Running and Triathlon Coach

With the mindset of wellbeing, inside and outside. Health, nutrition and awareness are the pillars of this blog.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Censored cancer cures that have saved thousands of lives

Gerson Tapes were nearly lost, but now reveal censored cancer cures that have saved thousands of lives

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor 

Have you heard about the Gerson Tapes? They're a collection of interviews and teachings from Charlotte Gerson, who runs the Gerson clinics that have successfully treated thousands of cancer patients with a therapy based on cleansing, detoxification and live foods nutrition.

The treatment is so successful that, even today, thousands of patients from around the world flock to the Gerson clinics in Mexico ( to heal themselves of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other chronic degenerative conditions.

Why are the clinics in Mexico? Because, not surprisingly, 
U.S. authorities have outlawed all natural cancer treatments in America and even viciously attacked the top scientists who discovered scientifically-valid cancer cures that really work. Want some proof? Watch the shocking documentary "Burzynski" and you'll be stunned by what you learn.

That documentary is available to be watched, full length, at no charge right now at NaturalNews.TV. Seriously, watch this video and you will be absolutely blown away by how 
the government has declared war on our country's best anti-cancer pioneers who could cure millions of people.

Watch it now at:

Why the Gerson therapies are a danger to the for-profit cancer industry

In similar fashion, the Gerson therapies have been attacked and widely disparaged by both the cancer industry and the U.S. government, which absolutely does not want people to be cured of cancer (there's way too much profit to be found in treating sickness rather than curing it).

That's why this discovery of the once-lost Gerson Tapes is such a big deal. The cancer industry would have loved it if these tapes just disappeared and were lost forever, because they contain a wealth of underground truths about cancer that we're never told from conventional sources (doctors, medical journals, mainstream media, etc.).

And how do you know this information is legit? Because people who are cured of cancer walk out of the Gerson clinics every single week, and they go on to live amazing lives, without cancer and without chemotherapy or radiation ("treatments" that actually kill far more people than they save).

Now, with the help of Kevin Gianni and in cooperation with NaturalNews, we've been able to rescue these tapes and put them into a collection of downloadable MP3 audio files that you can listen to on any device: iPhone, iPad, Mac or PC. The entire collection is available right now through NaturalNews.TV premium programs which help support our operations and pay for things like the bandwidth to support the streaming of the full Burzynski documentary (which has had over 30,000 views in just a few days).

Check out the Gerson Tapes program at:

What you'll learn in the Gerson Tapes

In these tapes which were nearly lost (but now immortalized in MP3 audio files), you'll learn:

- The story of how Dr. Max Gerson helped Nobel Prize winner Albert Schweitzer recover from his diabetes.

- The right balance of potassium to sodium in the body for optimal health.

- The real statistics on cancer survival and treatment and how the numbers are skewed.

- The cost of conventional cancer treatment and who is benefiting from the profits.

- The difference between the Gerson Therapy and Ann Wigmore's therapy.

- The Laetrile principle and its effect on degenerative disease.

- Effective protocols for helping the body heal from diabetes, metabolic conditions and other degenerative diseases.

... and a wealth of additional information. Learn the full details at:

Saving lives and healing the world

I know that the information in these tapes will save lives and even help rescue people from the devastating (and deadly) effects of chemotherapy and radiation, neither of which offers any cure whatsoever. And yet I also know that some people have been so deeply brainwashed by the conventional medical system that they will allow poison to be injected into their veins (chemotherapy) and sit there dying while never taking the time to listen to the truth about cancer that could save their lives.

The information in these Gerson tapes, if widely known, would 
collapse the cancer industry and bring millions of people back from the edge of death to live healthy, happy lives. And that's why this information matters so much. Please share this knowledge, and if you download these files, please let your friends and family members listen to them, too. We encourage you to share this with your loved ones. And hopefully a few of them will listen and learn, eh?

There IS a cure for cancer. It's already known. The cancer industry (and the FDA) just doesn't want you to know about it…

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