Running and Triathlon Coach

With the mindset of wellbeing, inside and outside. Health, nutrition and awareness are the pillars of this blog.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

TSA- Prostitution rings, child pornography, trashing hotel rooms and drunkenly firing guns: A week in the life of TSA agents

You Don't Have To Be A Criminal Sexual Deviant To Work For The TSA… But It Helps

Posted By admin On March 29, 2012 @ 4:22 am In Featured Stories,Steve Watson Articles,Tile | 25 Comments

Prostitution rings, child pornography, trashing hotel rooms and drunkenly firing guns: A week in the life of TSA agents

Steve Watson [1]
March 29, 2012

The TSA is under intense scrutiny this week following a congressional hearing to examine the agency's performance. Which is why higher ups will not be pleased to see the headlines thrown up today by a simple online search.

First of all there is the case of TSA manager Bryant Jermaine Livingston, 39, who was arrested by police during his shift at Washington, D.C.'s Dulles airport for his alleged involvement with a prostitution ring [2].

Prior to his arrest, Livingston was caught in the Silver Spring Crowne Plaza Hotel with three naked women and four other men, after the hotel manager became suspicious and called the police.

While the now former TSA agent claims he was holding a "swingers party", the other men involved admitted that they had paid Livingston to take part.

Another TSA official also told police that Livingston had a history of being involved with prostitution for several years.

Another TSA related headline focuses on 34-year-old former TSA screener Andrew Cheever of Boston, who was sentenced this week to nearly three and a half years in prison for possessing child pornography [3].

The former Logan airport screener was found to have thousands of child pornography images and videos stored on his home computer. He was also found to have shared the material online using peer-to-peer software.

And then there is the case of two TSA officers gone wild, who got drunk, trashed a South Beach hotel room Tuesday, then picked up a semi-automatic handgun and fired six rounds out the window.

The Miami Herald reports [4] that Jeffrey Piccolella, 27, and Nicholas Anthony Puccio, 25, were arrested and charged with criminal mischief and use of a firearm while under the influence.

The police report stated that the bullets fired penetrated windows and walls of nearby buildings. Thankfully no one was injured.

As we have consistently highlighted, the regularity with which these kind of incidents occur with TSA workers makes it look like committing felonies is a prerequisite to get a job in airport security.

We've documented numerous examples [5] where TSA agents have been caught committing crimes both on and off the job, from molesting children, to stealing, to kidnapping, to assault, to drug smuggling. The list of cases is growing to biblical proportions and gets larger with each passing day.

Efforts to curb TSA powers [6], eliminate the use of wasteful, [7]useless [8], and potentially harmful [9] body scanners, make TSA grope downs a felony are not just about protecting our privacy, they're also now about protecting us from a sub-human criminal underclass that has been given carte blanche by big government to unleash their predatory sexual and criminal fetishes on the traveling American public.

SAY NO TO GMOs - MONSANTO Herbicide Found to be Toxic to Your Mouth Cells and Much More

Commonly Used Herbicide Found to be Toxic to Your Mouth Cells and Much More

Posted By Dr. Mercola | March 29 2012

New research finds that glyphosate, an ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup Ultra Max, causes both cellular and DNA damage to the cells inside your mouth and throat. The damage includes chromosomal abnormalities that ultimately kill cells at higher concentrations. Importantly, DNA damage occurred at concentrations below those required to induce cell damage, suggesting that the DNA damage was caused directly by glyphosate instead of being an indirect result of cell toxicity, according to the Institute of Science in Society.

Glyphosate is highly soluble in water, so impacts on aquatic wildlife may be of particular concern, especially following the recent report on the presence of glyphosate in rain water, groundwater, rivers and air, the Society writes on its website.

Scientists from the Medical University of Vienna, Austria, made this discovery in an extensive study. "These results may explain some of the ailments observed in people who work with this herbicide and adds yet more weight to an outright ban of the herbicide," the Society said.


FDA Eliminates 1 Million Signatures for GMO Labeling on ‘Technical’ Reasons

FDA Eliminates 1 Million Signatures for GMO Labeling on 'Technical' Reasons

Posted By Dr. Mercola | March 29 2012

In another brazen example of how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) totally ignores the very people it's supposed to listen to and protect, this rogue agency has decided that over a million U.S. citizens' signatures and comments count for nothing. NOTHING. That's the results of a campaign spearheaded by the Just Label It group to urge the agency to label genetically modified foods.

Organizers of the campaign said they gathered more than 1 million signatures of people who want to know what's in the foods they're eating. But the whole effort was basically thrown out the window when the FDA decided that signatures on form letters don't count. Therefore, under the FDA counting method, the 1 million signatures have been whittled down to a whopping 394. According to the Chicago Tribune:

The agency says that if 35,000 people, for instance, sign their name to the same form letter it only counts as one person or "comment." And if tens of thousands sign a petition, they are only counted as one "comment," too.

The FDA says it's still considering the issue, and that they would let the Just Label It group know if, and when, they made a decision on whether they would mandate GM food labeling.


Genetically Modified Food Is an Act of Bioterrorism!!

Genetically Modified Food Is an Act of Bioterrorism!!

Posted By Dr. Mercola | March 29 2012

When renowned filmmaker and social activist Mahesh Bhatt released his film Poison on the Platter in late 2009, its title left no question about what he thinks of genetically modified food sources. The ground-breaking film is still making the rounds today, and may even be more pertinent than it was when he introduced his scathing attack on biotech multinational companies like Monsanto. In subsequent speaking engagements, Bhatt has emphasized how scientific evidence has proven that GM foods stunt our growth, impair our immune system, and adversely affect all our vital organs.

His research is backed up by Jeffrey M. Smith, founder and director of The Institute of Responsible Technology and author of two books on the health impact of GM foods.

"I can say with absolute confidence that there is irrefutable and overwhelming evidence that genetically engineered foods are harmful, and that they are not being evaluated properly by the governments of India, United States, the European Union, or anywhere in the world," Smith said. "This is one of the most dangerous technologies ever introduced on earth, and it's being deployed in our food supply. It's madness, what we need is a political willingness to say no more".


Drugs Killed 3 Million People in the Last 30 Years—How Many Did Vitamins Kill?

Drugs Killed 3 Million People in the Last 30 Years—How Many Did Vitamins Kill?

Posted By Dr. Mercola | March 29 2012

When the new 203-page annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers was published at the end of 2011, a remarkable fact was glaringly present: There was not even ONE death caused by a vitamin supplement in 2010. That's right: the report shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero deaths from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero deaths from any other vitamin.

And, according to, when you take vitamin sales into account, that means that over 60 billion doses of vitamins and mineral supplements were taken in 2010, and each year, with ZERO deaths occurring. Unfortunately, the same can't be said about prescription drugs.


WOMEN-The Best Birth Control in the World Is for Men

The Best Birth Control in the World Is for Men

Posted By Dr. Mercola | March 29 2012

The procedure is called RISUG in India, and it takes about 15 minutes with a doctor. Its effectiveness begins about three days later, and it lasts 10 or more years. And, this male contraceptive—yes, MALE—may very well be the best birth control in the world. The online tech magazine, Techcitement, recently broke the news of this ground-breaking procedure, which involves injecting a small amount of a special gel into the scrotum.

It's a "set-it-and-forget-it" option that works, Techcitement says. "The only trouble is most people don't even know this exists." There's also just one little kink in the procedure, Techcitement adds: "If men only need one super-cheap shot every 10 years or more, that's not something that gets big pharmaceutical companies all fired up, because they'll make zero money on it (even if it might have the side benefit of, you know, destroying HIV)."


VACCINES? CDC: U.S. kids with autism UP 78% in past decade

(CNN) -- The number of children with autism in the United States continues to rise, according to a new report released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The latest data estimate that 1 in 88 American children has some form of autism spectrum disorder. That's a 78% increase compared to a decade ago, according to the report.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Descent into Communism -The TRUTH about the Government Health Care Bill

The U.S. Supreme Court is hearing arguments this week about Obama's health care law, which has been challenged by twenty-six states. The crux of the legal arguments center around whether the federal government can mandate private citizens to purchase a product or service they may not even want or need. 

If the Supreme Court upholds the constitutionality of Obamacare, it would mean a
limitless expansion of federal government authority to dictate to Americans what they must buy -- and then to financially penalize Americans who don't buy those products or services. This is precisely the model for Obamacare, which financially punishes those who fail to buy private health insurance by fining them through the IRS.

Tyrants versus entrepreneurs

The difference between tyrants and entrepreneurs is that tyrants always FORCE you to buy things, while entrepreneurs leave it up to you and your free choice.

So instead of respecting freedom and the free market, the oppressive system of 
economic dictatorship being practiced by governments everywhere is designed to deny people their free choice and force them to purchase monopoly-priced products that the people don't even want.

This is how national economies are destroyed. Once government starts telling you what you can and can't buy, the whole economy becomes distorted at first, and then paralyzed soon thereafter. That's when governments historically bring in yet more insane economic policies such as price control which almost immediately result in a wipeout of available supplies (store shelves stripped bare).

The bottom line truth in all this is that 
centrally-planned economies always -- ALWAYS -- fail! No government, no matter how compassionate or well-meaning, can replace the individual economic decisions and behavior of hundreds of millions of people. That's why protecting liberty is the only proper role of government. By protecting liberty (and free choice), the government allows the People to make their own decisions about products and services. Government intervention only interferes with good decision making, causing both economic loss and resentment among the population.

No one wants to be forced to buy something, especially if that something is supporting the drugs-and-surgery medical industry (which is heavily populated with quacks, criminals, corrupt scientists and fabricated data).

~Mike Adams

Curcumin found to prevent brain degenerative diseases including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's

Curcumin found to prevent brain degenerative diseases including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's

by John Phillip
See all articles by this author

(NaturalNews) Curcumin, the bioactive compound found in the Indian curry spice turmeric and commonly referred to as 'holy powder', has been used for centuries in folk medicine to treat wounds, infections, and other health problems. Today researchers are using the power of the evolving science of epigenetics to reveal how curcumin is crucial in the fight against many forms of cancer, as it causes metastatic cells to undergo programmed cell death, or apoptosis.

Researchers from Michigan State University, publishing the result of a study in the 
Journal of Biological Chemistry have found that this amazing natural compound is able to prevent the destructive formation of alpha-synuclein proteins that are the hallmark presentation in many neurodegenerative disease such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Curcumin is one a very select group of structures that is able to cross the delicate blood-brain barrier to affect biochemical and electrical activities in the brain. The turmeric derivative has demonstrated the unique capability to prevent clumping or aggregation leading to disease development.

Curcumin aids protein folding to prevent brain tangles and degeneration

The team lead researcher, Dr. Basir Ahmad and scientists conducting the study commented "Our research shows that curcumin can rescue proteins from aggregation, the first steps of many debilitating diseases... more specifically, curcumin binds strongly to alpha-synuclein and prevents aggregation at body temperatures."

The team used precise lasers to study the split-second formation of proteins known as 'protein folding'. Normally, proteins are folded at lightning fast speed at the direction of genes and DNA sequences. Damage to DNA caused by poor diet and lifestyle factors from epigenetic alterations results in mis-folded proteins and neurodegenerative disease.

Researchers found that when curcumin attaches to alpha-synuclein it not only stops clumping, but it also raises the protein's folding or reconfiguration rate. By slowing the speed that the proteins form, curcumin effectively inhibits abnormal protein clumping to prevent tangles and damage to the nerve synapses. Chemical and electrical communications are retained that help to help prevent the early manifestation of Parkinson's disease.

Curcumin can be added to the diet with liberal use of the Indian curry spice in meal preparation. Many people do not enjoy the taste of curry infused foods. For those individuals, nutrition advisors recommend a standardized supplement (std. to 95% total curcuminoids for maximum bioavailability) providing 300 to 500 mg daily to prevent neurodegenerative decline.

Sources for this article include:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Americans Eat the Cheapest Food in the World, But What is It Really Costing?

Americans Eat the Cheapest Food in the World, But What is It Really Costing?

Posted By Dr. Mercola | March 27 2012

In 2010, Americans spent 9.4 percent of their disposable income on food -- 5.5 percent at home and 3.9 percent eating out.  This is a smaller percentage than during any other period in history, and less than half the amount of income spent by Germans (11.4%), the French (13.6%), or the Italians (14.4%).  It is less than one-third the amount of income spent in South Africa (20.1%), Mexico (24.1%), and Turkey (24.5%), and far below Kenya (45.9%) and Pakistan (45.6%).

But overall, it's not actually such a great deal.  Because of the types of food that are so cheap, Americans are spending more than ever on healthcare.  Obesity in the U.S. could cost $344 billion in medical-related expenses by 2018.

And according to Treehugger, that's far from the only problem with the food:

"Conventional foods are largely genetically modified and covered in pesticide residue ... Cheapening our food supply in such a real way has also caused undue harm to the animals that fall victim to our twisted pricing ... In the end, the new corporate structure of our food system has cheapened our diets in a way the world has never seen. While food may cost less in the U.S., it's costing us more than we know in terms of our health, the health of the planet, and harm to the animals we choose to consume."

Bedrock of vaccination theory crumbles as science reveals antibodies not necessary to fight viruses

Bedrock of vaccination theory crumbles as science reveals antibodies not necessary to fight viruses

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer 

(NaturalNews) While the medical, pharmaceutical, and vaccine industries are busy pushing new vaccines for practically every condition under the sun, a new study published in the journal Immunity completely deconstructs the entire vaccination theory. It turns out that the body's natural immune systems, comprised of both innate and adaptive components, work together to ward off disease without the need for antibody-producing vaccines.

The theory behind vaccines is that they mimic infection by spurring B cells, one of the two major types of white blood cells in the immune system, to produce antibodies as part of the adaptive immune system. It is widely believed that these vaccine-induced antibodies, which are part of the more specific adaptive immune system, teach the immune system how to directly respond to an infection before the body becomes exposed to it.

But the new research highlights the fact that innate immunity plays a significant role in fighting infections, and is perhaps more important than adaptive immunity at preventing or fighting infections. In tests, adaptive immune system antibodies were shown unable to fight infection by themselves, which in essence debunks the theory that vaccine-induced antibodies serve any legitimate function in preventing or fighting off infection.

"Our findings contradict the current view that antibodies are absolutely required to survive infection with viruses like VSV (vesicular stomatitis virus), and establish an unexpected function for B cells as custodians of macrophages in antiviral immunity," said Dr. Uldrich H. von Andrian from 
Harvard Medical School. "It will be important to further dissect the role of antibodies and interferons in immunity against similar viruses that attack the nervous system, such as rabies, West Nile virus, and Encephalitis."

As explained by Dr. Russell Blaylock in a recent interview with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, vaccines not only do not work as advertised, but they actually damage the body's innate immunity. Rather than teach the body how to respond to infections, vaccines actually inhibit the immune system's ability to produce TH2-type cytokines, and suppress cellular immunity, which is how the body protects itself against deadly viruses and bacteria.

So once again, the myth that vaccinations serve any sort of legitimate medical purpose has been deconstructed by breakthrough science. Regardless of whether or not the mainstream medical community wants to admit it, pro-vaccine ideology is increasingly finding itself in the dustheap of outmoded pseudoscience.

Sources for this article include:

Monsanto’s GMO CORN Causing Weight Gain, Disrupting Organs (IF YOU BUY CORN IT MUST BE ORGANIC)

10 Reasons Why The Reign Of The Dollar As The World Reserve Currency Is About To Come To An End

10 Reasons Why The Reign Of The Dollar As The World Reserve Currency Is About To Come To An End

Posted By admin On March 27, 2012 @ 2:41 am In Commentary,Featured Stories | 19 Comments

The Economic Collapse [1]
March 27, 2012

The U.S. dollar has probably been the closest thing to a true global currency that the world has ever seen.  For decades, the use of the U.S. dollar has been absolutely dominant in international trade.  This has had tremendous benefits for the U.S. financial system and for U.S. consumers, and it has given the U.S. government tremendous power and influence around the globe.  Today, more than 60 percent [2] of all foreign currency reserves in the world are in U.S. dollars.  But there are big changes on the horizon.  The mainstream media in the United States has been strangely silent about this, but some of the biggest economies on earth have been making agreements with each other to move away from using the U.S. dollar in international trade.  There are also some oil producing nations which have begun selling oil in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, which is a major threat to the petrodollar system [3] which has been in place for nearly four decades.  And big international institutions such as the UN and the IMF have even been issuing official reports about the need to move away form the U.S. dollar and toward a new global reserve currency.  So the reign of the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency is definitely being threatened, and the coming shift in international trade is going to have massive implications for the U.S. economy.

A lot of this is being fueled by China.  China has the second largest economy on the face of the earth, and the size of the Chinese economy is projected to pass the size of the U.S. economy by 2016 [4].  In fact, one economist is even projecting that the Chinese economy will be three times larger [5] than the U.S. economy by the year 2040.

So China is sitting there and wondering why the U.S. dollar should continue to be so preeminent if the Chinese economy is about to become the number one economy on the planet.

Over the past few years, China and other emerging powers such as Russia have been been quietly making agreements to move away from the U.S. dollar in international trade.  The supremacy of the U.S. dollar is not nearly as solid as most Americans believe that it is.

As the U.S. economy continues to fade [6], it is going to be really hard to argue that the U.S. dollar should continue to function as the primary reserve currency of the world.  Things are rapidly changing, and most Americans have no idea where these trends are taking us.

The following are 10 reasons why the reign of the dollar as the world reserve currency is about to come to an end….

#1 China And Japan Are Dumping the U.S. Dollar In Bilateral Trade

A few months ago, the second largest economy on earth (China) and the third largest economy on earth (Japan) struck a deal which will promote the use of their own currencies (rather than the U.S. dollar) when trading with each other.  This was an incredibly important agreement that was virtually totally ignored by the U.S. media.  The following is from a BBC report [7] about that agreement….

China and Japan have unveiled plans to promote direct exchange of their currencies in a bid to cut costs for companies and boost bilateral trade.

The deal will allow firms to convert the Chinese and Japanese currencies directly into each other.

Currently businesses in both countries need to buy US dollars before converting them into the desired currency, adding extra costs.

#2 The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) Plan To Start Using Their Own Currencies When Trading With Each Other

The BRICS continue to flex their muscles.  A new agreement will promote the use of their own national currencies when trading with each other rather than the U.S. dollar.  The following is from a news source in India [8]….

The five major emerging economies of BRICS — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — are set to inject greater economic momentum into their grouping by signing two pacts for promoting intra-BRICS trade at the fourth summit of their leaders here Thursday.

The two agreements that will enable credit facility in local currency for businesses of BRICS countries will be signed in the presence of the leaders of the five countries, Sudhir Vyas, secretary (economic relations) in the external affairs ministry, told reporters here.

The pacts are expected to scale up intra-BRICS trade which has been growing at the rate of 28 percent over the last few years, but at $230 billion, remains much below the potential of the five economic powerhouses.

#3 The Russia/China Currency Agreement

Russia and China have been using their own national currencies when trading with each other for more than a year now [9].  Leaders from both Russia and China have been strongly advocating for a new global reserve currency for several years, and both nations seem determined to break the power that the U.S. dollar has over international trade.

#4 The Growing Use Of Chinese Currency In Africa

Who do you think is Africa's biggest trading partner?

It isn't the United States.

In 2009, China became Africa's biggest trading partner [10], and China is now aggressively seeking to expand the use of Chinese currency on that continent.

A report from Africa's largest bank, Standard Bank, recently stated the following [11]….

"We expect at least $100 billion (about R768 billion) in Sino-African trade – more than the total bilateral trade between China and Africa in 2010 – to be settled in the renminbi by 2015."

China seems absolutely determined to change the way that international trade is done.  At this point, approximately 70,000 Chinese companies [2] are using Chinese currency in cross-border transactions.

#5 The China/United Arab Emirates Deal

China and the United Arab Emirates have agreed to ditch the U.S. dollar [12] and use their own currencies in oil transactions with each other.

The UAE is a fairly small player, but this is definitely a threat to the petrodollar system.  What will happen to the petrodollar [3] if other oil producing countries in the Middle East follow suit?

#6 Iran

Iran has been one of the most aggressive nations when it comes to moving away from the U.S. dollar in international trade.  For example, it has been reported that India will begin to use gold [13] to buy oil from Iran.

Tensions between the U.S. and Iran are not likely to go away any time soon, and Iran is likely to continue to do what it can to inflict pain on the United States in the financial world.

#7 The China/Saudi Arabia Relationship

Who imports the most oil from Saudi Arabia?

It is not the United States.

Rather, it is China.

As I wrote about the other day, China imported 1.39 million [14] barrels of oil per day from Saudi Arabia in February, which was a 39 percent increase from one year earlier.

Saudi Arabia and China have teamed up to construct a massive new oil refinery in Saudi Arabia, and leaders from both nations have been working to aggressively expand trade between the two nations.

So how long is Saudi Arabia going to stick with the petrodollar [15] if China is their most important customer?

That is a very important question.

#8 The United Nations Has Been Pushing For A New World Reserve Currency

The United Nations has been issuing reports [16] that openly call for an alternative to the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency of the world.

In particular, one UN report envisions "a new global reserve system" in which the U.S. no longer has dominance [17]….

"A new global reserve system could be created, one that no longer relies on the United States dollar as the single major reserve currency."

#9 The IMF Has Been Pushing For A New World Reserve Currency

The International Monetary Fund has also published a series of reports [18]calling for the U.S. dollar to be replaced as the reserve currency of the world.

In particular, one IMF paper entitled "Reserve Accumulation and International Monetary Stability" [19] that was published a while back actually proposed that a future global currency be named the "Bancor [20]" and that a future global central bank could be put in charge of issuing it….

"A global currency, bancor, issued by a global central bank (see Supplement 1, section V) would be designed as a stable store of value that is not tied exclusively to the conditions of any particular economy. As trade and finance continue to grow rapidly and global integration increases, the importance of this broader perspective is expected to continue growing."

#10 Most Of The Rest Of The World Hates The United States

Global sentiment toward the United States has dramatically shifted, and this should not be underestimated.

Decades ago, we were one of the most loved nations on earth.

Now we are one of the most hated.

If you doubt this, just do some international traveling.

Even in Europe (where we are supposed to have friends), Americans are treated like dirt.  Many American travelers have resorted to wearing Canadian pins so that they will not be treated like garbage while traveling over there.

If the rest of the world still loved us, they would probably be glad to continue using the U.S. dollar.  But because we are now so unpopular, that gives other nations even more incentive to dump the dollar in international trade.

So what will happen if the reign of the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency comes to an end?

Well, some of the potential effects were described in a recent article by Michael Payne [21]….

"The demise of the dollar will also bring radical changes to the American lifestyle. When this economic tsunami hits America, it will make the 2008 recession and its aftermath look like no more than a slight bump in the road. It will bring very undesirable changes to the American lifestyle through massive inflation, high interest rates on mortgages and cars, and substantial increases in the cost of food, clothing and gasoline; it will have a detrimental effect on every aspect of our lives."

Most Americans don't realize how low the price of gasoline in the United States is compared to much of the rest of the world.

There are areas in Europe where they pay about twice what we do for gasoline.  Yes, taxes have a lot to do with that, but the fact that the U.S. dollar is used for almost all oil transactions also plays a significant role.

Today, America consumes nearly a quarter of the world's oil.  Our entire economy is based upon our ability to cheaply transport goods and services over vast distances.

So what happens if the price of gasoline doubles or triples from where it is at now?

In addition, if the reign of the U.S. dollar as global reserve currency ends, the U.S. government is going to have a much harder time financing its debt.

Right now, there is a huge demand for U.S. dollars and for U.S. government debt [22] since countries around the world have to keep huge reserves of U.S. currency lying around for the sake of international trade.

But what if that all changed?

What if the appetite for U.S. dollars and U.S. debt dried up dramatically?

That is something to think about.

At the moment, the global financial system is centered on the United States.

But that will not always be the case.

The things talked about in this article will not happen overnight, but it is important to note that these changes are picking up steam.

Under the right conditions, a shift in momentum can become a landslide or an avalanche.

Clearly, the conditions are right for a significant move away from the U.S. dollar in international trade.

So when will this major shift occur?

Only time will tell.

Tokyo Soil: Blanketed with Fukushima Radiation – Would Be Considered “Radioactive Waste” in U.S.

The First Crack: $270 Billion In Student Loans Are At Least 30 Days Delinquent

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Free Ride! Meet the Companies That Don't Even Pretend to Pay Taxes

Free Ride! Meet the Companies That Don't Even Pretend to Pay Taxes

By Lynn Parramore, 
Posted on March 22, 2012, Printed on March 23, 2012

Like me, you're probably knee-deep in receipts and forms right now, getting ready to pay your share in taxes so that our country can function. Meanwhile, many giant corporations are getting a free ride. Fairness is one of our most treasured American values, but "scam and dodge" has become the mantra of our corporations and the pols who protect them.

Big business apologists like to tell us that the U.S. corporate tax rate of 35 percent is too high, and makes companies less "competitive" with foreign firms. Yet we all know that corporations hire legions of wily accountants to find loopholes that often bring their tax rate down to next to nothing.

In 2008, Goldman Sachs paid a laughable 1.1 percent of its income in taxes. That same year, it earned a profit of $2.3 billion and received an $800 billion bailout, courtesy of you and me. Let's savor that irony for a moment, as we recall that the bailout is not all we paid for Goldman Sachs to operate its rapacious business, which, as the cynical editors of Bloomberg recently reminded us, apparently has no obligation to serve humanity. We pay for its employees to be educated. We pay for the infrastructure required to facilitate its business. We pay a gargantuan sum in "defense spending" which essentially funnels our tax dollars into protections and path-smoothing that allows Goldman Sachs to operate in, and to penetrate, foreign markets.

Paying 1.1 percent for all this largesse is surely a joke. And an even bigger travesty is that many outsized firms pay nothing at all, as General Electric famously managed to do in 2010, despite showing $10.5 billion in profits. GE is not alone. According to a report from Citizens for Tax Justice, 37 of the biggest American corporations did not pay one red cent in taxes in 2010. Financial services, you'll be thrilled to know, received the largest share of all federal tax subsidies over the last three years, despite the fact that the size and recklessness of that industry is one of the greatest dangers to our economic well-being.

But increasingly, the biggest punchline of all is a growing breed of firms that are classified as "non-taxable." That's right. These firms pay zilch. Nada. Zippo.

Take the case of StoneMor Partners, a firm seeking to profit from dying baby boomers, who will need an awful lot of cemetery real estate. The company, whose mission is "to memorialize each life with dignity" might add a second motto to its mission statement: "to capitalize on each tax break with alacrity."

StoneMor takes advantage of a special structure known as a pass through, in which profits are passed along to investors who pay taxes on those sums through their individual returns. The exception has been around for decades, but lately Congress and state governments have broadened it to encourage "entrepreneurship." The idea is to help small businesses, which sounds like a good thing. Until you realize that a mammoth private equity company like Blackstone and a massive construction firm like Bechtel, among others, are using this kind of business organization to avoid the taxman altogether.

The percentage of U.S. corporations structured as "nontaxable businesses" soared from about 24 percent in 1986 to about 69 percent as of 2008, according to the Internal Revenue Service. If you include partnerships and sole proprietors, the number gets even bigger.

And there's more: Up to 60 percent of all U.S. businesses with profits of $1 million are structured as pass-throughs. In the Wall Street Journal, John D. McKinnon points out that their enormous popularity is "one big reason why federal corporate tax collections amounted to just 1.3% of GDP in 2010, well below their mark of 2.7% in 2006 and far beneath their peak of 6.1% in 1952."

Who is in favor of this gross unfairness? Democrats and Republicans alike have failed to make taking it on a priority. Unsurprisingly, a GOP-backed coalition of building contractors, beer distributors, car dealers and funeral directors has been the most vehement in arguing that changing the rules will block "entrepreneurship."

Does Blackstone, the world's fifth-largest private equity firm, really need our assistance?

The pass-through structure, in addition to being unfair, encourages fraud that the Internal Revenue Service has a hard time spotting. S corporations, partnerships and other pass-throughs game the system by underreporting income and overstating deductions. Billions in uncollected taxes each year are the result of this scamming.

In an era of laid-off school teachers, uninsured children, widespread joblessness, and crumbling roads and bridges, this is nothing short of obscene. As economist William Lazonick, director of the U Mass Center for Industrial Competitiveness, put it to me in an email:

"Ordinary taxpayers should be outraged by the obsession of business executives with tax avoidance. Our tax dollars have played a major role in funding the physical infrastructures and human capital that support business enterprise. Then they pull out every trick in the book to deprive us of our fair share of business profits. Besides reflecting a profound moral deficit on the part of our business 'leaders,' it is a recipe for U.S. economic decline that calls for massive tax reform."

Obviously, reform to get rid of these loopholes is wildly overdue. Once we decide as a nation what our government needs to spend in order to have a decent and prosperous society and what share of total tax revenues different types of economic actors should pay, there should be no more excuses. And businesses that refuse to pay their share should be called by their proper name: parasites.

Whitney Houston cause of death cover-up? Coroner changes story, blames cocaine, not pharmaceuticals

Whitney Houston cause of death cover-up? Coroner changes story, blames cocaine, not pharmaceuticals

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor 

There's something afoot in the changing story about what actually killed Whitney Houston. According to the official coroner's report that was recently released, Whitney Houston died from drowning and cocaine was a "contributing factor." All the other prescription drugs found in her system were dismissed as being totally unrelated to her death.

Really? Isn't it interesting that police found 
no cocaine in her hotel room, yet they found at least four different prescription drugs, including "...a plethora of sedatives including Lorazepam, Valium, Xanax, and a sleeping medication that was found in her hotel room," according Radar Online (

Isn't it also interesting that
Whitney Houston's family was previously told the cause of death was "a combination of prescription drugs and alcohol," according to TMZ (

Houston's reported public behavior the night of her death is also
entirely consistent with the acknowledged side effects of taking psychiatric drugs. Those side effects include:

• Aggression
• Rage and hostility
• Twitches and tremors
• Mania, agitation

Cocaine is the scapegoat for a far more complex chemical problem

The mainstream media, however, routinely downplays any negative reports about prescription drugs, especially since the media gets a huge share of its revenues from drug company advertising. So it's no surprise that the pharmaceuticals are now getting downplayed in the reporting of all this. It's much easier to blame the death on an illicit street drug -- cocaine -- and then use that to further fund the wildly failed "War on Drugs" which fills our nations prisons with completely innocent pot smokers.

What are your thoughts on all this? There's no question that Whitney Houston used cocaine in her life, but does cocaine cause you to pass out and slip quietly under the water? That sounds a lot more to me like a toxic interaction between 
Lorazepam and alcohol. Think about it: Cocaine makes people amped up and energetic. But Lorazepam is a downer that can put you right to sleep. PubMed says: "Lorazepam is used to relieve anxiety. Lorazepam is in a class of medications called benzodiazepines. It works by slowing activity in the brain to allow for relaxation." (

That same page offers this stern warning: "This medication may make you drowsy. Do not drive a car or operate machinery until you know how this medication affects you."

The side effects of the drug include 
irregular heartbeat and drowsiness. Wikipedia's coverage of the drug includes this warning about the drug's side effects:

"Sedation is the side effect that most patients complain of. In a group of around 3500 patients treated for anxiety, the most common side effects complained of from lorazepam were sedation (15.9%), dizziness (6.9%), weakness (4.2%), and unsteadiness (3.4%). Side effects such as sedation and unsteadiness increased with age. Cognitive impairment, behavioral disinhibition and respiratory depression as well as hypotension may also occur." (

Friday, March 23, 2012

Another Hidden Bailout: Helping Wall Street Collect Your Rent

Another Hidden Bailout: Helping Wall Street Collect Your Rent


Here's yet another form of hidden bailout the federal government doles out to our big banks, without the public having much of a clue.

This is from the WSJ this morning:

Some of the biggest names on Wall Street are lining up to become landlords to cash-strapped Americans by bidding on pools of foreclosed properties being sold by Fannie Mae...

While the current approach of selling homes one-by-one has its own high costs and is sometimes inefficient, selling properties in bulk to large investors could require Fannie Mae to sell at a big discount, leading to larger initial costs.

In con artistry parlance, they call this the "reload." That's when you hit the same mark twice – typically with a second scam designed to "fix" the damage caused by the first scam. Someone robs your house, then comes by the next day and sells you a fancy alarm system, that's the reload.

In this case, banks pumped up the real estate market by creating huge volumes of subprime loans, then dumped a lot of them on, among others, Fannie and Freddie, the ever-ready enthusiastic state customer. Now the loans have crashed in value, yet the GSEs (Government Sponsored Enterprises) are still out there feeding the banks money through two continuous bailouts.

One, they continue to buy mortgages from the big banks (until recently, even from Bank of America, whom the GSEs were already suing for sales of toxic MBS), giving the banks a permanent market for home loans.

And secondly, they conduct these quiet bulk sales of mortgages, in which huge packets of home loans are sold to banks at a "big discount."

By now we've come full circle. Banks create the loans, make money selling them off on the market at high prices, then come back and buy them again when they're low. When the GSEs are in the middle of this transaction, it makes mortgage lending a basically risk-free proposition: Banks get paid for creating home loans and they end up owning valuable property on the cheap, but in between, they offshore the market risk to a government entity and/or to the idiot individual who bought the home mortgage in the first place.

Even better, many of the banks/investors who buy these home loans back from Fannie/Freddie will rent out their properties instead of reselling them, which can vastly increase their revenue streams. From the WSJ:

Economists at Goldman Sachs estimate the annual yield on an investment on rental property nationwide averages about 6.3%, but can exceed 8% in cities that were hit hard during the housing bust, including Las Vegas, Detroit and Tampa. By contrast, mortgage bonds have average yields of just over 3%, and investment-grade corporate bonds are yielding about 3.5%, according the Barclays Capital U.S. Investment-Grade Index.

It gets better:

Warren Buffett, considered a sage investor and chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., said in an interview with CNBC-TV last month that he would buy up "a couple hundred thousand" single-family homes if he could do so easily, given the high yields on rental investments.

Another potential buyer, according to the article, is John Paulson, the pillaging hedge-fund billionaire who was behind Goldman's notorious "Abacus" deal (in which Goldman allowed Paulson to pack a portfolio full of loser mortgages he was shorting before those same mortgages were dumped on a pair of Euro banks).

So congratulations, America, your quasi-governmental housing entity is about to subcontract out mass-landlording/slumlording jobs to the likes of John Paulson and Warren Buffett, so that they can add to their bottom lines collecting rent payments in the middle of a nationwide housing slump.

As one hedge fund analyst put it to me this morning: "Help inflate the bubble, create a foreclosure crisis, buy homes in bulk, and rent them out to the same average homeowner."

Is this what we had in mind when we created the "ownership society" – helping billionaires collect your rent?

How U.S. Politicians Get a 1,452% Pay INCREASE After They Leave Office

How U.S. Politicians Get a 1,452% Pay INCREASE After They Leave Office

Posted By Dr. Mercola | March 23 2012 

If you're a corporation or a lobbyist and you want to "buy" a member of Congress, the best way is probably to secretly promise that they can come work for you after they leave office.  Since such deals are not made public, legislators can pass laws or create special tax cuts that benefit their future employer with little or no accountability.

Politicians do not have to disclose job negotiations while in office, and also do not have to disclose how much they're paid after leaving office. But it is probably not a coincidence that former Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) spent his last year in office fighting reforms to the derivatives marketplace, and then upon leaving office joined that board a derivatives trading company and became an "advisor" to Goldman Sachs.

According to Republic Report:

"Our research effort uncovered the partial salaries of twelve lawmakers-turned-lobbyists. Republic Report's investigation found that lawmakers increased their salary by 1452% on average from the last year they were in office to the latest publicly available disclosure".
