Running and Triathlon Coach

With the mindset of wellbeing, inside and outside. Health, nutrition and awareness are the pillars of this blog.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Scarier than "el cuco", VACCINES MADE IN CHINA - China to join global vaccine market -RUN FOR YOUR LIFE

China to join global vaccine market

China is preparing to have an immense entry into the global vaccine market, a development which may provide cheaper shots for poor nations.

Press TV.

The Asian power received notable attention in 2009 when a Chinese company developed the first effective vaccine against swine flu in just 87 days after announcement of the pandemic.

The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) has welcomed China's entrance to the highly competitive vaccine market where the country can compete with big Western pharmaceutical companies

George Orwell’s guide to the news by Argentinian Adrian Salbuchi a political analyst, author, speaker and radio/TV commentator

George Orwell's guide to the news

Published: 29 November, 2011, 16:37

The Western mainstream media falsifies the news resorting to euphemisms, half-truths and lies in the best (worst) style of George Orwell's novel 1984. We all live in the unreal world of "Newspeak" used by the Global Power Elite to control our minds.

Man gets confused when things that happen around him and to him, or which are done in his name, cannot be properly grasped, understood or made sense of. Normally, such confusion leads to inaction. If you're lost at night in the middle of a forest but you can still see the stars, then a bit of astronomical knowledge will at least quickly tell you which way is north. But if it's cloudy or you're ignorant of the constellations in starry heaven, then you might as well light up a fire and do nothing until dawn…. You're Lost!

Today, mainstream media coverage uses programmed distortion, confusion, even outright lying when its Money Power masters order it to support the "official story" on any major political, economic or financial process. When looked at closely, however, the "official story" of things can be seen to be inaccurate, misleading, often hardly believable if not downright stupid.

Examples of this: Iraq's inexistent WMD's leading to the invasion and destruction of that country; global mega-banker bail-outs with taxpayer money; irrational US diplomatic, military, financial and ideological alignment to Israeli objectives; "we-killed-Osama-Bin-Laden-and-dumped-his-body-into-the-sea"; and the wide array of "whodunits" surrounding 9/11 in New York and Washington, 7/7 in London, the AMIA/Israeli Embassy attacks in Buenos Aires in 1992/1994, and – of course – that all time favorite: who shot JFK…?

These are but a few of the paradigmatic cases that have at least served to trigger millions of people to wake up and think with their own minds instead of the mainstream media's! But unfortunately the vast majority of such cases are not so clear-cut. The vast majority of Newspeak lies are like knots, difficult to untie as they carry built-in complexity resembling Gordian Knots. And, as with all Gordian Knots, you need to cut right through them, and this requires swift and precise action plus a good measure of intellectual courage.

To give an example of what we say, let's take a quick look at how a "Newspeak" operation works. It requires sequential planning, it requires time, it requires proper logistics, it requires "credible" spokespeople in public and private sectors, it requires choosing the right words and images at the right time and in the right circumstances.

So, let's say the Global Power Elite – working through the governments of the US, UK, EU into which they are deeply embedded, and joint-venturing with a wide array of media outlets, defense companies, oil companies, security and construction companies, and powerful lobbies – decide that they wish to overrun and destroy a specific country… Libya, for example…

How do they ensure that "the international community" will just quietly look on (except for the still relatively small minority of voices that are increasingly raising hell against them)?

The Seven Step Mainstream Media Country Destruction Guide

1. First, they start by targeting a country ripe for "Regime Change", and brand it a "rogue state"; then…

2. They arm, train, finance local terrorist groups through CIA, MI6, Mossad, Al-Qaeda (a CIA operation), drug cartels (often CIA operations) and call them "freedom fighters"; then…

3. As mock UN Security Council Resolutions are staged that rain death and destruction upon millions of civilians, they call it "UN sanctions to protect civilians"; then…

4. They spread flagrant lies through their "newsrooms" and paid journalists, and call it "the international community's concerns expressed by prestigious spokespeople and analysts…" then…

5. They bomb, invade and begin to control the target country and call it "liberation"; then…

6. As the target country falls fully under their control, they impose "the kind of democracy that we want to see" (as Hillary Clinton before visiting Egypt and Tunisia on March 10, 2011), until finally…

7. They steal appetizing oil, mineral and agricultural reserves handing them over to Global Power Elite corporations, and impose unnecessary private banking debt and call it "foreign investment and reconstruction."

Their keynotes are: Force and Hypocrisy, which they have used time and again to destroy entire countries, always in the name of "freedom", "democracy", "peace" and "human rights". Utmost force and violence is used to achieve their ends and goals.

Their Elders recommended this many decades ago in a blueprint for World Domination written on a hoary manuscript of old…

"What did you say…? That you don't want to be 'liberated' and 'democratized'?!?"

"Then, take this Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Hanoi, Berlin, Dresden, Baghdad, and Basra!! Take that Tokyo, Gaza, Lebanon, Kabul, Pakistan, Tripoli, Belgrade, Egypt, El Salvador and Grenada!! And take that, Panama, Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Somalia, Africa!!"

Always bombing people to smithereens… Always, of course, in the name of "freedom", "democracy", "peace" and "human rights"

Adrian Salbuchi for RT

Adrian Salbuchi is a political analyst, author, speaker and radio/TV commentator in Argentina.

EVIL PHARMA marketing and screening programs at work -More than 20% of American adults now on psychiatric drugs for behavioral problems

More than 20 percent of American adults now on psychiatric drugs for behavioral problems

Jonathan Benson
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Prescription drug addiction is a very serious problem in the US, and is typified in part by the more than 20 percent of American adults that are now hooked on pharmaceuticals for conditions like anxiety and depression. A new study conducted by Medco Health Solutions Inc., a pharmacy benefits management company, has found that one in five adults — and one in four women — now regularly takes at least one drug for psychiatric or behavioral disorders.

The findings, which are based on data compiled of 2.5 million patients, found that the use of behavioral drugs among adults has skyrocketed by 22 percent since 2001. The majority of adults taking behavioral drugs are still women aged 45 years or older, but many men are now taking them as well — and based on current trends, such drug use in general is expected to continue to increase.

It used to be that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drugs like Ritalin, Dexedrine, and Adderall were prescribed primarily to young children. But now middle-aged adults are apparently a primary target as well, as the use of both ADHD and antipsychotic drugs among 20- to 44-year-olds has more than tripled within the past decade.

More women than men currently take drugs for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, which include Zyprexa, Risperdal, and Abilify. But the use of these drugs among men has risen fourfold within the past ten years. On the flip side, prescriptions for ADHD drugs, which have typically been more popular among males, have risen by 250 percent among females since 2001.

It is pretty clear where all this is going. The drug lords and their army of drug dealers within the mainstream medical system are in the business of getting as many people hooked on prescription drugs as possible. Millions of Americans have already been pimped to the medical mafia, and the system is working to hook the rest by whatever means possible.

Mental health screening programs have been an effective way for Big Pharma to recruit new drug users, as these screenings often detect "problems" in younger children that are not actually problems, or at least not the kind that require medication with mind-altering drugs (…). And yet these screenings have been critical in expanding the ranks of prescription drug users.

Dr. Mercola - I Use Astaxanthin When I Fly To Protect Myself From Radiation Damage

Story at-a-glance

  • Astaxanthin is thought to be the most powerful antioxidant found in nature. According to recent research it may even provide protection against gamma radiation-induced DNA damage
  • Previous research has demonstrated that it can act as a potent "internal sunblock" to protect your skin against sun damage and photo aging effects
  • Contrary to other carotenoids, astaxanthin cannot function as a pro-oxidant, even when present in high amounts, making it highly beneficial. It's also unique in that it can protect the entire cell—both the water- and fat-soluble parts—from damage
  • While you can easily obtain most of the carotenoids you need from your diet, it may be difficult to get therapeutic amounts of astaxanthin through food alone. You'd have to consume three-quarters of a pound of wild-caught sockeye salmon, which contains the highest amounts of astaxanthin of all the marine foods, to receive the same amount of astaxanthin you'd get in a 4mg capsule if you were to take a supplement

Astaxanthin May Protect DNA against Gamma Radiation

A recent study sought to investigate the protective effects of astaxanthin against DNA damage induced by gamma radiation. Fifty mice were randomly divided into five groups. Three of the groups received astaxanthin in varying dosages. The remaining—one control group and one model group—received vegetable oil.  All mice except the control group were irradiated with gamma-rays 30 days after receiving the astaxanthin or placebo. Four days after being irradiated, their liver cells were collected for analysis, to evaluate the integrity of the DNA, and other liver activities. Bone marrow was also evaluated.

The mice that received astaxanthin a month before being irradiated were found to suffer less damage than the controls.

According to the authors:

"Astaxanthin might have some protective effect against oxidative impairment and DNA damage induced by ... gamma-rays".

Interestingly, vitamin D has also been shown to have similar protective ability against harsh forms of radiation. In fact, the protective mechanisms of vitamin D are so strong that the researchers suggested it should be considered among the prime (if not the primary) non-pharmacological agents to protect against sub-lethal low radiation damage and, particularly, radiation-induced cancer.

But back to astaxanthin… The authors of the featured study do not offer any theories as to the mechanism that might render astaxanthin a potential ally against radiation-induced damage, but based on other research, it's certainly clear that it is a remarkable antioxidant with potent anti-inflammatory and DNA-protective capabilities, which could help explain this effect.

I personally use astaxanthin to help protect me from radiation damage when I am flying. This is more important in the day time as the radiation is typically far lower when flying at night. However, it does have to be taken for three weeks to build up levels to provide this level of protection.

Astaxanthin Protects Your Skin against UV-Radiation

We already know that astaxanthin can protect your skin against sun damage and photo aging effects, just like it protects the algae against the harmful effects of excess ultraviolet radiation. Bob Capelli discussed this in a previous interview, in which he provided some examples of the research in this area.

Does the Flu Shot Actually INCREASE Your Risk Of Getting the Flu?

Does the Flu Shot Actually INCREASE Your Risk Of Getting the Flu?

Posted By Dr. Mercola | November 30 2011 | 236 views

New research is showing that flu vaccine may weaken children's immune systems, and increase their chances of catching other influenza viruses.  Researchers collected blood samples from 27 healthy, unvaccinated children and 14 children who had received an annual flu shot.

The children who were not vaccinated built up more antibodies across a wider variety of influenza strains.


Former 2001 'sheriff of the year' arrested on drug trafficking, sent to jail named after him (Denver Post)

WITHDRAW ASAP: S&P downgrades top US banks' credit ratings

NEW YORK (AP) – Standard & Poor's Ratings Services has lowered its credit ratings for many of the world's largest financial institutions, including the biggest banks in the U.S.
Bank of America and its main subsidiaries are among the institutions whose ratings fell at least one notch Tuesday, along with Citigroup, Goldman Sachs Group,JPMorgan ChaseMorgan Stanley and Wells Fargo.

Family feud: How to resolve conflict during the holidays Best-selling author Stephen R. Covey to your rescue.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

PROTECT THE JEWELS- Scientists discover wi-fi laptop radiation damages sperm after only 4hrs exposure

INSANE: Four common medical drugs responsible for majority of visits to ER says CDC; 100,000+ ER visits

Four drugs responsible for majority of visits to ER, according to CDC

The State Column |  | Sunday, November 27, 2011

A study released this week finds that four drugs are mainly responsible for most of the emergency room visits in the U.S.

The study, by researchers from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, singles out four drugs and drug classes — warfarin, oral antiplatelet medications, insulins, and oral hypoglycemic agents. The study also noted that better management of antithrombotic and anti-diabetic drugs could help avoid thousands of emergency admissions.

The study, published Thursday in the New England Journal of Medicine, highlights a couple of key issues doctors and patients need to be acutely aware of. The first is adverse reactions to medication, and the second is unintentional overdoses.

According to researchers, nearly 100,000 hospitalizations every year are linked to adverse drug events such as allergic reactions and unintentional overdoses. Nearly half, or 48.1 percent, of those hospitalized were adults 80 years old or older.

"These data suggest that focusing safety initiatives on a few medicines that commonly cause serious, measurable harms can improve care for many older Americans," said lead study author Dr. Daniel Budnitz, director of the CDC's medication safety program. "Blood thinners and diabetes medicines often require blood testing and dosing changes, but these are critical medicines for older adults with certain medical conditions."

"Of the thousands of medications available to older patients, a small group of blood thinners and diabetes medications caused a high proportion of emergency hospitalizations for adverse drug events among elderly Americans," he added.

The study comes as the Obama administration has sought to decrease the number of emergency room visits by upwards of 20 percent. The new healthcare law could results in nearly 32 million newly insured people visiting emergency rooms already crammed beyond capacity, according to experts on healthcare facilities. President Obama has urged preventative practices in order to lower the rate of emergency rooms visits.

Read more:

COLLAPSE: 4,000 MILES of Los Angeles sidewalks need repair; $1.6 BILLION cost, est. 70 years to complete

42% of L.A. sidewalks await repairs

Los Angeles' backlog of sidewalk repairs could cost up to $1.6 billion and, at the current rate, take nearly 70 years. The city considers handing the responsibility to property owners.,0,5633930,print.story

9,000+ juveniles processed yearly into adult jails, 2/3 for nonviolent crimes; Some as young as 12 years old

Volume of youth transfers to adult jail questioned

Nine thousand times a year, U.S. judges move the cases of juvenile suspects into criminal court, opening the door to a stay in adult jail.

While judges say these transfers are meant for youths suspected of the most dangerous offenses, only two out of five transferred youths stand accused of a violent crime against another person, the Scripps Howard News Service found in analyzing data from almost a quarter-million cases. Most youngsters moved to adult court are charged with crimes involving drugs, weapons or property.

A case transfer flags a suspect 17 or younger as an adult. Forty-seven states allow these "certified" juveniles to be held in adult jail, the U.S. Justice Department says; 14 of them sometimes require it.

Most transferred juveniles face charges for crimes other than murder, rape, robbery or assault, National Center for Juvenile Justice data show. The Pittsburgh-based nonprofit publishes records covering 228,771 cases moved from youth court to the adult criminal justice system from 1985 to 2008.

Transfers to the adult system can negatively affect young suspects, reducing their access to social services, lengthening the time needed to resolve a case and increasing the chances that the youths will reoffend, some researchers and youth advocates say.

Judges transfer far too many juveniles, suggested Kevin Burke, president of the American Judges Association.

"There are a fair number of not-very-serious offenders who end up getting certified. I don't quite understand that, to be honest with you," Burke said, responding to the Scripps findings. The Minneapolis-area district court judge has served 27 years on the bench.

Even a very young age doesn't exempt defendants from transfer. The database shows some 1,528 suspects 12 or younger were transferred, including 623 charged with violent crimes. More -- 651 -- faced charges of property crimes.

Those data may not reflect the scope of the crimes, Burke said, explaining that some juveniles who committed more serious crimes pled to lesser charges.

Burke said he would encourage his organization's 3,000 members to reduce judicial transfers.

The volume of transferred youths somewhat mirrors teen crime rates. A national teen crime wave in the early 1990s increased the number of transfers, which crested at 13,710 in 1994, then declined and leveled off at about 9,000 a year by 2000.

Female offenders represent just 7 percent of the juvenile cases transferred during the 24 years of data collection, but their share is growing. In 1985, they constituted 5 percent of transfers (370 out of 7,212). By 2008, their share had swelled to nearly 9 percent (773 out of 8,898).

Some judges and juvenile justice experts think fewer youth suspects should be sent to adult court.

"Invariably, it's a mistake," said retired Massachusetts Judge Gordon Martin, who served as an associate justice of the Massachusetts Trial Court for 20 years and headed the Roxbury District Court in Boston. He serves on a Justice Department council overseeing juvenile justice.

Decades ago, transfer hearings took several days and the resulting decisions were among the most difficult a judge could make, Martin said. Now the transfer hearing may only be a formality.

"It's an assembly line," Martin said.

(Email reporter Isaac Wolf at wolfi(at)

SocGen Sees $600 Billion QE3 Starting In March 2012 Sending Gold Up Between $1900 And $8500/Oz

SocGen Sees $600 Billion QE3 Starting In March 2012 Sending Gold Up Between $1900 And $8500/Oz

Posted By yihan On November 29, 2011 @ 3:53 am In Money Watch | 

Zero Hedge [1]
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

 [2]SocGen has released its much anticipated Multi Asset Portfolio Scenario/Strategy guide titled simply enough "Patience: bad news will become good news" where, as the insightful can guess, the French bank makes the simple case that the worse things get, the stronger the response by global central banks will be. Here is the key quote for those worried that : "A major liquidity crisis should not occur this time, as we think we are on the eve of major QE in the UK, US and (a bit) later on in the EZ." We don't disagree and if there is anything that can send BAC higher it will be the announcement of QE3. Of course, BAC will first drop to a $2-3 handle so question is who has the balance sheet to hold on to the falling knife. The next question is "How big will QE3 be"? Well, according to SocGen, the Fed will preannounce it in the January 2012 FOMC statement, the monetization will last from March 2012 until the end of the year, and will buy a total of $600 billion. We believe the actual LSAP total (not to be confused with the "sterilized" QE3 known as Operation Twist) will be well greater, probably in the $1.5 trillion range as the Fed will finally say "enough" to piecemeal solutions. As to what to do, besides going long some financial stock and hoping it is not the one that is allowed to fail, SocGen has some simple advice: "Buy gold ahead of QE3 as money creation has a strong impact on prices" – in other words just as we suggested yesterday courtesy of the Don Coxe correlation chart [3]. Why gold and not BAC? Because, "Gold is highly sensitive to US QE, as every dollar of QE goes into M0, triggering the debasement of the USDGold = $ 8500/Oz: to catch up with the increase in the monetary base since 1920 (as it did in the early 80s). Gold = $1900/Oz: to close the gap with the monetary base increase since July 2007(QE1+QE2)." So go long a bank that may well go bankrupt and return nothing before it at best doubles, or go long a real asset, which will always have value and may quadruple in short notice? The answer seems simple to us…

From SocGen:

A combination of weak Q1 2012 GDP and softening inflation could push the Fed to another round of monetary expansion.


SG economists look for a two-step easing process:


1) In January 2012, a major announcement with the Fed promising to keep rates at zero until unemployment falls below 7.5% or inflation moves above 3% on aa sustained basis.


2) In March 2012, the announcement of another round of QE. We expect the next round of QE to be concentrated on MBS purchases and be worth about $600bn over six to eight months. This would increase the Fed's securities portfolio from currently $2.65trn to $3.25trn by the end of 2012.sustained basis.

The specifics of what to expect from the Fed:


And why gold:


American Airlines (4th largest airline) files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection

American Airlines files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection

Posted By yihan On November 29, 2011 @ 9:16 am In U.S. News | 

Dominic Rushe
London Guardian [1]
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

American Airlines, the world's fourth largest airline, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

The decision comes as the airline tries to "achieve a cost and debt structure that is industry competitive and thereby assure its long-term viability and ability to continue delivering a world-class travel experience for its customers," the company said in a statement.

AMR, the airline's parent company, said American Airlines, American Eagle and all its other subsidiaries would honour all tickets and reservations and operate normal flight schedules during the bankruptcy filing process.

AA has long been touted as the US airline most likely to go bankrupt as it struggles with high labour costs and weak cash flow. Last month the company reported a third-quarter loss of $162m (£105m), blaming higher fuel costs and unfavourable foreign exchange rates.

Full story here. [1]

RUN - You Don't Have to Lose Muscle as You Age

You Don't Have to Lose Muscle as You Age

Posted By Dr. Mercola | November 28 2011 | 401 views
Increasing physical frailty as you age may not be inevitable. Until recently, most studies showed that after age 40, people typically lose 8 percent or more of their muscle mass each decade.  But newer research suggests that this is not a foregone conclusion.

One study of 40 competitive runners, cyclists, and swimmers, ranging in age from 40 to 81, found no evidence of deterioration -- the athletes in their 70s and 80s had almost as much thigh muscle mass as the athletes in their 40s. Other recent studies have had similar results.

The New York Times reports:

"In an encouraging animal study from last year, elderly rats that had been sedentary throughout their adult lives were put on a running program. After 13 weeks, their leg muscle tissues had filled with new satellite cells, a specialized type of stem cell that is known to build and repair muscle. Comparable experiments in older people have yet to be done, though."


Are Antibiotics Connected to Obesity, Diabetes and Stroke?

Are Antibiotics Connected to Obesity, Diabetes and Stroke?

Posted By Dr. Mercola | November 28 2011 | 355 views
A nonprofit research group called Extending the Cure has published a series of maps looking at the major drivers of bacterial resistance to antibiotics.  They demonstrated a troubling growth in the use of some antibiotic classes, and also a more surprising result.

The states with the highest levels of antibiotic overuse are in the Southeastern United States and along the Appalachians.  These states that map to the greatest antibiotic use are also the same states that have the worst health status in the U.S., including the greatest incidence of obesity, asthma, heart disease, heart attack, diabetes and stroke.

Wired Magazine reports:

"... [W]hat if antibiotics cause these other health effects? That lines up with the work of Martin Blaser of New York University, who has proposed that taking antibiotics permanently kills off beneficial bacteria in the gut  -- and might therefore be responsible for changes in nutrient absorption and for the rise in obesity and diabetes."


New Study Shows Vitamin D Cuts Flu by Nearly 50%

New Study Shows Vitamin D Cuts Flu by Nearly 50%

Posted By Dr. Mercola | November 28 2011 | 922 views
A new study has shown that vitamin D is a highly effective way to avoid influenza. In fact, children taking low doses of Vitamin D3 were shown to be 42% less likely to come down with the illness.

Although the study itself did not make any comparison with vaccination, some reports are pointing out that the research shows Vitamin D outperforms flu vaccinations. Others have noted that the research might have shown an even greater effect if the study had used higher doses.

According to Gaia Health:

"When one considers the risks inherent in flu vaccines and antiviral drugs, the prevention of influenza through Vitamin D's immune system boosting is certainly far superior to vaccination."
