Running and Triathlon Coach

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Friday, March 4, 2011

Vaccine Epidemic book a powerful weapon in fighting back against pro-vaccine propaganda

Vaccine Epidemic book a powerful weapon in fighting back against pro-vaccine propaganda

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer 

(NaturalNews) The freedom to think for yourself and choose whether or not to receive vaccinations is under attack. Many of those in positions of power would rather you simply keep quiet and do what you are told, even if this means blindly accepting the administration of high-risk vaccine schedules for your children that are linked to serious adverse events like neurological damage, paralysis, and even death. In the hard-hitting new book 
Vaccine Epidemic: How Corporate Greed, Biased Science, and Coercive Government Threaten Our Human Rights, Our Health, and Our Children authors Mary Holland, JD, and Louise Kuo Habakus, MA, provide a wealth of useful information aimed at countering these concerted efforts to mandate vaccinations

Many pro-vaccine apologists have become so blinded by the 
vaccination propaganda that they actually think parents who choose to spare their children the risk of becoming seriously injured or killed by vaccines are a serious threat to society and public health. Bill Gates, for instance, recently stated in an interview with CNN that parents who choose not to vaccinate their children are "child killers," even though countless parents who have chose to vaccinate now have severely-injured or dead children (

The ongoing slam-fest of Dr. Andrew Wakefield in the media is another indicator of pro-vaccine paranoia. Pundits, 
doctors, and alleged experts continue to virulently slander Wakefield in an attempt to discredit him. But those who have done their homework know that not only are the allegations against Wakefield false, but the man's work concerning the link between the MMR vaccine and both entero-colitis and autism is completely valid (

Then, there was the recent 6-2 Supreme Court decision in the case of 
Bruesewitz v Wyeth that denied parents of vaccine-damaged children from seeking justice against vaccine manufacturers. Even when children suffer immediate and obvious damage following a vaccination, that apparently is not enough evidence for pro-vaccine fanatics in both the governmentand the public to admit that something is wrong (

These and many other examples represent the reason why we must fight to both expose the truth about vaccines, and to protect vaccine 
freedom of choice. The good news is that these efforts are no longer taking place on the fringe -- many highly-esteemed doctors, medical professionals, and other experts are finally admitting that the safety of vaccines has not received the scrutiny it deserves, and thousands, if not millions, of children are paying the price.

The public deserves to know the truth about real vaccination 
risk, as well as what is really driving the pro-vaccine agenda. That is why the launch of Vaccine Epidemic is so important -- it provides informed, well-reasoned opposition to the pro-vaccine crusaders who bend science to support their flawed views. If you have not yet checked out the book for yourself, be sure to visit:

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