Running and Triathlon Coach

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Pediatricians warn about seizures from energy drinks, but not vaccines

Pediatricians warn about seizures from energy drinks, but not vaccines

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor 

(NaturalNews) It's big news today: A new report released by conventional pediatricians in the U.S. warns that energy drinks may cause seizures, kidney damage and even death in children. "Across the world there are signs that for some people who consume these drinks, there are side effects," explained Dr. Steven E. Lipshultz in a Reuters report ( He heads up the department of pediatrics at the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine.

He adds, "The incidence is low, but in certain groups that 
pediatricians care for there may be higher risks."

Hold on a second. There's a product that causes seizures, 
kidney damage and even death in a small group of children, and pediatricians are concerned about it?

This comes as a huge surprise because there's another category of 
products that also cause seizures, kidney damage and death in a relatively small number of children: Vaccines.

Questioning the safety of energy drinks while ignoring the dangers of vaccines

Pediatricians don't appear to have any interest whatsoever in questioning the safety of vaccines. In fact, they actively promote all sorts of vaccines, even in the complete absence of any sort of truly scientific safety data that would show them to be safe for repeated, long-term consumption.

Did you know, for example, that vaccines in children have never been tested against a non-vaccinated group of children? Did you also know that vaccines are almost never tested to observe 
side effects beyond a few weeks? And that no tests have ever been done to determine the long-term toxicity of combinations of vaccines such as those given to children every single day? (See sources below...)

It seems that whatever products are made by the drug companies are automatically deemed safe by pediatricians. 
If energy drinks were sold by Big Pharma, they'd be declared "safe for children" at any dose and pediatricians would probably even recommend that children drink them.

See, today's news isn't really a story about energy drinks. It's about the 
sleight of hand being pulled off by pediatricians: If they can trick you into focusing on the virtually non-existent problems with energy drinks, then you won't spend much time questioning the safety of vaccines which are orders of magnitude more dangerous to children.

Pediatricians want you to question what your children are drinking, but not what they're injecting.

Go figure.

Energy drinks don't contain mercury and aluminum

Never mind the fact that vaccines contain mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde. Can you imagine the outcry by pediatricians if energy drinks were found to contain trace amounts of mercury and aluminum? The FDA would seize the products and shut down the entire operation. But when those same heavy metals and toxic substances are intentionally added to vaccines and then injected into children, somehow that's perfectly safe, say the pediatricians. (And yes, even the so-called "mercury-free" vaccines still contain mercury. The mercury-free claim is a marketing gimmick.)

So, do energy drinks really pose a health 
risk to children and teens? The answer is probably a qualified "yes." But the real risks must include the bone loss from phosphoric acid, the neurological side effects of aspartame consumption, and the diabetes caused by drinking liquid sugars. You won't see pediatricians discuss any of those -- there's too much pressure from the food and beverage industries to ask any meaningful questions about the safety of those ingredients.

And so the target of the pediatricians, as usual, becomes the caffeine and the herbal stimulants in these beverages -- ingredients such as guarana. That's what this is all boiling down to: Beware of your children drinking guarana! But have no fear about injecting them with mercury-laden vaccines.

Why won't the pediatricians question the ingredients in children's medicines?

The whole thing is quite idiotic, of course. But that's par for the course when it comes to conventional pediatricians, who seem to get riled up about all the wrong things. If pediatricians really wanted to make a difference, they should sound the alarm over the toxic chemicals in children's over-the-counter medicines.

Have you read the ingredients on any of that stuff lately? These "medicines" are loaded with 
artificial colors and chemical sweeteners like sucralose and aspartame. Many of the implied health benefits of these medicines are dubious at best: Cough syrups, in particular, are a complete joke.

And have you looked at the ingredients of 
infant formula lately? One popular product is made with over 40 percent corn syrup solids! (

pediatrics community, not surprisingly, remains silent on all these. You're not supposed to notice the chemicals in your children's medicines, nor the processed sugars in your infant formula. Pay no attention to the mercury in your children's vaccines. Don't worry about the abuse of prescription antibiotics.

No, you're supposed to be alarmed about energy drinks. And only energy drinks. And why? Because that's what pediatricians tell you to be alarmed about.

You should be very, very afraid if your 
child drinks a can of Red Bull. But pay no heed if they're shooting up with mercury, aluminum and viral fragments harvested from diseased animals. At least with Red Bull, there are no actual bull parts in the drink. opposed to vaccines, where there's plenty of B.S. mixed right into the formula.

Where to learn more about vaccines

Must-read: Download this free report right here on NaturalNews:

Vaccines: Get the Full Story

Watch these amazing video interviews about vaccines:

Dr. Andrew Wakefield:

Dr. Suzanne Humphries:

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny:

Public service message about vaccines and seizures:

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