Running and Triathlon Coach

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Monday, March 21, 2011

Prevent and eliminate foot odor with these healthy habits and natural remedies

Prevent and eliminate foot odor with these healthy habits and natural remedies

by Tony Isaacs
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(NaturalNews) Millions of people suffer from foot odor, ranging from mild to "clear the room" in severity. Foot odor, whose medical term is "bromhidrosis", can usually be traced to a combination of perspiration and bacteria. Moist and warm feet, socks, dead skin and shoes provide the perfect place for the foot odor bacteria to breed and multiply. If you have foot odor, don't worry - there are plenty of natural habits and remedies which can make sure you no longer have to stand for foot odor.

Here are some 
healthy habits and remedies for eliminating foot odor:

Healthy Habits

*Wash your 
feet frequently and use a pumice stone regularly to remove dead skin.

*Shoes made with 
natural materials such as leather breathe better than man-made materials, allowing heat to escape.

*Wear socks that let your feet breathe. If possible, change your socks at least once each day and
don't wear the same pair two days in a row.

*Choose open shoes such as sandals which allow air onto the feet, help evaporate sweat and slow the growth of odor-causing 
bacteria. Avoid shoes that are lined with solid rubber or synthetic materials.

*Some shoes, such as sneakers, can be washed in the washing machine. Let them air-dry rather than putting them in the dryer.

*Air out your shoes in between wearing them. If you can, alternate shoes on a daily basis. Loosen the laces and pull up the tongue on shoes you're not wearing; let them dry out outdoors.

*Avoid strong-flavored foods such as garlic, onions, scallions, and peppers because the substances that give them powerful flavors and aromas can pass through the bloodstream and eventually concentrate in your sweat.

*Stress and anxiety increase production of sweat, giving odor-causing bacteria even more to feed on.

Remedies for Foot Odor

*Chlorophyll, the plant compound that gives plants their green color, helps sweeten your feet. Pour two to three teaspoons liquid 
chlorophyll into a bucket filled with a gallon of warm water, and soak your feet for 15 minutes. Dry your feet completely after soaking.

*Soak your feet several times a week in one-third cup of apple cider vinegar added to a small pan of warm water.

*The tannic acid found in 
tea can help eliminate foot odor. Make a pot of tea, preferably black tea, and pour it into a dishpan. Soak your feet for ten minutes when the tea is no longer too hot.

*Rub diluted 
tea tree oil on your feet and thoroughly on toes/nails after showering. Tea tree oil kills foot fungus and smells nice too.

*Sprinkle baking soda inside your shoes to absorb moisture and odor.

*Get 15 to 30 milligrams of Zinc per day either alone or in a multi-vitamin. Zinc makes the skin more resistant to odor-causing bacteria and may reduce or eliminate the odor within a week or two. Don't take more than 30 mg. of 
zinc since high levels of zinc can interfere with the absorption of copper and can damage the immune system.

silver can be very effective at eliminating odor-causing bacteria. Sponge or spray colloidal silver on your feet and let them air dry.

* Mash a 1 or 2-inch piece of 
ginger into a pulp, put it into a handkerchief or piece of gauze, and soak it in hot water for a few minutes. Rub the ginger liquid onto each foot nightly after taking a shower.

*Juice about two dozen radishes, add 1/4 teaspoon of glycerin, and put in a squirt or spray-top bottle. Spray the feet and let them air dry to reduce foot odor.

Sources included:

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