Brazil: Everyone is on the Payroll
August 9, 2011
Marcos writes: " A soft drink truck (left) crashed and people ran to steal the drinks. In the past, this behavior would be considered a disgrace among good families. Now anything goes. Lula's welfare program is creating a nation of freeloaders and thieves."
by Marcos in San Paolo, Brazil
Brazil has forged a new concept in political economics: "socialist-fascism."
This combines the worst in capitalism and the worst in Marxism, under an authoritarian single party. Or maybe China did it too, but coming from the opposite side of the economical spectrum. Brazil was a capitalist country now corrupted by Marxism, while China was a Marxist country now mixed with the worst corrupt capitalism.
Believe it or not, President Dilma issued a law that protects any construction for the Olympics and the World Cup (which will take place in Brazil) from any kind of auditing.
It is free time for corruption, in the order of dozens of BILLIONS of dollars. Sao Paulo City just gave a soccer team US$ 250 MM gratis for a new stadium. Money comes from municipal taxes. The team's president is a member of the Party.
Dilma just lost her fourth minister this year because of corruption charges and a fifth quit voluntarily, before the storm. Now they put in charge of Defense a crazy diplomat who supports Castro, Chavez and Ahmadinejad.
Everybody knows about the corruption. It is all over the press, but nothing is done. The Party says that leftists, even when they are stealing, they do it for the better good. The population is tired and hopeless.
The key to success is simple: the government appropriated the idea of a dole for families that the former president created. Imagine they give 30 million families US$ 50 a month. That's only US$ 18 BI/year. Then they say the opposition will take away the money if they win. They never will loose an election again. With US$ 585 BI in federal revenue, this is a sweet deal.
Dilma lives in an Ivory tower, she never gives an interview. She "manages" by distributing positions in the administration and grants to political allies from other parties, so they also have an opportunity to steal and therefore, keep supporting the Executive in the Congress.
We now have 40% taxation on the economic output. Only 2% goes to investments, the rest is lost in huge pensions for the public employees, corruption and the government machine (waste). Some public lawyers in Sao Paulo were found to get US$ 500K a year in salaries (it is illegal).
In order to keep the situation going, the government bonds pay 12% a.a., the highest interest rate on the planet. Friends of the Workers Party and campaign contributors get money from the state bank at 6% a.a. and simply reinvest for free profit.
This scam moved US$ 180 BI last year. The dole that Lula delivered to the poor is 1/10th of that, but it was enough to make him the "Father of the Poor" and win Dilma the election. Yes, the poor believe he is a champion for the oppressed, while he gave 10 times the money to bankers and large companies. Large companies now have fleets of jets to take politicians to resorts or shopping in Miami and pay Lula US$ 200K for a "lecture" (payment for traffic of influence). Even Lula's teenage grand-daughter got a US$ 200K grant for her theater play last month.
The opposition is lost and don't know what to do. They are afraid of being labeled conservative. The universities, most of the press, the unions, even the students organization have all been bought with millions of dollars.
The students political association got a US$ 40 MM new building. Leftist NGOs area are created everyday just to get grants from the state. Magazines get millions in advertising from state companies. Fifty thousand Brazilians die violent deaths every year, but the FARC Marxist terrorists bring guns and drugs into Brazil unhindered. It takes three months for one to get a simple ultrasound exam in the public hospitals.
Brazil has turned from a conservative country to a politically correct, liberal one, where the government showers money on every dirty, anti Christian, sexually perverted cause, like showing pornographic "gay rights" DVDs to eight-year-olds in public schools, while Brazilian kids rank almost last in reading and math in the world.
The government is pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage. All this has taken place in only 10 years or so. But notice, 95% of society despise this situation. It has been forced on us. You see the comments sections in the web newspapers, and you read 500 comments on an article, all of them against the government, all of them disgusted and sad.
However, laws to put murderers and rapists in the streets after a couple of years in prison are pushed by leftist Congressmen. Now they want to destroy Brazilian agriculture by enforcing absurd draconian laws on the farmers, with the help of foreign NGOs, the international agro-business and the globalist Green Party.
Believe it or not, a murderer in prison in Brazil gets a pension for his family that is higher than the minimum wage of an honest worker. Policemen are afraid to kill criminals that shoot at them, because of the Marxist "human rights' patrol. At the same time, the common folks are kidnapped, murdered and shot in front of their children, but the leftists treat the criminals as victims. Only a crazy gringo would risk coming to the World Cup in Rio.
Inflation is crawling its way back because of government spending, and the currency has gained almost 100% against the dollar, because the whole world wants our 12% interest. Brazil tomorrow is Greece. The public debt at 12% a.a. is exploding.
Among the BRIC countries, Brazil is growing the slowest. It is a lost opportunity, created by a commodities boom and a favorable demographic situation, but wasted by a network of Workers party men (former terrorists and murderers) carrying briefcases full of bribe money.
Brazil will implode? Of course not. The land is too rich for that. It will only keep being a land of corruption and poverty, with a super-rich leftist elite and a crushed, small middle-class, lacking any kind of real political and intellectual freedom. Just remember that Nigeria, Venezuela and Argentina are all rich countries in resources, but live in poverty.
The Global Left needs a hero, and the despicable vermin Lula is all they have. Brazil was chosen to lead Latin America into the new world order. It is a country with an image of happiness and beautiful beaches. It is not somber Eastern Europe or so-foreign China. It is easier for the NWO to sell an image of happy socialism and "liberal tolerance" with Ipanema beach as a background, even if it is all a big lie.
That's why magazines like the New Yorker and TV shows such as 60 minutes send they reporters here to interview Dilma and Lula and say wonderful things about them.
There is much more, a new scandal every week. It is a Kafkanesque place.
Unfortunately it may be a harbinger of the New World Order.
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