Running and Triathlon Coach

With the mindset of wellbeing, inside and outside. Health, nutrition and awareness are the pillars of this blog.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gerald Celente: “There is no recovery — it’s a coverup!”

Gerald argues the oil prices have been going up before the recent chaos in the Middle East, and it's due to the de-valuing of the U.S. dollar, and that the only reason the "ponzi scheme" continues is due to the control by the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates at 0%.

He argues that as inflation increases, the Fed will push interest rates up eventually, in order to keep oil and other commodity prices down since they are tied to the dollar. As the interest rates start to increase, the economy here in the U.S. will go even further into tailspin.

One other point brought out by Gerald Celente is the fact that the current puppet regime in the White House is "cooking the books" on the unemployment numbers and current inflation rates. They are making their own rules on how to determine inflation rates by leaving out essential information such as food and fuel prices. The same is being done with White House unemployment numbers by simply leaving out those who have given up looking for jobs, as well as other deceptive "carnie" tricks (in reference to White House spokesperson Carnie) in which he compares the administration to a traveling carnival act.

In closing, Celente states:

"… There is no recovery, it's a coverup. It's only being boosted by these low interest rates, which again, when inflation skyrockets- they're gonna have to raise them, and that crashes the economy…"

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