Running and Triathlon Coach

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Warning as children shun books in favour of Facebook

Warning as children shun books in favour of Facebook

Posted By admin On August 22, 2011 @ 7:41 am In Prison Planet | 

Graeme Paton
London Telegraph [1]
Aug 22, 2011

One in six children are failing to read books as they spend an increasing amount of time texting friends, sending emails and searching Facebook and Twitter, research suggests.

Schoolchildren are more likely to be exposed to mobile phones and computers than novels outside school, it was revealed.

Researchers also found that reading frequency declined sharply with age, with 14- to 16-year-olds being more than 10 times as likely to shun books altogether as those in primary education.

The findings, in a study by the National Literacy Trust, follows the publication of a major international league table last year that showed reading standards among children in Britain had slipped from 17th to 25th in the world.

Jonathan Douglas, the trust's director, warned that people who failed to read books at a young age often suffered serious literacy problems in adulthood.

Full article here [1]

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