Running and Triathlon Coach

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Monday, October 17, 2011

Flu shots often result in delayed side effects and long-term injury

Flu shots often result in delayed side effects and long-term injury

by PF Louis 

(NaturalNews) You may have seen recent articles on how different retail outlets and pharmacies are pushing in-house flu shots. Maybe you've experienced the push yourself. Lately, even more reasons have been discovered for avoiding flu shots. Getting a flu shot is fraught with health risks.

Delayed vaccine injury

You may think occasional cases of paralysis or a lifetimes of seizures after flu shots are too rare to consider flu shots hazardous. But let's focus on delayed reactions and long term health downturns, you know, the kind of adverse reactions vaccine pushers easily dismiss.

Flu vaccines can't even guarantee protection, because they may not have the right viral strain for that year's flu bug. Yet there are those who have bragged about how their annual flu shots left them flu free every year. One wonders how many of them will soon be getting familiar first hand with Alzheimer's disease.

Recently, Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, a world renowned immunogeneticist announced that you have a ten-fold increased chance of Alzheimer's after receiving five flu shots. That's 
ten times more likely than no flu shots or one, not ten percent more likely.

Dr. Fudenberg did his study covering the years 1970 through 1980. He and other researchers consider this increased risk of Alzheimer's has resulted from the combination of mercury (thimerosal) and aluminum that builds up over time in the brain.

Interestingly, Alzheimer's has been on a steep rise over the last few decades, coinciding with the advent and increased promotion of flu shots for senior citizens. A 1998 John Hopkins newsletter predicted a quadrupling of Alzheimer's cases over the next decade.

Flu vaccines clear and present danger

According to the CDC, "The following substances are found in vaccines: aluminum,(brain toxin) antibiotics, egg protein, formaldehyde (now listed as carcinogenic), MSG or monosodium glutamate (a known neurotoxin),and thimerosal(neurotoxic mercury)."

Not all of these additives are used in all vaccines all the time, but many flu vaccines do contain most of them most of the time. Some flu vaccines contain other toxins not mentioned, such as Triton X 100, a detergent.

Neurosurgeon/author Dr. Russell Blaylock says that many attenuated (weakened) viruses in flu shots remain in the body, mutating to possibly turning virulent. The nasal spray flu vaccines for kids contain live viruses.

There have been many vaccine injury reports for the H1N1(swine flu) shots. Recently, Finland agreed to pick up the lifelong medical tabs for treating several children with narcolepsy, characterized by uncontrollably falling asleep at any time. Their cases were conclusively linked to their swine flu shots.

Just in case you're thinking the swine flu shot is the only dangerous flu shot out there, remember the Washington Redskin cheerleader Desiree Jennings from a couple of years ago?

Desiree's words (with author's emphasis) that she wrote defending the authenticity of her condition against claims her condition was psychogenic (in her head):

"On August 23, 2009, I received a 
seasonal flu vaccine at a local grocery store that drastically, and potentially irreversibly, altered my future. In a matter of a few short weeks I lost the ability to walk, talk normally, and focus on more than one stimuli at a time."

Her drastic Dystonia (uncontrollable muscle spasms) condition from vaccine toxicity was confirmed by John Hopkins and another hospital. She was eventually cured by Dr. Rashid Buttar, who used chelation and orthomolecular (massive supplementation) medicines to nurse her back to health after some months.

Her case got lots of media attention and slanderous attacks from vaccine advocates. But hers wasn't the only flu vaccine injury. There are much better ways to stay healthy during flu seasons. Natural News covers them all.

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