Running and Triathlon Coach

With the mindset of wellbeing, inside and outside. Health, nutrition and awareness are the pillars of this blog.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How Media Manipulates Public Opinion For Regime Change in Syria

Phony 'Houla Massacre': How Media Manipulates Public Opinion For Regime Change in Syria

Intelligent skeptics should see through the media's smoke screen in order to work out what is really going on in Syria

Patrick Henningsen
May 28, 2012

If you are still needing an academic tutorial on exactly how the mainstream media is able to generate a completely phony public consensus to support foreign intervention projects, you need look no further than the dangerous, fictional narrative currently being rolled out regarding Syria.

This past Saturday and Sunday morning, almost every major corporate mainstream newspaper and TV network in North America and in Europe ran with the average headline,"Massacre of the children as Syrian forces hit rebels", giving hundreds of millions of readers and viewers to artificial impression that it was Syrian government forces – and not western-backed terrorist groups, who carried out a massacre on children and others days ago - even though, the true culprit of these attacks has not yet been determined – a fact which was only briefly mentioned later on in these very same media reports.

One of the UK best-selling weekend papers and most widely read online journals, Guardian media group's The Observerran such a headline – one which shamelessly implied that the Syrian government carried out a massacre in Houla. This was used to shape public opinion in Europe, a reality which is later shaped for the North American market.

Corporate Journalism: The Art of Deception

It shouldn't take a genius to see through this relentless western effort to takeover Syria, but not having learned their lesson from Libya, so many hard working and well educated westerners are bound to fall for it all over again.

Cui bono? Who benefits… from another civilian massacre? Clearly not the Syrian government. But western-backed terrorist groups who have been working to destabilize the country for over one year now, do clearly benefit.

Who would be the chief suspect for this latest massacre? How about the western-backed terrorists in Syria – the very same terrorist groups admitted to their own bombing campaign that killed many innocent people in Syria only weeks ago.

Important to add here also, that the latest child massacre in Syria has been reported as being "done with knives" – which doesn't sound like a government attack to any intelligent reader.

Do not underestimate for one second just how pivotal the western corporate media is in advancing an agenda of global destabilization:

As we have seen used before in Syria and Libya, the alleged massacre in question is based entirely on unsubstantiated evidence, in this case its more uploaded 'Youtube' footage:

"Videos uploaded to the Internet and purporting to be from Houla show many dead and badly mutilated infants. Residents say some victims were killed with knives, while many more died from 18 hours of relentless shelling that left buildings wrecked and homes destroyed in a large residential area near the centre of town."

Origins of these 'Youtube video' are still unknown, but the media machine and certain UN officials have already cited them as "evidence".  Also note that in the YouTube videos, many of the dead children appear to be shot in the heads with fire arms at close range, but this has not stopped certain 'UN observers' from accusing the Syrian government from killing children with tank shelling.

Mainstream Media 101

In order to shape consensus reality, first you need to frame the event. Here the story begins by laying soft blame on the Syrian government…

"Syria's fragile peace process is in shreds after what was claimed to be a regime-backed massacre…"

… and then proceeding to carefully cover themselves, so to speak, but retracting the allegations deeper into the article:

"Major General Robert Mood, head of the UN team in Syria, deplored the attack, which began at midday on Friday, as "indiscriminate and unforgivable" but did not say who had been to blame."

Notice how the article itself states clearly that the persons responsible for the massacre is yet to be known, but The Observer has already framed the conclusion within the headline and in the beginning of the story, in order to fit a pre-determined conclusion. This conclusion happens to be directly in line with Washington and London's foreign policy objective of regime change in Syria.

Take notes. Because this is how it's done, time and time again – another clear example how large media outlets can effectively drive reality in the direction of their choosing, and this is why so many millions of public media consumers are left misinformed and dis informed, eventually leading to a marginal public endorsement of Washington, London and Tel Aviv's interventionist foreign policy objectives. 

Hours after this fake story was circulated in the GMT timezone, it made its way to EST, as the New York Times picks up the ball and runs it down the field. Here the story is further refined to streamline it with regime change policy objectives, codifying reality within North American sector, claiming that:

"More than 90 people, including at least 32 children under the age of 10, were killed in a central Syrian village, top United Nations officials said Saturday, accusing the government of perpetrating the "indiscriminate" shelling of civilian neighborhoods."  

No real details are actually given to support this media-generated verdict, only that, "A United Nations statement said the observers confirmed that "artillery and tank shells were fired at a residential neighborhood."

And finally, the Washington Post weighs in with their attempt to corner Russia and China on the issue, rounding out the artificial verdict today with their headline, "U.N. Security Council blames Syrian government for civilian massacre", claiming that:

"The U.N. Security Council on Sunday blamed the Syrian government for most of the deaths in a massacre of 116 civilians in the village of Houla, issuing a unanimous statement condemning the killings that was supported by Syria's staunch allies Russia and China."

Shortly thereafter, the UN's Ban Ki Moon and Save the Children charity weigh in with carefully-craft statements, but statements that are obviously framed and directed towards Syria's Assad government, and not Gulf States, Washington and London-backed terrorist gangs currently operating under an all but official western mandate within Syria and from their NATO-sanctioned base over the border in southern Turkey. Reality is further shaped by the London Guardian's Observer and others, with an official "international outcry":

"The international community was united in its condemnation. UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon said the killings were a "flagrant violation of international law" while the White House called the violence acts of "unspeakable and inhuman brutality." Arab League head Nabil Elaraby said the killings were a "horrific crime" and urged UN action.

Save the Children's chief executive, Justin Forsyth, echoed calls for intervention. He said: "This indiscriminate killing must stop now. The world cannot sit back and allow this to happen. Children are suffering terribly in this conflict."

Even the BBC have gone so far as to run 9 year old photographs from Iraq, and sell them as from this latest massacre of children in Syria. Any other foreign media outlet in the UK would have its broadcasting license pulled for such a propaganda stunt. In the face of such damning manipulation, why then would so many people still believe the mainstream media's version of reality in countries like Syria?

But what is a more closer version of reality is this:

Western-backed terrorists, many of whom are al-Qaida, mostly hailing from outside of Syria, are fomenting civil war and carrying out a series of attacks on UN observers and civilians, in order to create the preferred western narrative that "Assad must go."

Western readers should be under no illusion – your government operators are sanctioning civilian killing in places like Syria, and your corporate media are being used to place the blame on the west's political enemy in the region – and therefore influence western public support for regime change.

After over one year of intervening through their own favored terrorist guerrilla proxy fighters and running arms into Syria – arms that are admittedly for going into the hands of western-backed al-Qaida groups there, the west has not yet succeeded in toppling the Assad government and installing a new puppet regime, as they did by using NATO military force in Libya last autumn. But western project managers like Hillary Clinton and William Hague have not given up, and if their corporate media outlets are allowed to determine their version reality in Syria, they will eventually get their "humanitarian intervention", and the country will slowly be destroyed from within. Then regime change will happen.

It's as simple as that.

The Syrian people are the ones who will eventually lose if Washington, London, Tel Aviv and the Gulf States succeed in destroying that country, as they have done in Libya and Iraq.

When this is done, then they will move on to destabilize Lebanon in order to unseat and neutralize Hezbollah.

After that, the door to attack Iran will be wide open.

There's your World War Three in earnest.

Overdosed: Over 25% of Kids on Prescription Drugs

Overdosed: Over 25% of Kids on Prescription Drugs

Posted By admin On May 30, 2012 @ 3:03 am In Sci Tech |

Mike Barrett
May 30, 2012

A report released by Medco Health Solutions Inc., the biggest U.S. pharmacy-benefit manager, shows that over 25% of children and teens are involved with taking prescription medications – although that number may have risen over the past couple years. Based on the company's data from 2009, 7% of U.S. children are on a shocking two or more drugs.

Despite the alarming amount of children being fed prescription medication, many of these drugs were intended or tested for only adult use. Research on the drugs' effects in kids is dismal, and consequences of giving these drugs to children without proper research could result in far more problems than the one meant to be treated. Although popping pills to alleviate pain or fix health issues shouldn't be the answer for anyone, it is especially dangerous for younger bodies that are given doses which aren't even tested for.

"We know we're making errors in dosing and safety," says Dr. Benjamin, who is leading a new National Institutes of Health initiative to study drugs in children.

As time goes on, it seems that more pharmaceutical pills are taken on a grand scale. Not only are adults and even pets being fed prescription drugs, but now children are also becoming reliant on such medications. Many of the prescription pills are statins, ADHD pills, antipsychotics, and sleeping pills. All of which have been shown to cause considerable harm.

  • Statins – Despite being popular enough to rake in around 25 billion dollars in annual sales, statins have actually been linked to over 300 different adverse affects in peer-reviewed research [1], including cancer and liver damage. This ultimately led the FDA [2] to institute new warning labels that alert consumers to the dangers of statin drugs, but only for two conditions.
  • Not only shown to be ineffective, antipsychotics have been linked to [3] suicide, diabetes, weight gain, decreased life expectancy, and triggering an array of metabolic conditions.
  • Medications such as Ambien, which is prescribed for insomnia, was deemed a top drug causing memory loss related side-effects. In addition, sleeping pills have also been shown to make way for an increased risk of cancer and premature death [4]. With about 41 percent [5] of adults diagnosed with insomnia turning to prescription drugs, and at least 300,000 children being prescribed sleep aid, it is imperative to pass along this information.

Why are so many children increasingly taking more drugs than ever before? It could have to do with the foods put in front of them every day that are loaded with preservatives, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup and other toxins. It might also have to do with sitting inside all day playing video games, not feeling even a hint of sunlight or participating in physical activity. One thing is for sure, the incredible drug use is certainly a result of drug-pushing mainstream medical professionals, as well as many of those working for the psychiatric community [6].

If parents educate themselves and their children on healthy eating and exercising, then the amount of prescription drugs will drop drastically for everyone. But most importantly, kids who rightfully don't know any better won't be subject to taking unnecessary drugs that could ultimately harm their health for life.

Additional sources:

Wall Street Journal [7]

This post first appeared at Natural Society [8]

Cell phones: 50% increase in frontal and temporal lobe tumors in children

Cell phones: 50 percent increase in frontal and temporal lobe tumors in children

by Lloyd Burrell 

(NaturalNews) The Office of National Statistics in the United Kingdom discovered a 50 percent increase in frontal and temporal lobe tumors in children during the ten year span covering 1999 to 2009. Was this a result of cell phone radiation?

The Department of Health in the UK would appear to think so. One in three children under the age of ten currently has a cellphone in their possession. The governmental agency put out the following statement: "Children should only use mobile phones for essential purposes and keep all calls short."

The facts: while adults definitely absorb some radiation from using cellphones, children are at considerably greater risk. When compared to adults, children's brains can take in up to three times the amount of radiation.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) released their findings last year after going over huge amounts of data taken from dozens of studies: cellphones may cause cancer in humans. These findings were compiled from research that discovered using a cellphone for a decade increases the risk of developing acoustic neuromas in adults. It can be inferred from these findings the distinct possibility that similar, if not more devastating results, can occur in children due to:

• Brain tissue which is more conductive.
• A thinner skull.
• The ability for radiation to penetrate more effectively due to their smaller brains and softer brain tissue.
• A longer period of exposure due to use beginning at an earlier age.

Could this be why almost 400 children a year in Britain are diagnosed with brain and spinal tumors? This equates to 1 in four of all registered childhood cancers.

Cellphones and Big Business

MobileWise, a non-profit organization from the UK whose mission is to inform the public about the potential risks to children from engaging in cell phone use, released a report in 2011 in which researchers expressed concerns. Why have cell phones been deemed safe when more than 200 peer-reviewed studies convey an association between cellphone usage and serious health complications, including brain damage?

Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon and editor of 
The Blaylock Wellness Report, may have the answer. Blaylock shares, "There is considerable evidence that cellphones damage the brain as well as other tissues and organs. In fact, two of the scientists cellphone companies backed to do these studies were fired when their studies demonstrated DNA damage in all cells exposed to the wavelengths and energy from cellphones."

Half the studies on cellphone use and cancer report a link and half do not, leaving researchers conflicted. It's important to note; approximately three quarters of the studies conducted on whether cell phones are linked to the development of cancer are backed and funded by the cellphone industry.

MobileWise suggests helping children and parents minimize cell phone use by forcing the industry to step up. The organization's recommendations call for the industry to put out more user-friendly warning labels, implement the use of functions that place time restrictions on calls, and halt the aggressive marketing tactics aimed at children.

How many more young lives will be destroyed before governments have the courage to do their job and protect public health? The telecommunications industry should not be able to manipulate the facts and practical everyday guidelines to help prevent and/or minimize possibly deadly exposures for children need to be made conspicuously available to the public.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Lloyd Burrell has spent the last 10 years researching the effects of electromagnetic fields on health, after becoming electrically sensitive in 2002. He now offers practical advice on "healthy living in our electromagnetic world". You can download his free EMF Health Report and subscribe to his newsletter by visiting his Cell Phone and EMF protection website. You can also follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

Exposed: Monsanto planted GM alfalfa before USDA approved it, federal agency knew all along

Exposed: Monsanto planted GM alfalfa before USDA approved it, federal agency knew all along

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer 

(NaturalNews) A little more than a year ago, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) made the disastrous decision to deregulate Monsanto's Roundup-Ready alfalfa, even though the agency's sham of an environmental impact report failed to prove that GM alfalfa is at all safe or necessary. It has now come to light that Monsanto released GM alfalfa into the wild years before it was initially deregulated in 2005 -- and the USDA was apparently fully aware of this, but did nothing about it.

Reporting for Activist Post, Cassandra Anderson and Anthony Gucciardi explain that a letter to the USDA dated April 5, 2007, from Cal/West Seeds, a California-based seed company, shows that Monsanto's GM alfalfa had been in cultivation years before the first deregulation of the crop in 2005. That letter reveals that Monsanto's GM traits were already turning up in conventional alfalfa seed in 2005, which means GM traits were in use at least two years before that in 2003.

"We first discovered the unintended presence of the Roundup Ready gene in our conventional alfalfa seed in 2005," says the letter. "It was identified in one of our foundation seed production lots grown in California. We tested the foundation seed lot prior to shipping it to a producer who intended to plant it for organic seed production.

The letter goes on to explain that several other foundation seed lot samples in both California and Washington State also tested positive for the GM alfalfa trait CP4EPSPS. And because at least one of those tested samples was from seeds produced in 2003, it is clear that Monsanto's GM alfalfa had been planted and spreading its toxic traits long before the USDA gave it the green light to do so.

You can view snippets from the Cal/West Seeds letter here:

USDA's 'Final Environmental Impact Statement' for GM alfalfa references Cal/West letter, proving agency knew about Monsanto's illegal activity

In the USDA's Final Environmental Impact Statement dated December 2010, the agency references the Cal/West letter, acknowledging full awareness of the fact that Monsanto's GM alfalfa had already begun spreading its traits to non-GMO alfalfa as far back as 2003. Not only does this prove the agency knew about the scandal all along, but it also shows that the USDA deregulated GM alfalfa with full awareness of its environmental dangers and contamination issues.

Why GMO perennials must be banned in order to save the food supply from destruction

Monsanto's GM alfalfa is the first perennial GMO to be deregulated in the U.S. Unlike annual crops, perennial crops like alfalfa continue to grow year after year, and are highly pervasive throughout the environment. Because of this, GM alfalfa will eventually contaminate the entire food chain, if it has not already.

The organic food supply is also at serious risk, as alfalfa is a common feed crop for organic cows and other livestock. If GM alfalfa traits spread, as was already occurring nearly a decade ago, then organic meat, milk and other animal-based products will become widely contaminated with GM traits.

The only way to protect the food supply against total destruction is to initiate a complete ban on all GM crops, beginning first with perennial crops. And the best way the public can help achieve this at this point, aside from literally destroying GM crop fields by hand, is to support local and national GMO labeling laws:

Be sure to check out this short video segment prepared by NaturalSociety that explains the GM alfalfa issue further:

Sources for this article include:

Major Scientific Updates on the Dangers of CELL PHONES

If you think the jury's still out on whether cell phones can be dangerous to your health, then you might want to take the time to listen to this video. Dr. Devra Davis, author of the book, "The Secret History of the War on Cancer," has been researching the safety hazards of radiation emanating from your cell phone. Like many people, Dr. Davis just didn't believe the possibility of cell phones being dangerous―until she studied it. And now, with the toxicological and epidemiological evidence to back her, she's trying to get the word out that cell phone radiation is not only dangerous, but can be lethal. Interestingly, cell phone makers apparently know of the dangers, as evidenced by warnings that come in fine print on your i-Phone 4, for example.

Marc Faber: Guarantees 100% Certainty A Global Recession


“Absolutely Every One” – 15 Out of 15 – Bluefin Tuna Tested In California Waters Contaminated with Fukushima Radiation


Monday, May 28, 2012

Top U.S. Government Officials Admit that US Government Has Repeatedly Protected Drug Smugglers

Outstanding book on the subject: 

Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion by Gary Webb (murdered by CIA)

BBC Caught In Syria Massacre Propaganda Hoax (used a 9 year old photo of dead Iraqi children to depict victims of an ALLEGED SYRIAN massacred)

The British media has been caught yet again with its pants down in the effort to sell a NATO-led attack on Syria, with the revelation that BBC News used a years-old photo of dead Iraqi children to depict victims of an alleged government assault on the town of Houla.

In a report issued hours after the massacre, the BBC used a photo that was first published over nine years ago and taken in Al Mussayyib, Iraq. The image shows a child skipping over the dead bodies of hundreds of Iraqi children who have been transported from a mass grave to be identified.

The caption used by the BBC to describe the image stated that the picture was provided by an activist and "believed to show the bodies of children in Houla awaiting burial". After the "mistake" was exposed, the BBC changed their original article but did not issue a retraction.

The photographer who took the original picture, Marco Di Lauro, posted on his Facebook page, "Somebody is using my images as a propaganda against the Syrian government to prove the massacre." Di Lauro told the London Telegraph he was "astonished" the BBC had failed to check to authenticity of the image.

"What I am really astonished by is that a news organization like the BBC doesn't check the sources and it's willing to publish any picture sent it by anyone: activist, citizen journalist or whatever. That's all," said Di Lauro.

Popular Antibiotic Found to Increase Risk of Death 250%

Popular Antibiotic Found to Increase Risk of Death 250%

Posted By Dr. Mercola | May 28 2012

Azithromycin is a macrolide antibiotic that stops the growth of bacteria in your body when you have an infection. It's used for treating bronchitis, pneumonia, ear infections and sexually transmitted diseases, and is known for having unpleasant side effects such as skin rashes, itching, allergic or anaphylactic reactions, and severe, watery diarrhea. It also can cause myopathy―muscle and tendon pain, weakness and cramping―if you take statins.

Since it's been shown that use of any type of antibiotic increases the risk of breast cancer in women, you would assume that this list of side effects would be enough to make anybody think twice before taking this drug. But now, new research shows documented evidence that if you go ahead and take it, your chances of dying from a cardiovascular event are increased 250 percent. And when researchers looked at people who already had heart problems, their chances of dying while on this drug were even higher. The study was recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine.


Friday, May 25, 2012

$76,000 bird-watching job to be posted by USDA

New county job: Bird harasser for FLL

Taking down an airplane doesn't require a bomb. Just a bird.

After two major bird-airplane collisions at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, federal aviation officials are requiring Broward County to hire a full-time bird-watcher to keep birds from fowl-ing up flights.

The $118,000 expense will include a salary of $76,252 for a wildlife biologist who specializes in keeping animals away from airports.

With that six-figure investment, said the airport's operations director, Mike Nonnemacher, "you could save hundreds of millions of dollars, and/or hundreds of lives.''

Click here to read the rest of my story.

US poverty rate for women and children hits 17-year record high

US poverty rate for women and children hits 17-year record high

Press TV
May 25, 2012

The US Census Bureau's annual report reveals that the poverty rate among American woman and children reached a 17-year record high in 2010, standing at 14.5 percent.

The new report indicates that, women's poverty rate in the United States stands at 14.5 percent which means that over 17 million people live in poverty.

According to the report, a minimum number of over 15 million American children live below the poverty line — the highest in roughly a decade — while the extreme poverty level stands at 6.3 percent.

The report added that a total of one million American children have been added to the US poor population in a one-year period from 2009 to 2010 alone.

Analysts consider the deteriorating economy and the financial stagnancy the US is facing, as one of the main reasons of the sharp increase in the number of street children to 1.6 million, showing a 33-percent boost compared to 2007.

Army General: The Whole Northern Hemisphere is at Risk of Becoming Largely Uninhabitable

U.S. Army General: The Whole Northern Hemisphere is at Risk of Becoming Largely Uninhabitable

Posted By yihan On May 25, 2012 @ 8:11 am In Featured Stories,Tile | 

Mac Slavo [1]
Friday, May 25, 2012

You may have entertained the idea of an improbable civilization ending events such as a 'global killer' asteroid [2], earth crust displacement or massive solar storms [3], but what if there existed a situation right now that was so serious that it literally threatened our very existence?

According to a host of scientists, nuclear experts and researchers, were are facing exactly such a scenario – and current efforts may not be able to stop it.

When the Fukushima nuclear plants sustained structural damage and a catastrophic failure of their spent fuel cooling systems in the aftermath of the Japanese earthquake and Tsunami in 2011, it left the government of Japan, Tokyo Power and nuclear regulatory agencies around the world powerless to contain the release of deadly radiation. A year on, the battle for control of Fukushima continues to no avail.

It's estimated that tens of thousands of people in Japan and the whole of North America [4] have been affected, with reports indicating that children in Japan and the U.S. are already being born with birth defects, as well as thousands who have already succumbed to radiation related illness. As we initially followed the breaking news during the first thirty days [5] of the accident, we suggested the Fukushima disaster would be worse than Chernobyl. Not even we could have imagined how much worse it would be.

If current estimates [6] are correct, Fukushima has already released as much radiation into the atmosphere and Pacific Ocean as Chernobyl, and the potential for a disaster at least ten times worse is highly probable in the event of another earthquake or accident [7] that leads to a collapse of the cooling structures which are above ground and have already suffered significant damage.

According to U.S. Army General Albert N. Stubblebine (ret.) of the Natural Solutions Foundation [8], the situation is extremely serious and poses a significant danger to our entire civilization. Since TEPCO and the Japanese government have refused the entombment option (as the Russians did with Chernobyl) the world is at the mercy of nature. A mistake here would cause the deaths of tens of millions of people across the globe.

If there ever existed a threat that could cause the end of the world as we know it, it's the ongoing and unresolved nuclear saga in Japan:

When the highly radioactive Spent Fuel Rods are exposed to air, there will be massive explosions releasing many times the amount or radiation released thus far. Bizarrely, they are stored three stories above ground in open concrete storage pools. Whether through evaporation of the water in the pools, or due to the inevitable further collapse of the structure, there is a severe risk. United States public health authorities agree that tens of thousands of North Americans have already died from the Fukushima calamity. When the final cataclysm occurs, sooner rather than later, the whole Northern Hemisphere is at risk of becoming largely uninhabitable.

Fact. On March 11, 2011, Fukushima Daichi nuclear power station with six nuclear reactors suffered cataclysmic damage that some believe was a man made event,and the resulting Tsunami. Hydrogen explosions…at least one nuclear explosion… and then subsequent deterioration of the visible plants at five of those reactors have created a threat situation unparalleled in human history.

Fact. Despite denial and cover-up, the reality has emerged, that enormous amounts of radioactive material has been spewing into the atmosphere, polluting the groundwater, and the food of Japan, and entering by the tens of millions of gallons the waters of the Pacific.

There's no way to sugarcoat these facts. Denying them, blocking them out, pretending that they are not real is of no help to you and your family, and it leaves you totally unprepared for a danger that the Natural Solutions Foundation has been warning about since the first day. As of three weeks ago the levels of radiation inside of the spent fuel pools of unit no. 2 are too high to measure. Get that… too high to measure. And, the water there is evaporating, meaning that heat and radiation could easily build to very high levels.

Very simply put, if this much Cesium 137 is released, it will destroy the world environment and our civilization. This is not rocket science, nor does it connect to the pugulistic debate over nuclear power plants.

This is an issue of human survival.

We can play the denial game all day long and pretend that, because the mainstream media is not reporting on it [9], there is no threat, but the facts are quite clear.

This is, without a doubt, the most immediate threat faced by the world. It's so serious, in fact, that the Japanese government has considered and put into place evacuation plans for the whole of Tokyo [10] – some 40 million people. Reports are also emerging that suggest a collapse of the spent fuel pools would be so serious that the entire country of Japan may have to be evacuated. The entire country – that's 125 million refugees that will cause an unprecedented humanitarian disaster.

Before you argue that these are the ravings of just alternative media conspiracy theorists and fearmongers, consider the assessment put forth by Robert Alvarez [11] , a senior policy adviser to the Secretary for National Security and the Environment for the US Department of Energy:

The No. 4 pool is about 100 feet above ground, is structurally damaged and is exposed to the open elements. If an earthquake or other event were to cause this pool to drain this could result in a catastrophic radiological fire involving nearly 10 times the amount of Cs-137 released by the Chernobyl accident.

The infrastructure to safely remove this material was destroyed as it was at the other three reactors.  Spent reactor fuel cannot be simply lifted into the air by a crane as if it were routine cargo.  In order to prevent severe radiation exposures, fires and possible explosions, it must be transferred at all times in water and heavily shielded structures into dry casks.. As this has never been done before, the removal of the spent fuel from the pools at the damaged Fukushima-Dai-Ichi reactors will require a major and time-consuming re-construction effort and will be charting in unknown waters.

The total spent reactor fuel inventory at the Fukushima-Daichi site contains nearly half of  the total amount of Cs-137 estimated by the NCRP to have been released by all atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, Chernobyl, and world-wide reprocessing plants (~270 million curies or ~9.9 E+18 Becquerel).

It is important for the public to understand that reactors that have been operating for decades, such as those at the Fukushima-Dai-Ichi site, have generated some of the largest concentrations of radioactivity on the planet.

Regulatory agencies all over the world are warning of the potentiality of a further degradation of the Fukushima nuclear reactors and spent fuel pools, and the subsequent nuclear fallout that would follow.

If these reactors go – and they could at any moment for any number of reasons – we're looking at a situation for which you simply cannot stock enough food, or water, or supplies. Radiation would spread across the entire northern hemisphere and would be impossible to contain.

While we've argued in the past that there is no place we'd rather be than in the United States of America in the event of a socio-economic collapse or global conflict, if these spent fuel pools collapse, then an international exit strategy may be the only option.

Because details are sparse and research limited, it is difficult to predict what nuclear fall out from Japan may look like. The following map may be of some help, as it details the estimated fallout pattern resulting from a nuclear war between Russia and the United States. You'll note that, while most of the world would be irradiated, the southern hemisphere would be your best bet to avoid the brunt of it:

Priest Defrocked After Sex Abuse Charges NOW WORKS FOR TSA IN PHILLY

Is This the WORST Place to Store Your Cell Phone?

How to prevent and reverse cancer

How to prevent and reverse cancer

by Jonathan Landsman 

(NaturalNews) Heaven forbid you ever hear the words: "You have cancer". But if you did - what would you do? I would hope you find the courage and conviction to embrace life and defeat cancer with all your power. A cancer diagnosis is NOT a death sentence - it's a wake up call - which requires a comprehensive, plan of action.

The next NaturalNews Talk Hour is a must for every person concerned about cancer. We'll talk about how to kill cancer cells without life-threatening side effects, strengthen immunity and boost your energy for optimal results!

Visit: and enter your email for FREE show details + a FREE gift!

Don't become a victim of cancer industry mythology

Conventionally speaking, people have been brainwashed to believe that cancer is a mysterious disease randomly created amongst our cells. Another deceptive idea is that cancer can only be treated with surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. And, of course, the fear of cancer can be crippling since we have been led to believe that our only hope is a highly-skilled physician (or surgeon) to provide that "magic bullet" - which leaves us feeling powerless and uncertain about our future.

Can't we do anything to help ourselves? Naturally, the answer is yes! Today, many medical doctors understand that cancerous cells develop due to several genetic and biochemical abnormalities. Cancer can not be effectively treated locally - when it's a systemic health crisis.

Decrease your risk for cancer

It's always good to learn from the experts. Cancer specialist, Thomas Lodi, M.D. says, "cancer is not "the enemy," but rather the consequence of continued violations of natural laws. Health is the consequence of healthy living!" Dr. Lodi initially may help cancer patients with Insulin Potentiation Therapy; gene therapy; immunotherapy (plus much more) but the main thing his patients learn is how to stop developing cancer.

Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. helps his patients kill cancer cells with a 3-step approach of diet, supplementation and detoxification. Without the use of drugs or radiation, Dr. Gonzalez offers individualized protocols utilizing organic, whole foods; pancreatic enzymes and coffee enemas to rid the body of toxic waste.

The NaturalNews Talk Hour begins this Thursday evening at 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern, and registration is FREE. Click this link - and enter your email for FREE show details + a FREE gift!

Top rated, anti-cancer action steps

Over the years, I've interviewed hundreds of health experts and they all agree that our lifestyle choices have a profound effect on our physiology. To live life cancer-free - we must create an environment unfriendly to cancer cells. Here are some great tips:

Eat organic fruits and vegetables. (raw - as much as possible)
Drink organic, vegetable juice. (dark leafy greens are best)
Drink natural spring water or filtered water.
Do colon cleansing. (detoxification is a must)
Exercise - most days of the week. (try some yoga)
Enjoy time in the sun. (don't over do it)
Breathe fresh air. (walk in nature or at the beach)
Develop loving relationships.
Take time to relax. (quiet the mind)
Create good sleeping habits. (early to bed, early to rise)
Minimize or eliminate the use of drugs, alcohol or smoking.
Don't over-cook your food. (no microwaves!)
Eliminate plastic bottles or tap water.
Avoid (chronic) stress and negative emotions.
Protect yourself from EMF pollution. (get grounded)
Remove dental amalgams. (mercury is a killer)

This week's guest: Keith Block, M.D. - Integrative Cancer Specialist

Discover the NEW paradigm in cancer treatment and healing - Thu. May 24

Keith Block, M.D. is an internationally recognized expert in integrative oncology. Referred to by many as the "father of integrative oncology," Dr. Block combines cutting-edge conventional treatment with individualized and scientifically-based complementary and nutraceutical therapies.

In 1980, he co-founded the Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment in Illinois - the first such facility in North America. Dr. Block has published more than 75 scientific papers and his model of individualized integrative oncology continues to set the standard for the practice of this comprehensive approach to cancer treatment in the United States.

The next NaturalNews Talk Hour is a must for every person concerned about cancer. We'll talk about how to kill cancer cells without life-threatening side effects, strengthen immunity and boost your energy for optimal results!

Visit: and enter your email for FREE show details + a FREE gift!

Sources for this article include:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

MUST READ- IQ Foods: Processed Food Lowers IQ in Children, Nutritious Food Raises It

IQ Foods: Processed Food Lowers IQ in Children, Nutritious Food Raises It

Posted By admin On May 23, 2012 @ 2:43 am In Sci Tech,Tile |

Anthony Gucciardi
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Processed foods are the staple of far too many diets, particularly in the United States where 105 million people [1] have either diabetes or prediabetes. These processed foods are filled with white sugar, high-fructose corn syrup [2]aspartame [3], artificial food colorings, and a wide variety of other toxic substances. Interestingly enough, research shows that these are some of the worst IQ foods. Given the makeup of processed foods, is it any wonder that children are suffering from IQ reduction upon introducing these foods into their diet?

IQ Foods: The Findings

British researchers uncovered the connection between processed foods and reduced IQ. They followed what 14,000 children ate and drank at the ages of 3, 4, 7, and 8.5 years of age, with answers submitted via parents through questionnaires. The researchers found [4] that if children were consuming a processed diet at age 3, IQ decline could begin over the next five years. The study found that by age 8, the children had suffered the IQ decline.

On the contrary, children who ate a nutrient-rich diet were found to increase their IQ over the 3 year period. The foods considered nutrient-rich by the researchers were most likely conventional fruits and vegetables. If children were to eat a wide variety of organic produce, superfoods, mineral-rich plants, and perhaps even consume a food-based multivitamin, the researchers would most likely see a substantial IQ increase. This eating plan would also benefit the children — or even adults — in other aspects of their lives as well, such as better overall health & well-being.

Processed foods have been known to wreak havoc on the body for quite some time. One joint American and Spanish study has even found [5] that junk food products, particularly those containing trans fats, can make healthy young men infertile by damaging their sperm. Another study, conducted by scientists from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the University of Granada, reported that both junk food and fast food consumption can bring on depression [6]. The link was so strong, in fact, that those who consumed fast food were 51% more likely to be depressed. It isn't surprising that some of the worst IQ foods are the same foods that cause numerous health complications.

This post first appeared at Natural Society [7]

7 foods that will naturally cleanse your liver

Seven foods that will naturally cleanse your liver

by Jonathan Benson, staff writer 

(NaturalNews) The primary way in which your body expels toxins is via the liver, which detoxifies and cleanses your body by continuously filtering the blood of poisons that enter it through the digestive tract, the skin, and the respiratory system. But when your liver becomes overworked as a result of stress or excessive exposure to toxins, your entire system can be thrown off balance, and your health severely compromised.

Since the liver is also responsible for producing bile, another form of detoxification that is metabolically necessary for the breakdown and assimilation of fats and proteins from your food, it is exceedingly important that your liver be properly maintained. Without a well-functioning liver, your body will be unable to cleanse itself and absorb nutrients, which is a recipe for a health disaster.

"The thousands of enzyme systems that are responsible for virtually every body activity are constructed in the liver," writes Dr. Karl Maret, M.D., about the importance of vibrant liver function. "The proper functioning of the eyes, the heart, the brain, the gonads, the joints, and the kidneys, are all dependent on good liver activity."

"If the liver is impaired from constructing even one of the thousands of enzyme systems the body requires, there is an impairment in overall body function and a resultant greater metabolic stress on the individual."

So here are seven important foods you may want to begin incorporating into your diet in order to maintain a healthy liver.

Garlic, grapefruit, green tea, and green vegetables

Garlic contains numerous sulfur-containing compounds that activate the liver enzymes responsible for flushing out toxins from the body. This bulbous relative of the onion also contains allicin and selenium, two powerful nutrients proven to help protect the liver from toxic damage, and aid it in the detoxification process.

Grapefruit is rich in natural vitamin C and antioxidants, two powerful liver cleansers. Like garlic, grapefruit contains compounds that boost the production of liver detoxification enzymes. It also contains a flavonoid compound known as naringenin that causes the liver to burn fat rather than store it (

Green tea is loaded with catechins, a type of plant antioxidant that has been shown in studies to eliminate liver fat accumulation and promote proper liver function ( This powerful herbal beverage also protects the liver against toxins that would otherwise accumulate and cause serious damage.

Leafy green vegetables such as bitter gourd, arugula, dandelion greens, spinach, mustard greens, and chicory also contain numerous cleansing compounds that neutralize heavy metals, which can bear heavily on the liver. Leafy greens also eliminate pesticides and herbicides from the body, and spur the creation and flow of cleansing bile.

Avocados, walnuts, and turmeric

Rich in glutathione-producing compounds, avocados actively promote liver health by protecting it against toxic overload, and boosting its cleansing power ( Some research has shown that eating one or two avocados a week for as little as 30 days can repair a damaged liver.

Walnuts, which contain high levels of l-arginine, an amino acid, glutathione, and omega-3 fatty acids, also help detoxify the liver of disease-causing ammonia. Walnuts also help oxygenate the blood, and extracts from their hulls are often used in liver-cleansing formulas.

Turmeric, one of the most powerful foods for maintaining a healthy liver, has been shown to actively protect the liver against toxic damage, and even regenerate damaged liver cells. Turmeric also boosts the natural production of bile, shrinks engorged hepatic ducts, and improves overall function of the gallbladder, another body-purifying organ.

To learn more, visit:

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The rising tide of Autism

The rising tide of Autism

by Craig Stellpflug 

(NaturalNews) Autism was once thought to be a psychological disorder because of the lack of eye contact that is hallmark in the child with autism. But autism cannot be treated and cured with psycho-therapy or psychotropic drugs.

Autism is not a medical disorder that can be diagnosed with an X-ray or MRI and then cured with drugs or surgery. A lack of drugs is not the cause of autism! On the contrary, too much pharmaceutical intervention has been implicated as one of the multifactorial causes of autism. Autism is actually a neurodevelopment disorder according the University of California, San Francisco, Berkeley and others.

The rising tide

In 1980 there were 1 in 1,000 children with autism; measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines were administered separately for a number of years prior to 1980 with only slight increases in the incidence of child autism. That is until the introduction of the MMR vaccine in 1979. Following the start of this triple vaccine, the incidence of childhood autism showed a sharp and dramatic increase . This increase has in recent times blossomed into full-scale epidemic proportions. And we are asleep at the switch.

While better diagnostic criteria and abilities may account for some of the rise in numbers through today, the real numbers could be way higher than reported by the CDC. On closer scrutiny of the latest CDC document, the current extrapolation for autism numbers used 8 year old children born in the year 2,000 to raise the shocking number of 1 in 88 children's risk for autism. This is not a true reflection of what the autism rates really are and the real rate of autism will be much higher - as high as 1 in 25 according to estimates made by the Big Pharma embattled Dr. Andrew Wakefield.

Losing ground

The core reason the numbers for autism are so high is that we just keep stacking more and more needless vaccines on our kids. A mere two years ago the good-old-USA was number 34 in the world for infant mortality according to the CIA World Fact Book. This means that there were 33 other countries like Cuba, Hungary and Croatia that had lower infant death rates than the USA. But a glance at the current numbers shows that we have now fallen to number 48. We fell behind 14 more countries for infant deaths in just two years. What changed these numbers in that short time? More vaccines and more pharmaceuticals for the very young and their parents too...

Generation Rescue survey of vaccinated vs. unvaccinated boys:
  • Vaccinated boys were 185% more likely to have a neurological disorder
  • Vaccinated boys were 279% more likely to have ADHD
  • Vaccinated boys were 146% more likely to have autism

Your part

You are the only one who can stop this madness by refusing to participate in vaccines that are cytotoxic, neurotoxic and immunotoxic (well, that's pretty much all vaccines...). Don't expect for one minute that Big Pharma is going to cut down on money-making vaccines to find out if vaccines are the cause of autism. Chemicals aside, did you know that if you are Vegan you have to refuse vaccines on the principle of human fetal cells, animal proteins and other animal products that are in all the vaccines that I know of?

Start today and join the growing ranks of hundreds of thousands of families who choose to stop harming children by making informed decisions regarding vaccinations.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
Craig Stellpflug is a Cancer Nutrition Specialist, Lifestyle Coach and Neuro Development Consultant at Healing Pathways Medical Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ. With 17 years of clinical experience working with both brain disorders and cancer, Craig has seen first-hand the devastating effects of vaccines and pharmaceuticals on the human body and has come to the conclusion that a natural lifestyle and natural remedies are the true answers to health and vibrant living. You can find his daily health blog at and his articles and radio show archives at

Why US Politicians Get a "Pay Increase" After Leaving Office

The Secret Weapon U.S. Lobbyists Use to Ruin Your Health

If you're a corporation or a lobbyist and you want to "buy" a member of Congress, one common and effective way to do so is by secretly promising them a high-paying job once they leave office.

  • A common form of bribery in the Halls of Congress is to secretly promise a politician (or one of his key staffers) a high-paying position as a lobbyist once they leave office. According to a recent investigation into 12 lawmakers-turned-lobbyist, politicians increased their salary by an average of 1,452 percent from the last year they were in office
  • In an explosive 60-Minutes' report aired last year, former lobbyist Jack Abramoff revealed just how effective this form of bribery was. He would primarily target Chief's of Staff with job offers, ultimately giving him profound power of influence over more than 100 congressional offices
  • The US political system is fatally flawed. It is run by bribery, and it cannot be fixed through reform efforts, because those creating the reforms are the very people affected by them
  • In order to have even a remote chance of ending this kind of corruption, all members of Congress and their staff must be prohibited from ever becoming a lobbyist after their service on the Hill is over