, x-rays, and radiation are all to blame
Why more thyroid cancer? Fluoridated water, x-rays, and radiation are all to blame
by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer(NaturalNews) According to a recent report in USA Today, cases of thyroid cancer have risen 6.5 percent over the past several years, and many medical experts are at a loss for explaining why this is occurring. But mainstream science is ignoring all the most obvious factors that contribute to the disease -- fluoride chemicals added to drinking water; excessive medical x-rays; and radiation from cells phones, computers, naked body scanners, and nuclear disasters like Fukushima.
Perhaps one of the most misunderstood organs in the body, the thyroid gland purifies the blood and detoxifies the body by taking up iodine nutrients and using them to cleanse the blood, which in turn lowers the amount of toxins run through the liver. But the thyroid gland's iodine receptors also take up harmful radiation like the kind emitted from modern communication devices, x-rays, and nuclear accidents, as well as toxic fluoride chemicals added to drinking water supplies across the country.
The causes of thyroid disease are all around us
It is truly amazing, in the most negative sense, that the medical profession is unable or unwilling to properly connect the dots between thyroid disease and these toxic factors. Fluoride chemicals, for instance, have been shown to impair thyroid function by replacing iodine in the body. Fluoride, after all, comes from the same chemical family as iodine (, and particularly dental x-rays, are another major factor in thyroid problems that most in the medical community fail to address. Most dentists, for instance, will not provide their patients with neck shields while administering dental x-rays. The thyroid gland is located in the neck area, and every time this area is blasted with ionizing radiation, the thyroid gland absorbs it (
Then, there are the more obvious sources of radiation exposure like the Fukushima nuclear disaster, which sent plumes of deadly radiation across the globe. Fukushima emitted one toxic radionuclide in particular, iodine-131, that is known to absorb directly into the thyroid gland. This is why many experts recommend taking high doses of nutritive iodine during a nuclear emergency in order to displace radioactive iodine in the thyroid gland (
Mobile phones, laptop computers, compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs, and now US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) naked body scanners are all daily radioactive threats as well. It is more than likely that regular and repeated exposure to these smaller doses of radiation is also contributing to thyroid cancer.
This sampling of thyroid cancer contributors just goes to show that modern medicine, which denies any awareness of what could be causing an uptick in thyroid cancer, has its head in the sand about this important issue. But the question still remains whether this denial is deliberate and willful, or whether it is birthed out of pure ignorance.
Sources for this article include:
Bull Shit METER OFF THE CHARTS- CDC researchers say mothers should stop breastfeeding to boost 'efficacy' of vaccines
CDC researchers say mothers should stop breastfeeding to boost 'efficacy' of vaccines
by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer(NaturalNews) Remember when it was considered crazy talk to suggest that mainstream medicine viewed humanity as being born lacking in pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines, as if these synthetic inputs are necessary miracle nutrients for proper human development? Well, researchers from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently showed that they adhere to this lunatic philosophy, having released a study that recommends women withhold breastfeeding their children in order to boost the "effectiveness" of the rotavirus vaccine.
Ten researchers from the CDC's National Centers for Immunization and Respiratory Disease (NCIRD) released the ridiculous paper, entitled Inhibitory effect of breast milk on infectivity of live oral rotavirus vaccines, which claims the immune-boosting effects of breastmilk are a detriment to the efficacy of vaccines. The paper goes on to say that, rather than remove vaccines so that breastmilk can do its job, women should instead remove the breastmilk to allow vaccines to do their job.
The CDC researchers began their investigation by searching for answers as to why children from underdeveloped countries typically do not respond as well to the live oral rotavirus vaccine as children in developed countries typically do. They came to the conclusion that breastmilk, which is packed with immune-building immunoglobulin A (IgA), lactoferrin, lysozyme, and various other important immune factors, inhibits the vaccine from working.
Breastmilk, of course, is a young child's lifeline. It naturally builds immunity during childhood development, and provides perfect and balanced nutrition necessary for human growth. Withholding breastmilk in order to accommodate the rotavirus vaccine, as the CDC researchers suggest, is an absolutely insane notion that will deprive children of vital nutrition and proper immune development.
But it is ludicrous notions like these that are birthed from philosophies that view drugs and vaccines as being equal, or even superior, to natural food. Oral rotavirus vaccines contain live viruses, they have questionable efficacy to begin with, and they are even known to cause rotavirus. They are also linked to causing a variety of negative side effects, including diarrhea, which is a condition the vaccine is supposed to prevent!
This is how vaccine dogma works, though. The religion of vaccines does not have to offer any solid proof that a vaccine works, or that it is even safe. A vaccine can even cause the very thing it is touted as preventing, and vaccine apologists will say that it works and that it is necessary. And now in this case, these same psychopaths are suggesting that young babies be starved of real nutrition in order to improve the effectiveness of a vaccine.
Sources for this article include:
Low vitamin D levels linked to depression in children
Low vitamin D levels linked to depression in children
by Elizabeth WallingSee all articles by this author
(NaturalNews) Are your kids getting enough vitamin D? If not, they could be at a higher risk for depression. A new study from the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom shows that children and teens with higher levels of vitamin D are less likely to experience depression than those with lower levels.
The study analyzed vitamin D levels in more than 2,700 children who were age nine, and then followed up with them again at age 13. Researchers found that children who had the lowest vitamin D levels were more likely to experience symptoms of depression.
The children with higher levels of vitamin D were 10 percent less likely to have depression. These children also showed a decrease in symptoms of depression as they became teenagers.
The specific form of vitamin D is also important. This study also found that vitamin D3 offered stronger anti-depressant benefits than vitamin D2.
Vitamin D helps with depression in kids and adults
Although this is the first study to link low vitamin D with depression in children, a number of previous studies have demonstrated how vitamin D can prevent or reduce depression in adults.Studies done in Washington state and in Norway show that raising vitamin D levels in the body can reduce symptoms of depression in women. Other research has shown that higher serum vitamin D appears to reduce the severity of symptoms associated with depression. In Italy, women with low vitamin D levels were twice as likely to experience depression. Men with low vitamin D levels experienced a 60 percent increased risk for depression.
The best source of vitamin D is the sun, which can help you produce thousands of IUs of vitamin D with good exposure in the summer months. However, not everyone can get enough exposure to the sun to correct a vitamin D deficiency. In this case, eating foods rich in vitamin D can help. These include cod liver oil, salmon, mackerel, tuna and organic egg yolks. You can also supplement with vitamin D3 if you do not get enough vitamin D through sun exposure or your diet.
Sources for this article include:
Aloe vera helps reverse cancer and AIDS
Aloe vera helps reverse cancer and AIDS
by PF Louis(NaturalNews) One of the best kept secrets in the nutritional field is aloe vera. Commonly recognized for soothing ulcers, hemorrhoids, sunburns, wounds and other skin ailments, many don't know the power pure raw aloe vera juice has for improving and even reversing serious diseases that baffle mainstream medicine.
That's because those claims are suppressed.
If a supplement or nutritional product promotes any kind of cure, the FDA and other agencies send their bootjack militia to raid them. A frightening example occurred in Tampa, Florida a couple of decades ago as research physician Ivan Danhoff MD was attempting to crash the medical mafia's cancer party.
That's when his nutritional clinic was using aloe extracts and curing terminal cancer patients from hospice. Health agency thugs raided, pulling IVs out of patients whose condition had improved dramatically. Many died months later. The clinical trial was going by FDA guidelines to get the aloe extract approved (
Improving on nature is probably unnecessary with aloe vera
The desire to modify or isolate ingredients from aloe vera to create an accepted medical model that is efficacious without side effects is commendable. But it appears Big Pharma and the cancer industry's good fellas want to protect their turf. Allowing an actual cure would even put the cancer cure fund raisers out of business.
Most store shelf aloe vera juices don't do much beyond soothing the minor ailments mentioned earlier. Those juices are processed, heated, and diluted. That's not the case with all aloe vera products. The right aloe vera juice products are miracle healers (
The most dramatic clinical proof of pure raw aloe vera juice comes from research done with AIDS patients. Almost all who were put on a regimen of daily aloe vera juice got better with white T cell counts skyrocketing. It's obvious that aloe vera is a potent immune booster, which implies it can be applied to other diseases.
One of the AIDS patients in this trial was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer and told he had less than two months to live. His liver was so tumor riddled it was four times its normal size. He continued with the juice, improved gradually, and within a year all his tumors were gone.
A doctor involved with this trial, pathologist H. Reginald McDaniel MD, was at first skeptical. But now he has seriously ill patients using aloe successfully. What turned him around was his own illness, a viral pneumonia for which conventional medicine had no answer. He was given a couple of cases of aloe juice, and his cure turned him into an aloe advocate.
Two short videos covering the aloe AIDS/cancer story are linked at the end of this paragraph. The last part of video 2 is censored, evidently to exclude information for ordering that particular juice. Promoting non-pharmaceutical AIDS and cancer cures is a no-no with the FDA. That data was probably pulled to protect them from FDA harassment (
Aloe's healing power known for ages
The juice's power has been known by indigenous groups for ages. Franciscan Friar Romano Zago discovered how to make the juice from Brazilian Indians, used it with local villagers, and published his findings in the 1980s. He used their recipe based on the indigenous aloe arborescense plant . You can download a pdf summary of his book/recipe here (
Father Zago's juice and others are from whole leaves. It's possible to get aloe juices without leaf skins (filleted) or reduced aloin content to minimize potential diarrhea side effects. Check below for some other aloe juice options or Google for others.
The top three supplements used by the Health Ranger: Vitamin D, astaxanthin and fish oil
The top three supplements used by the Health Ranger: Vitamin D, astaxanthin and fish oil
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) Over the past several years, astaxanthin has earned a reputation as one of the most potent and powerful nutritional supplements ever made. I first began spreading the word about astaxanthin in 2004 when I toured the BioAstin production farm in Hawaii and published a series of articles and interviews about it (
Briefly stated, astaxanthin is a fat-soluble antioxidant with neuroprotective support. It has been extensively studied in clinical trials, and its manufacturer is able to make several qualified health support statements under existing FDA regulations, including*:
• May help protect the brain from abnormal neurological function.
• May help reduce the proliferation of breast cancer tumor cells.
• May help reduce inflammation in joints and tissues.
• Helps support increased muscle recovery and stamina.
• May help protect the body from cellular damage associated with highly oxidative foods.
• May help prevent UV damage to the eyes.
• May help the skin resist UV damage from excessive sunlight exposure.
Astaxanthin is used by endurance athletes, professional fighters, exercise enthusiasts and others who seek a competitive edge.
My experience with astaxanthin
I have personally used astaxanthin since 2004. It was a crucial part of my dietary supplementation during my years in hand-to-hand combat training, where even at age 38 I was out-lasting the 19-year-old kids in class. These days, I spend more time working on the ranch with a chain saw or hauling bags of feed to the chickens, and I take astaxanthin every day along with a high-quality fish oil supplement from Living Fuel ( Because astaxanthin is fat soluble, it works better when you take it with a fish oil supplement. The combination is extremely powerful from a nutritional science point of view.
I credit astaxanthin with protecting my brain function, helping me stay mentally sharp and also keeping my physical endurance high. It's not unusual for me to walk 4-5 miles a day, and I sometimes do that while fasting for 24 hours, as I'm into intermittent fasting. In fact, yesterday I fasted all day while I was clearing brush, removing barbed wire, chain-sawing some fallen trees, and doing other basic farm work. Most people would have considered it a day of "hard work" and couldn't imagine doing it on an empty stomach. But I did it fasting all day long, drinking only Roobios tea in the morning and taking some astaxanthin and fish oils the night before. (And yes, I am dropping a few pounds now, thanks to intermittent fasting. It really works...)
The Health Ranger's top 3 nutritional supplements
If you want to stay alive and healthy while helping prevent chronic degenerative health conditions, there are THREE powerful supplements that I consistently recommend:
#1 - Vitamin D. This is the single most important nutrient you can buy and consume. It alone can help prevent cancer, boost brain function, help prevent diabetes, prevent osteoporosis, protect heart health, protect mood and brain function, and much more. Nearly everyone is chronically deficient in vitamin D.
#2 - Astaxanthin. As described here, this is the "king of carotenoids." Simply the most powerful antioxidant known to modern science. It's what turns the flesh of salmon bright red (and is believed to help grant them their phenomenal endurance while swimming upstream).
#3 - Fish oil or marine oil (rich in omega-3s). This is crucial. A high-quality fish oil supplement boosts mood and brain function, prevents heart disease, improves skin health, and can even help lower high blood pressure by making your blood flow more easily.
If you were to take only these three supplements and nothing else, you would very likely experience a profound difference in your health. In fact, if we wanted to turn America into a nation of healthy, intelligent people with genius children and highly productive senior citizens, we would want to hand out vitamin D, astaxanthin and fish oil supplements to everybody. It could literally revolutionize the future of any nation!
Of course, other nutrients are important such as vitamin C, magnesium, zinc and so on, but it has long been my belief that these top three (vitamin D, astaxanthin, fish oil) deliver the most profound positive results that people really notice and feel.
In other words, if you have not yet tried taking these three supplements every day for 30 days, you will, I think, be amazed at the difference they make. In fact, I urge you to do so.
Recommended sources for these top three supplements
Best Vitamin D3 supplement: Solgar Viamin D3 10,000 IU. This is a high-dose vitamin D in a softgel. It's not vegan, however. But I like the small size and the high dose of D. I usually take one of these each day unless I'm getting a lot of sunlight, in which case I may skip the supplement.
Best fish oil: LivingFuel Super Essentials Omega-3 from - It's a bit pricey but I trust the quality, and it naturally contains some vitamin D by itself. I also like Carlson Labs as a source for fish oils. Beware of cheap "big box store" brands of fish oils, as they are often loaded with dangerous chemicals.
Best astaxanthin: The new 12mg astaxanthin now offered at the NaturalNews Store (see below).
12mg astaxanthin now available exclusively at NaturalNews Store
After producing the 4mg size of astaxanthin for over 10 years, the BioAstin company (Cyanotech) has now made a 12mg size available! This 300% increase in the dosage is in response to the community of athletes, exercise advocate and professional trainers, fitness gurus and even military soldiers who wanted a higher dose of astaxanthin in the same size capsule.
For a limited time, this new 12mg size is available exclusively through the NaturalNews Store! We have inventory in stock right now, ready to ship, and priced up to 58% off regular price during this time-limited special.
Right now, as of this writing we have 1,218 units remaining as single bottles, and 722 "three-packs" remaining at 58% off. This number may be smaller by the time you read this.
Click here to see these astaxanthin specials.
NaturalNews Store customer service improvements!
We've also taken great strides to significantly improve our customer service at the NN Store. We now have a special phone line and unique email address to help resolve any order problems or shipping problems. This is in addition to the live chat capability that's up and running as well.
In the past, the store staff had challenges getting back to people in a timely manner, which is why these steps were taken to significantly improve customer service. As of now:
• We only charge your card when your orders SHIP.
• We only sell the inventory we have on hand and no longer accept back-orders on any product.
This makes sure that when you place an order with us, your order is shipped in a timely manner, and you are able to reach us with any questions.
12mg astaxanthin, up to 58% off
Again, what we have available for you right now, exclusively at the NaturalNews Store, is a 12mg astaxanthin capsule, offered at up to 58% off when you purchase the three-pack.
These sale prices are available only while supplies last, and you can view our remaining inventory on the specials page:
Click here to see the NN store specials page.
Astaxanthin is a powerful carotenoid, one of my top three supplements of all time, and an incredible value that will not be repeated. Take advantage of this now while supplies last.
Note: This is not a vegan supplement. The capsule is made with gelatin. The oil carrier inside the capsule is safflower oil. It is a relatively small capsule compared to fish oil capsules.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Cancer, Aids, and Vaccinations
Cancer, Aids, and Vaccinations
Previously by Benedict D. LaRosa: The Horror of Gun Control in Mumbai
Is there a link between cancer and the polio vaccine? There is a good chance that there is, according to a Baylor University study released on February 18, 1999 and published in theJournal of the National Cancer Institute. At the time, the announcement sent shock waves throughout the medical establishment and caused a great deal of public alarm. After all, who hasn't had at least one polio shot?
But this wasn't new knowledge. In 1987, a San Antonio physician, Dr. Eva Snead (1942-2008), stumbled across information linking vaccines to a host of diseases from AIDS and leukemia to other forms of cancer while doing research for a book on AIDS. For her efforts in trying to warn the public, she was vilified by her medical peers, ridiculed by government officials, and ignored by the major media. Even a popular radio talk host, a personal friend, was reluctant to put her on the air until the Baylor story broke.
It was while doing the initial research for her book at the University of Texas Health Science Center library in 1987 that Dr. Snead discovered how the viruses associated with these dreaded diseases are spread. The same evidence convinced her that there was an active cover-up within the federal government and the medical/scientific communities. In 1992, she published her findings in a hefty two volume work titled Some Call it AIDS, I Call It Murder.
The foremost virologists studying AIDS, Drs. Robert Gallo and Luke Montaignard, agree that it is a virus from the African green monkey that causes AIDS. They have designated this virus HIV for human immunodeficiency virus. Another virus carried by the African green monkey is SV-40, or simian virus 40. Its clinical manifestations in laboratory animals are identical to those produced by HIV. In other words, SV-40 causes symptoms similar to AIDS. It is also linked to tumor growth and birth defects. Dr. Janet Butel of the Baylor College of Medicine, the lead author of the Baylor study, stated, "I feel strongly that research is warranted to determine how common human infections by SV40 may be, and what factors might predispose individuals to SV40-related tumors."
SV-40 is the genetic glue which permits different DNAs to recombine to produce mutations and anomalies, and which allows toxic substances to penetrate cells more readily. Human blood specimens preserved frozen for 25 years have been found contaminated with this virus. More importantly, wherever SV-40 goes, so goes HIV and other green monkey viruses. The question is, how did these viruses find their way into humans so quickly and uniformly? Dr. Snead found the answer in 1987, and the Baylor study did so in 1999.
To sources cited by Dr. Snead, cells from the African green monkey have been used since 1953 as a growth medium for the polio vaccine. The use of the polio vaccine contaminated with green monkey virus is probably responsible for the current epidemics in child cancers, birth defects, and AIDS. These diseases, coincidentally, increased dramatically after the introduction of the polio vaccine. No one knows how many batches of this vaccine have been contaminated over the years, but exposed individuals may range in the millions. Despite assurances to the contrary, Dr. Snead insisted until her death in July 2008 that the polio and other vaccines remained contaminated with animal viruses. She coined the term Immunization Related Syndrome (IRS) for the diseases associated with these contaminated vaccines. (Coincidentally, the initials are the same as those of another well-known pathogen plaguing our society.)
At the beginning of the Persian Gulf War, Dr. Snead predicted that many of the servicemen taking part in Desert Shield/Desert Storm would develop symptoms similar to those which are now associated with the Persian Gulf syndrome. She based her prediction on her research into vaccines, a careful investigation of the medical literature, and her knowledge of biology and medicine. She concluded that dangerous viruses are routinely and knowingly injected into military personnel, a claim verified in 2004 by investigative reporter Gary Matsumoto in his book Vaccine A, The Covert Government Experiment That's Killing Our Soldiers. She warned that the viruses do not affect all servicemen the same way, nor do they necessarily affect them immediately. Some lie dormant for decades until activated by other viruses to cause cancers and other ailments.
When Ralph Nader's group, Public Citizen, sued Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney in January 1991 on behalf of all servicemen subjected to experimental vaccines, it based its case, in part, on Dr. Snead's research. A federal judge threw the case out because of the existing national emergency – the Persian Gulf War – so her discoveries never received the public hearing they deserved.
The Baylor study confirmed Dr. Snead's claim of contaminated vaccines. Within days of its release, and after much criticism, a spokesman for the Baylor research team claimed that the study showed only a possible link between cancer and the polio vaccine, not a definite one. The spokesman insisted that the national media had taken its findings out of context. This statement effectively quashed the major media's interest in the story.
It appears Dr. Snead's claim of a cover-up may be correct. In 1996, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a well-known health advocate, published in his book Emerging Viruses, the circa-1986 audio interview with Dr. Maurice Hillman (1919-2005), at the time a leading authority on vaccines and Chief of Merck Pharmaceutical's vaccine division. Dr. Horowitz found the interview at the National Library of Medicine on the campus of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. Medical historian Dr. Edward Shorter had conducted the interview for WGBH television in Boston, Massachusetts, as part of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) series The Health Century produced by the Blackwell Corporation. The interview was never aired, however. In the interview, Dr. Hilleman acknowledges that vaccines given to millions of people worldwide contained the SV-40 virus which is associated with leukemia and other cancers. He also admits that the HIV virus was introduced to humans through vaccines created using HIV infected African monkeys.
The discovery of the Hillman interview vindicates Drs. Snead and Butel in their research concerning the origins of AIDS and the explosion of cancers since the introduction of the polio vaccine. Tragically, government agencies across the country are still forcing parents to immunize their children with what may still be contaminated vaccines before allowing them to attend school. In some cases, when parents refused to comply, they are arrested and their children taken into custody. It would be ironic if the people we have entrusted with our safety are responsible for unleashing what may prove to be a plague of Biblical proportions.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
President of ARGENTINA latest victim of FALSE CANCER DIAGNOSIS; thyroid gland REMOVAL was a MISTAKE
President of Argentina latest victim of false cancer diagnosis; thyroid gland removal was a mistake
by Jonathan Benson, staff writer(NaturalNews) Health authorities are constantly haranguing the public to get screened for breast, prostate, cervical, colorectal and many other forms of cancer because they say early detection is the best way to help avoid dying from the disease. But cancer screenings often lead to false diagnosis, which was the case recently with Cristina Fernandez, President of Argentina, who was sent home from the hospital cancer-free after having already had her thyroid gland removed.
According to reports, Fernandez had undergone surgery on January 4 to have her thyroid gland removed after doctors diagnosed her with thyroid cancer following initial tests. But tests conducted on her thyroid tissue after the fact revealed that there was actually no cancer at all. Needless to say, the "false positive," as it is often referred to, will now require Fernandez to take thyroid hormone replacement therapy for the rest of her life as she no longer has a functioning thyroid gland in her body.
"This result was always within the realm of possibility. It does not mean that the original diagnosis was mistaken," said Eduardo Faure, a thyroid cancer expert out of Buenos Aires, to Reuters about the situation. Apparently in Faure's world, diagnosing a person with cancer when they really do not have cancer is still an accurate diagnosis.
To the rest of the rational world, however, Fernandez' original diagnosis was, indeed, incorrect. And while some experts say this type of scenario is rare, it is actually quite common among potential thyroid cancer patients. According to Dr. Glenn Braunstein, director of the Thyroid Cancer Center at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, doctors commonly remove the thyroid gland if they suspect even as little as a 20 percent chance that cells in the gland might be cancerous.
In 2010, a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that cancer "overdiagnosis," as they are more politely calling it, is a growing problem that is hardly being addressed by mainstream medicine. The researchers involved with that study found that at least one-quarter of all mammograms and about 60 percent of all prostate cancer screenings come up with false positives, which result in needless surgeries and life-altering treatments (
However, there is little evidence that cancer screenings in general provide any benefits at all. Some of them actually cause harm, including mammograms which blast the breasts with high doses of cancer-causing, ionizing radiation (
Sources for this article include:
Research From 100 Countries Proves VITAMIN D Protects Against Cancer
Research From 100 Countries Proves This Strongly Protects Against Cancer
Posted By Dr. Mercola | January 10 2012 | 485 views
A recent paper reviewed ecological studies of the hypothesis that ultraviolet-B (UVB) light protects against cancer by stimulating the production of vitamin D. The review looked at geographical variation of cancer incidence and mortality rates.
The review was based largely on three studies from the United States, one each from Australia, China, France, Japan, and Spain, and eight multicountry studies of cancer incidence rates that collectively examined more than 100 countries. The review consistently found that the higher the solar UVB, the lower the incidence of 15 different types of cancer. There was also some evidence of a similar relationship for 9 additional type of cancer.
According to the study, as reprinted on the website Green Med Info:
"The evidence for the UVB-vitamin D-cancer hypothesis is very strong in general and for many types of cancer in particular."
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Gardasil - Don't Cry for Me Argentina - I Have Come to Kill Thousands of Your Girls
by Rosemary Mathis, Vice President of Victim Support, SANE VAX, INC.(NaturalNews) Last February, Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez announced the launch of the country's HPV vaccine program at the National Institute of Tropical Medicine conference. In a stunning admission and before an audience of her countrymen, who did not react to her gaffe, President Fernandez admits that the HPV vaccine kills girls. Was she betrayed by her subconscious or by her criminal unconscious?
"Now we are going to add the HPV vaccine to the Official Immunization Program of the State and therefore (this expensive medicine) will be free (the HPV vaccine), and therefore, with some time, we will get thousands of women losing their lives" - Spanish: "Vamos a lograr que miles de mujeres pierdan la vida". In fact, the President even seems to know more than many of us on the lethal effectiveness of the drug when she says..."with sometime."1.
Of course Argentina is one of many 'middle- and low-income countries' who have struggled to find ways to introduce the HPV vaccine (Gardasil) in already cash-strapped health systems that have little experience providing health services to adolescent girls.'2. But that is where Merck's Gardasil Access program steps in with free vaccinations for adolescent girls. The Gardasil Access Program is making available at least 3 million doses of Gardasil Human Papillomavirus Quadrivalent (Types 6, 11, 16, 18 Vaccine Recombinant) to qualifying organizations and institutions for use in approved HPV vaccine projects in developing countries.3..
Of course, we now know that this vaccine has been found to be contaminated with a genetically modified recombinant virus that makes the vaccine bio hazardous and a threat to the health and well-being of the population that it is targeted to protect. 4.
The official propaganda of the country's HPV vaccine campaign flagrantly orchestrated by the Argentinian government & financed by Merck - is an animated cartoon with a girl named Maria who dreams of becoming a doctor. The ad blatantly instills fear into the hearts of adolescents with its message that Maria "will only become a doctor in the future if she is vaccinated against HPV." The real message is that Maria only will be able to fulfill her dream of becoming a doctor when she grows up, if she is vaccinated against HPV."
Eva Peron- Death by Betrayal Not Cervical Cancer
President Fernandez supported her lies about the need for the HPV Vaccination Program evoking the death of the legendary Argentinian politician Eva Peron (wife of Juan Domingo Peron), who died of cervical cancer. Using this fear-based reference to Peron is not only painful and malicious, but victimizes a woman who changed the country's history by fighting for the rights of women, including their right to vote. Eva's activities were integral in the history of Argentina and she became a political symbol.
In fact, Juan Peron's first wife also died of cervical cancer and the possibility exists that Peron infected both wives with a particularly aggressive variant of human papillomavirus which combined with other risk factors may have caused cancer in both, or that his first wife infected him and he passed the infection along to Eva.
However, the details and horror around Eva's death are exposed in this New York Times article, dated June 6, 2000 THE DOCTOR'S WORLD; From the Life of Evita, a New Chapter on Medical Secrecy.
When Eva Peron, the first lady of Argentina, underwent a hysterectomy in November 1951, she did not know that her husband, Juan, had summoned a Manhattan cancer surgeon to perform the procedure. The surgeon, Dr. George T. Pack, flew to Buenos Aires, entered the operating room after Eva was anesthetized, and left before she awoke.
A month earlier, using the same secret ritual, Dr. Pack examined an anesthetized Eva to confirm the cervical cancer that Argentine doctors had detected.
The deceit was to keep the cancer secret from Eva and the public during a presidential campaign. Eva's efforts for the poor made a powerful political figure of a woman whose fame was later perpetuated as Evita in a Broadway musical and movie. News that she had a potentially fatal illness could have affected the election's outcome.
The childless Eva underwent both procedures in the belief she had vague female problems. She never knew she had cancer. 4..
Of the 40 million people in Argentina, 51.3% are women. It is estimated that 2,000 women will die from cervical cancer annually in Argentina. That means that only 0.005% of women may die from cervical cancer- and most of those are due to the lack of gynecological screenings and pap testing.
Do these numbers justify vaccinating 100% of girls?
Ignoring the scientific evidence of contamination of viral DNA genetic engineering and international reports on the devastating drug that now has caused countless deaths and thousands of injuries worldwide, President Fernandez insisted that "cancer is a contagious disease," and that all 11 year old girls must receive the mandated HPV Vaccine. Gardasil is now is required for admission to schools, jobs and even the provision of social services or family alowances.
Blind Media
Cristina Fernandez's Business with the giant Merck (Gardasil) or the corporation GlaxoSmithKline (Cervarix), two laboratories with Offices in Argentina, should be foiled when the president stepped on itself" or was betrayed by her subconscious. However nobody seems to have heard the statement, although the official video is on-line at the official website of the Argentine government on You Tube.5..
By the way, this is not the first time that Cristina Fernandez has lied about being compliant with pharmaceutical industry. She did it before with swine flu. Even today, today, the flu shot is mandatory in Argentina. 6.
We will ensure that thousands of women will die. Betrayed by consciousness or unconsciousness?
It is obvious that President Fernandez was betrayed by her own truth - since it is now becoming quite clear that the HPV vaccines Gardasil and Cervarix increase the risk for cervical cancer if a woman is exposed to HPV prior to vaccination.
1.YouTube Cristina Fernandez admite que la vacuna VPH mata mujeres y ninas
You Tube with English subtitles:
2. Delivering Cervical Cancer Protection in the Developing World
3. Gardasil Access Program September 2011 Newsletter
4. SANE Vax Inc. Discovers Potential Bio-hazard Contaminant in Merck's Gardasil? HPV 4 Vaccine
5. New York Times article; June 6, 2000; THE DOCTOR'S WORLD; From the Life of Evita, a New Chapter on Medical Secrecy, Lawrence K. Altman, M.D.
6. Cristina hablo de "historica y exitosa campana de vacunacion" contra la gripe A
Story by Diego Ignacio Mur, Journalist Researcher & Media Producer in Argentina and
Leslie Carol Botha, Vice President Public Relations, SANE Vax Inc.
About the author:
THE SANE VAX MISSION is to promote Safe, Affordable, Necessary & Effective vaccines and vaccination practices through education and information. We believe in science-based medicine. Our primary goal is to provide the information necessary for you to make informed decisions regarding your health and well-being. We also provide referrals to helpful resources for those unfortunate enough to have experienced vaccine-related injuries.
Articles on this site are written by Norma Erickson, President and Leslie Carol Botha, women's health educator, broadcast journalist and Vice-President Public Relations for SANE Vax, Inc. We also allow content from various contributing authors. Other members include Rosemary Mathis, mother of a Gardasil-injured daughter and Vice President Victim Support; Janny Stokvis, Vice-President Research, Freda Birrell, Secretary and HPV vaccine lobbyist United Kingdom /Scotland, and Linda Thompson, Treasurer.
We are demanding the HPV vaccines be taken off the market until an independent study on their safety and efficacy has been conducted. Until then, we are committing our efforts to an educational media campaign to alert the public about the dangers of the HPV vaccines.
SANE Vax, Inc. is involved in the ground-breaking production of the One More Girl Documentary which will premier in 2012. Please join our cause by contributing to this project by contacting Ryan Richardson, Producer at
For more information, please visit our site at
Friday, January 6, 2012
Twelve Ways To Be A Better Person©
Twelve Ways To Be A Better Person©
- Keep learning. If you aren't staying current then you are falling behind.
- Be charitable. It will do your heart good.
- Stay busy. Become known as a person who gets things done.
- Live a life based in honesty and integrity. When you give your word, keep it. When you make a deal, do whatever it takes to make it happen. When you sign a contract, live up to it.
- Be authentic. Don't try to be someone you aren't. You will hate yourself for it and the effort to maintain the façade will exhaust you.
- Don't complain and never whine. No one really wants to hear it anyway, and they have problems of their own they are dealing with.
- Be reliable, flexible, punctual, available and decisive.
- Stand for something. Draw more lines in the sand. Be uncompromising in your expectations, your standards and your values.
- Laugh more. It will do your face good and you'll live longer.
- Be courteous. Basic courtesy has become a lost value. Do your part to bring it back: open doors, say 'please' and 'thank you' and 'you're welcome.'
- Be nice. Simple as that: just be nice.
- Exercise and eat right. It's stupid to be fat and die before you have to.