Running and Triathlon Coach

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

How to get skin that glows - Natural beauty secrets for a Hollywood face

How to get skin that glows - Natural beauty secrets for a Hollywood face

by James Schreiber
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Are your skin cells crying for help? With summer just around the corner, many people are starting to realize that their skin doesn't look as good as they wish. In this article you'll find practical tips and suggestions that will help you achieve radiant skin by creating health from the inside out.

Your skin is your largest organ and a fingerprint of what's going on inside your body. Whether it's acne, rashes or lack of tone, it's important to go beyond covering up our flaws and get to their root 
causes. Contrary to popular belief, the secrets to perfect skin care are in what you put in your body, rather than what you put on your skin.

Skin-healthy diet

The main staples of a skin-healthy diet are fresh whole foods such as 
berries, nuts, seeds and leafy vegetables. An occasional glass of wine or a cup of green tea is beneficial, too. Because of their high antioxidant content, red wine and green tea help combat free radicals and protect your skin from premature aging.

Vitamins C and E found in fruits and vegetables naturally support skin structure, reduce free radical damage and provide protection from damage caused by sun 
exposure. "Vitamin C can regenerate oxidized vitamin E, making this antioxidant combination work synergistically on your skin," explains Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP in her article at the Huffington Post. "Together, they can increase antioxidant power up to 70 times greater than when used individually."

Eat shellfish and pumpkin 
seeds to get enough zinc; this trace mineral is essential for skin regeneration and oil content control. Avoid processed sugars and trans fats and be aware of your food sensitivities. Worried about wrinkles? Eat berries; they contain ellagic acid, a compound that protects collagen. Last but not least, don't underestimate the importance of drinking enough water. Chronic dehydration makes our skin look less smooth and older.

Skin-healthy lifestyle

Today we live in a world full of substances that are potentially harmful. Toxic exposure, x-rays, cigarette smoke and 
chemicals - even your favorite cosmetics - can all contribute to premature aging and worsening of your skin.

There are several things you can do to protect your skin naturally.
One of the best ways is to sweat the toxins out of your skin with sauna and steambaths. The dry heat of sauna penetrates your tissues and releases poisons, heavy metals and chemicals. In the process, the blood flow to your skin increases, bringing more nutrients for the surface and subcutaneous tissue. As a result, the quality of your skin gradually improves.

Many health-conscious women also practice dry brushing as a part of their skin care regimen - and with a good reason. Dry brushing moves the lymph, improves circulation, reduces cellulite, wakes up your immune system, and makes your skin soft. Plus, it keeps your skin clear of dead cells. Look for a natural-bristle brush at any 
health food store or online.

There's no magic cream or pill for youthful and 
healthy skin. However, aging is biological - not chronological. No matter what our age, we can all make profound changes with a naturalapproach involving optimal diet and lifestyle.


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