Coming soon - GMO vaccines contained in our food
by Paul FassaSee all articles by this author
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(NaturalNews) Over the past two years, there has been research on unleashing vaccines through foods and even insects. These developments are touted as options for mass vaccination programs without needles. They also have the potential for sneaking vaccines into our bodies without our consent. GMO foods are successfully avoiding being labeled as such in America. What about GMO food vaccines? Now in Australia, another sneaky vaccination method is being developed for our consumption.
The Latest Development
An Australian biotech team is working on a way to plant vaccinating bugs into our stomachs. They think it`s great because certain foods, like yogurt, can carry those bugs into our stomachs allowing for months of auto-vaccinations from within.(1)
The bugs they are researching are the Helicobacter pylori (H-pylori) bacteria. This bacterium is ideal for vaccination/GMO for crazed scientists because it latches onto the inner stomachwall and thrives in stomach acids. Ironically, the lead mad scientist on this project was awarded the Nobel Prize for determining that H-pylori causes peptic ulcers.
To be fair, according to the National Institute of Health (NIH), not everyone infected with H-pylori suffers from the consequences of peptic ulcers. The H-pylori bacteria have different strains. Some are not as hazardous as others. The strains used for the current biotech foods for vaccination trials were taken from people infected who were symptom-free.(2)
The human volunteers in the first trail showed only "minor side effects", such as upset stomachs. How nice. Cope with mere upset stomachs while awaiting seizures, paralysis, and other neurological side effects that vaccines are capable of causing. Or maybe you`ll just contract the disease it`s supposedly protecting.
Soon those ignorant of vaccination dangers will be able to feed their babies vaccine yogurts instead of taking them to their friendly vaccine jabbing pediatricians. Even worse, if those GMO vaccine foods are not labeled, we would all have an even harder time avoiding vaccinations.
Past Surreptitious Vaccination Endeavors
Vaccinations have been used as carriers for infertility compounds. These vaccinations and GMO foods are often shipped out as foreign aid to developing or undeveloped nations for the specific purpose of birth control without consent.
This is not a conspiracy theory. In the mid-1990s, different agencies had attempted mass "humanitarian" inoculations with tetanus and polio vaccines to women in Mexico, the Philippines, and Nigeria. The vaccines were inserted with a compound that blocks pregnancy. This was revealed from lab tests to confirm suspicions regarding inappropriate free vaccination campaigns.(3)
It`s been a couple of years or so since a famous philanthropist granted $100,000 to a Japanese team of scientists intent on breeding mosquitoes capable of administering vaccinations.(4) This "philanthropist" once publicly stated how vaccinations could help reduce the world population by 15%, and now he`s promoting worldwide vaccinations for all children.
He also has a half million shares in the largest GMO firm worth over 23 million.(5) Combining GMO corn`s ability to reduce sterility with vaccines looks like another depopulation strategy. Other biotech scientists have experimented with different GMO methods for creating vaccine edibles.
A research team, working on edible vaccines, boasted how there would be no need for expensive vaccine purification with the GMO modified vaccine edibles. Corn and bananas were researched for these vaccine edibles.
Clearly, GMO labeling laws are needed as a first step toward eliminating GMOs. Otherwise the phrase you can run but can`t hide may apply to avoiding vaccinations.
Sources for more information include:
(1) Surreptitious vaccine article from Prevent Disease
(2) USA Government Agency(NIH) information on Helicobacter pylori bacteria
(3) Weaponized Food and Medicine is Bad for Your Health
(4) Watch Out for Flying Syringes, GMO Food Vaccines, and ...
(5) Gates Monsanto Investment
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